
Super God Gene: Reincarnated as Han Sen twin brother

MC was a normal guy but after suffering a romantic disappointment he ended up becoming a NEET when he was nearing the end of his favorite web novel he died and meets an angel in case he wanted to know more go ahead and read sure will like it. It's my first time writing and English is not my mother tongue so please tolerate grammatical errors. The work Super God Gene belongs to its respective author and I don't own anything inside Super God Gene.

Railson_Mateus · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Moment of life or death 2

Sanctuary Shelter Faith

After returning to the shelter, Chen Ley and his group stayed outside awaiting Han Long's return until the next day, but with no news. Concerned, the other members suggested that Chen Ley go to one of his trusted friends and ask for his help in searching for the place where they had been attacked by the mutated beast.

Although he didn't like the idea of ​​owning a favor to his friends he couldn't let Han Long down and with each passing minute less chance they would have to find him alive.

After gathering a small search party with their trusted friends they set off towards the valley.

It didn't take them long to reach the spot, they focused their search in the direction Han Long had attracted the beast, and on the way, they couldn't help but be fearful of his well-being as he had left a trail of blood which led them to the cliff.

One of Chen Ley's friends who were more experienced in tracking went to the cliff while looking at the marks on the ground and couldn't help but scowl and glare at his friend.

Seeing his gaze Chen Ley can only see his fists and hold back tears, it wasn't long since Han Long was part of the group and yet he was brave enough to attract a mutated beast just to give the others a chance to survive, this selflessness he would keep it in his heart forever.

Looking at the marks it was clear to everyone that he desperately fought the beast and finally took it to his death along with him falling down the precipice, even though there was a river at the bottom the chances of survival were almost nil as he was badly wounded. , that's if he survived the fall.

Everyone returned to the shelter sad and wanted to warn Han Long's family, but because they never talked about it with him, he didn't know where he lived or who his family was.

change of pov

After I don't know how long being carried by the current Han Long woke up in a cave, feeling pain all over his body he knew that this time his injuries were serious, but for his relief even though they were serious it would not be something deadly so he would survive.

With no time to waste, he searched his backpack where he had first-aid kits and applied ointment to all the wounds, putting a bandage over it to prevent it from getting infected.


"I think for now I'll go find something to eat" as he rummaged around looking for something the realization came to his mind. "Wait I'm forgetting something...yeah, the beast soul I've earned at least that much I can take out of this misfortune and think I'd be so lucky, let's see what kind it is"

Han Long: It didn't evolve

Status: None

Shelf life: 200 years

Points needed for evolution: 100 gene points

Gene points earned:

common genes 85

primitive genes 0

mutant genes 0

sacred genes 0

Beast Souls Won: 01

Wolverine weapon-type iron claws

'This is a weapon type, now I won't need my dagger anymore and it will be easier to hunt primitive beasts' thought Han Long as he summoned the beast soul he just won, it was something like a glove with three large claws and retractable sharp edges sticking out of it would be nice that way I can catch anyone who has never seen it off guard.


I decided to test the thread of the claws on a stone that was nearby and to my surprise, it broke where I attacked, with this weapon any beast below the mutant category will be easy for me to kill from now on hahaha.

I looked like a madman laughing with so much joy, a mutant beast soul if I were to sell it how much would I win, calm down the best thing to do is use this weapon to hunt more beasts and in the future, I will reap the rewards.


Lost in my daydreams hearing my belly rumble again and I looked around for something to eat, but without success, I decided to go deeper into the cave where I found some common beetles that I could eat, as they were not very big and had little internal meat. then I ate about 6 of them and with that, I maximized my common gene points.

As I feasted on my meal I heard the noise of something approaching from the back of the cave. When looking closer it looked like a soccer ball but bigger and when I tried to get closer to see what the ball was, it fell apart and it turned out to be some kind of beetle but unlike the others, this one was much bigger and aggressive, it ran in my direction as soon as you saw me.

Thinking I was a simple beetle I just grabbed my dagger from my waist to defend myself, what I didn't expect was that I was pushed back by his attack. Annoyed by this insult I went upstairs and threw several blows to the carapace and at some point, I heard tink tink sounds and looking at my dagger I was surprised to see that it had broken into pieces, I couldn't help but back off a little, that kind of beetle this was with a carcass so hard as to break an iron dagger.

Without giving me time for my reflections the beetle curled itself into a ball and moved towards me so fast that I could only see when it hit me throwing me against a far wall with the impact, as I fell to the ground I felt my wounds opening and I spat out a mouthful of blood.

"What the fuck is this bad luck that I'm going to die today"

summoning my claw glove I resisted the pains through my body and stayed on my guard, if I receive another attack like that it will surely be the end of me.

Trying to find a way out I had a glimmer of hope, the carapace didn't cover the beetle's belly, now comes the hard part which will be attacking its weak point. Taking a look around for something that could help me, but there was nothing around here, with no alternatives I ran deeper into the cave.

Seeing the beetle chasing me I knew I didn't have much time until it reached me, my mind was racing a mile a minute trying to find a way to survive that's when I ran into another beetle but this one different from the other didn't have such a prominent carapace rather a large, pointed horn.

In this desperate dead end I could only accept my death, only to notice that the horned beetle was not paying attention to me but to the beetle that was chasing me, the moment I realized that I was not the target this was my chance to survive, dodging to the side, I tried to hide as much as possible from the horned beetle's view.