
Super God Gene: Reincarnated as Han Sen twin brother

MC was a normal guy but after suffering a romantic disappointment he ended up becoming a NEET when he was nearing the end of his favorite web novel he died and meets an angel in case he wanted to know more go ahead and read sure will like it. It's my first time writing and English is not my mother tongue so please tolerate grammatical errors. The work Super God Gene belongs to its respective author and I don't own anything inside Super God Gene.

Railson_Mateus · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Beetles fight

Seeing the beetles face each other facing each other, Han Long couldn't help but feel nervous that they might band together to attack him. When the horned beetle ran too fast towards the other and gave a gore.

Even though he took the advantage by attacking the horned beetle first, he didn't show superiority as he couldn't throw the iron beetle back and they were at an impasse.

From the corner of the cave, I could see the beetles attacking each other and the sounds of thunderous blows, at which point I just thanked God that I hadn't faced the iron beetle head-on.

After a few exchanges, the two beetles were injured and it was even worse for the horned one as his carapace was not as strong as the others.

Seeing them both wounded and exhausted, I couldn't help but be greedy and want an easy death, as the saying goes The praying mantis chases the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind it.

I prepared myself with my claw glove waiting for the moment when the iron beetle would deliver the final blow, that would be the moment when I would attack its weak point where the carapace did not cover it, as for the other it was too wounded to show resistance it would be easier to deal with him later.

And the moment arrived seeing the black beetle go full force for a final blow. Han Long positioned himself and when the attack reached the horned beetle the impact was strong and turned him on his back, placing his front legs on top of the beetle defeated as if showing his superiority, Han Long saw the perfect time to make his move leaving with all the speed he could reach he stabbed from below with his three claws causing serious injuries.

Still scarred by the strength of the beetle he just walked away after its attack and a few seconds later he could hear a message from the sanctuary.

devilish iron beetle dead holy blood creature.

Beast soul of unobtainable holy blood diabolic iron beetle.

--- Hehehe thought it would be like Han Sen with armor, he was trolled. ---

Eat your meat to randomly gain 0 to 10 sacred gene points.

"At least I have the flesh of holy blood, so I can get stronger," said Han Long, frustrated at not getting a beast's soul. Looking now at the horned beetle that wrestled with this one, he assumed it must be holy blood too so I'll have almost twenty percent of the holy gene points filled.

While he was distracted by the sanctuary message he heard a sound that scared his soul out of his body, to his surprise the horned beetle was still alive and trying to crawl to the bottom of the cave, not wanting to give it a chance. he came forward and pierced the beetle's carapace.

rhinoceros beetle dead holy blood creature.

Beast soul of the holy blood rhinoceros beetle win.

--- Hehehe then it won't be armor. ---

Eat your meat to randomly gain 0 to 10 sacred gene points.

"Fuck hahaha I knew the goddess of luck wouldn't abandon me, surely she must have felt sorry for me for having blessed me with two beast souls on the same day hahaha hahaha"

Beast Souls Won:

Wolverine Mutant Iron Claws Weapon Type

Spear weapon type holy blood rhinoceros beetle

"wait there's something strange here a beast of holy blood shouldn't be so weak otherwise I wouldn't have survived, did the two eat some treasure from heaven and earth like in the cultivation novels and had their strength suddenly increased so I couldn't control properly?"

trying to confirm my hypothesis I opened the bellies of the beetles but there was nothing there just some plants that had not yet been fully digested. The horn beetle tried to go to the back of the cave before I killed him.

I went deeper into the cave and after walking for a few minutes I found an underground lake and on the bank, there was a tree with some berries, I'm sure those two ate almost all of them, when I got closer I could smell a very delicious aroma, I couldn't help but want to try it. know the taste.

Taking my hand I took one of the berries and put it in my mouth, the taste was amazing but my dream had just started to become a nightmare, feeling energy filling my body as if it was going to tear me apart, the pain was so bad that I accidentally stumbled a few steps and falls into the lake.

In that state with the energy attacking my body, there was nothing I could do that was when my mind started to get hazy, my vision went dark for about three seconds when I opened my eyes again I heard a voice right next to my ear, but it still sounded as if we're too far away.

"Remember the door and you can return home"

Hearing that voice Han Long couldn't help but shiver knowing he was alone in the cave and still underwater.

Realizing that he was still sinking into the lake and that the pain was also gone, he swam up and out of the lake still with some confusion on his face, unable to hold his curiosity he decided to ask the voice.

"What door are you talking about and how can I get back home"

"The door that leads out of the sanctuary"

After leaving that last sentence the voice completely disappeared and however Han Long called there was no answer.

With no clue as to what the door might be, except that it was connected to the shrine, he decided that when he was strong enough he would get to the bottom of this story.

After organizing his thoughts he couldn't help cursing.

"Damn I can't believe I almost died again, I shouldn't have believed the novels, these fruits certainly can't be eaten at all."

While Han Long complained he couldn't feel the wonderful effects that the berry brought to his body, it was only when he calmed down that he could feel that his body was lighter, his thoughts were faster and he was sure he had become stronger.

"Fuck that's why I love novels if it weren't for them I wouldn't even have the guts to eat some fruit from the sanctuary." Looking at the tree that still had some berries left, he reached out to pick them up when the lake began to bubble and he felt a very strong presence coming closer and closer.

Without thinking twice he grabbed the fruit that was closest to him and ran outside the cave grabbing the corpses of the two beetles and when he reached the cave entrance he heard a roar.

roar roooor

feeling all his hair standing on end Han Long took off with a bang and fled the cave across the river to the other side of the forest.

After running away for a long time he was lucky not to find any beasts around, perhaps because the roar scared all the beasts away.

Feeling that you were already at a safe distance, it was time to savor these delicacies and earn some sacred gene points. Putting one of the beetles in the pan and I would leave the other one for breakfast, as the beetles, despite not having much meat, but these were quite big and he didn't think he could eat both, luckily I learned to make a fire in the Compulsory school survival classes as opposed to what the pots would serve.

It didn't take long for the food to be ready and the sounds began to ring in Han Long's mind like music.

"devilish iron beetle of sacred blood eaten, one sacred gene point gained"

"devilish iron beetle of sacred blood eaten, one sacred gene point gained"

"devilish iron beetle of sacred blood eaten, one sacred gene point gained"


unlike when I ate common beast I could feel the strength filling my being with every sacred gene point I gained the feeling was wonderful, when I finished my meal I only got 6 sacred gene points.

Knowing that the rest would probably be in the carapace and exoskeleton, I put everything in the pan after cleaning and made a broth to extract all the points contained there.

After drinking the broth I gained two more sacred gene points, looked for a tall tree where I could get away from the beasts, and slept upstairs.

The next day I prepared the rhinoceros beetle in the same way and gained 9 more sacred gene points it was too bad I couldn't eat the whole carcass or I would have twenty points.

As I was still injured, I decided to stay here for another day or two to recover myself to a state where at least I would be able to defend myself adequately even if I faced another such dangerous situation.

Remembering the berry he decided to leave it to see if Han Sen wanted to try it, he still didn't know all the effects but he felt it was a good thing, no pain without gain, if his brother wanted to get strong he would also have to put up with it.