

I am walking the outside and boom omg its my bestest friend Jimael who is also from my childhood friends! Wow and then he going to me saying hey wanting to get ramen?

I say yes i want ramen because ramen is the favorites of all of the favorites ramen! I eat love to ramen!!!

*time skipping to the store time weeeeeeeeeerrrrrrm*

Me and jimael are here at the ramen place!!! It is called the name 'ramen corner' because it have ramen and the shop is in corner!

I open the door to the shop and step in with my friend, Jimael. My body was embraced by a rush of hot air as I closed my eyes and breathed in the air of the store, the wondrous smell of many different dishes intertwine to create a wondrous atmosphere.

"Oh, Jimothy? Jimael too! It's been a while since you've visited the shop. Come, sit down!" A tan, tall and muscular middle-aged man waved at the pair who had just entered.

"Haha, sorry Old man Jimbert, schoolwork and all. We've been pretty busy but hey, we're here now aren't we?" I sat down along with Jimael at the counter in front of Old man Jimbert. "Alright, we'll both take the regular tonkotsu ramen with extra pork please!"

"You got it, coming right up!" Old man Jimbert turned his back to us and started working on the meal.

Jimael turned towards me while we waited for our ramen, "yo, Jimothy, I heard you got rejected by Jimantha. Is this true?"

I took a deep breath and sighed before putting on a smile, "yea, you heard right! But it's whatever man. Shit happens, and it just didn't work out after all. Life doesn't always go right but you have to face it head on. I'm over it."

Jimael made a face as if he slightly regretted asking what he did, "yikes, sorry man, I didn't think… my bad dude, my bad."

I shook my head, "Nah man, its fine." I smiled and thought about my system. "Anyways, how's your love life? Got a girlfriend yet?"

Jimael's face turned red, "dude, I know my question was kinda sensitive and all that but we don't go there ok. We don't talk about my love life, you know it hurts. You know very well that Jimael Uzumaki has been single ever since I was born! It's a sore spot…"

I smiled, "hahaha, I know, I know. Anyways-"

I was interrupted by a clanking sound, "alright guys, here's your tonkotsu ramen with extra pork, enjoy!" Old man Jimbert placed two bowls of ramen in front of us before he backed off and went to do something else, probably prepare more ingredients or something.

At the same time, Jimael and I said aloud, "Itadakimasu. Alright, let's dig in!" I picked up a spoon and scooped up some of the broth. The broth was light yellow without a hint of any residue in it. I brought it up to my lips and sipped.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head upwards, "ahhh… that hits the spot." The broth was light and mellow, warming my body. 'I've missed this flavor. I really need to come here more often.'

I let out a puff of hot air and picked up the chopsticks beside me. Using the chopsticks, I picked up some of the noodles. I bought the noodles closer to my mouth. The noodles entered my mouth as I slurped up the noodles.

The texture of the noodles was soft but not too soft. They were just right. The noodles were easy to chew and I quickly swallowed the noodles I had in my mouth.

I eyed the huge bulk of pork and grabbed two pieces with my chopsticks. Without wasting any time, I placed both in my mouth and chewed.

My eyes turned into slits, 'delicious, this pork... it's delicious.' The flavor of the pork was not overwhelming. It was soft, chewy and fatty, the sauce used when cooking gave it just enough flavor to accommodate and enhance the pork but it didn't overpower the natural flavor.

I turned towards the singular half egg and grabbed it before stuffing it in my mouth in one go. I chewed the egg, yolk and all. It was okay, I mean its an egg, what else did I expect.

I grabbed more noodles, this time along with some bean sprouts and stuffed it in my mouth. I drank some more broth before eating more noodles with the pork. I continued this and finished the noodles and toppings in under five minutes.

I put down my chopsticks and grabbed the bowl with both hands. I brought it up to my mouth and drank, tilting my head backward before finishing the remaining broth in one go. "Ahhhhh…" I place the bowl down in front of me.

I look to the side at Jimael. His eye met mine, he had a mouthful of noodles as he looked up back and forth from my empty bowl and my face. He chewed the noodles slowly, then rapidly. He hurried to finish the remainder of his ramen.

After waiting a minute and a half, Jimael finished his ramen. He pointed his chopsticks at me, "bro, how do you eat that fast!?! Damn, dude I had to rush so that I didn't keep ya waitin!"

I awkwardly smiled, "you know, I was fine with waiting for you to take your time to eat. There was no need to rush man."

"Ehhhh… it's whatever bro, but man do you like your ramen."

I smiled, "damn right I do! C'mon lets get going," I looked towards old man Jimbert, "old man Jimbert, how much will it be?"

"Ah, two tonkotsu ramens with extra pork… that'll be twenty dollars." Old man Jimbert placed a tray in front of us. I took out a ten and Jimael took out a ten. We placed the two bills on the tray.

"We're going now, have a nice one, old man Jimbert!" we waved towards him as we got up and walked towards the exit. "Haha, Y'all come back soon now!"

We exited the shop and stretched out our arms. I looked towards Jimael, "so where're you headed to now?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, probably home."

I nodded, "well, I guess I'll go on home as well then." We separated as Jimael walked east while I walked west as our homes were in completely opposite directions.

*time skipping to the home time weeeeeeeeeerrrrrrm*

Omg i am homes now, ramen is super goods!!! I take off shoe and bag and everything but not my clothes because im am still wearing it! Then i go inside with slipper!!!?!

OmO gime sum ramen ples i am hungri

RamenWarlordcreators' thoughts