
Sunshine in Fairy tail?

After the death of Escanor, the seven deadly sins and the gods/deities were left ignorant and unaware that the Grace, "Sunshine" of Archangel Mael came back to him but he suddenly died of unknown reason without other people or Gods knowing. The sunshine who has no host have no choice but to wander and search for it's next wielder, but seeing none, it then choose to search in another dimension, but something's different about the Sunshine.... It has.. a soul within it? No... it has two souls in it. And was attempting to fuse with the Sunshine itself! Find out and know what would happen to the Sunshine, would it be able to choose its next host? Or something diferrent would happen which was never heard of? Tags: Action, Romance, No Harèm, R-18, Fairy Tail, Sunshine, Drama, OP MC Note: I do not own anything, even the characters, I only made the Idea that's all. Photo's not mine, so if it's yours, tell me and I"ll change it.

FanfictionLover · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

Era, Magic Council.

Somewhere inside the council, inside a room, a huge magic circle can be seen hovering slightly above from the ground. There are also nine smaller magic circles circling on top of the huge magic circle.

On top of those nine smaller magic circles, nine human figures could be seen standing in there. In this nine human figures, eight are members and the 9th would be the chairman of the Magic Council. The figures are not real but just their projection.

"Any reports about the whereabouts of that particular dark guild?" A voice of an old man could be heard in the room.

"As of now, there are still no new reports about their location". One of the eight members of the council said.

"What are those things doing?! It's been a few months already! How many people do they think were missing right now?! Can't they investigate those destroyed villages?! I am sure they are the one responsible for it!"

The old man's voice went up as he rages from the incompetencies of those who were assigned to search for the whereabouts of that particular dark guild.

"Chairman, you need to calm down. They are also doing their own investigations about that dark guild's wherabouts, and as for the investigation for the villages, we issued requests in various guilds already, wizards would be helping in the investigation". Another member said.

Hearing this, the chairman gritted his teeth. "They better be! If those people succeeded with their ritual then the Council's reputation would definitely go down the hill!" The chairman yelled.

All members nodded. The chairman then calmed down himself as he asked another question. "How about the whereabouts of that demon?

The room became silent as no one dared to mention that demon carelessly, afterall they treat it as a taboo or bad omen. Except for the chairman, everyone believed that it is indeed a bad omen to carelessly mention that demon. The example of that were those people who sent to capture it. Before they all set out in their way, they keep badmouthing or saying things about killing it but they instead never came back.

It keeps happening everytime they sent out people, until they eventually decided to not mention the existence of that demon carelessly unless they needed to as it looks like if they did, then bad luck would come hunting them.

(A/N: All I could say is, it's normal for them to think as such. Considering this world to have the existence of magic and even a god that can curse someone if they used a taboo magic, especially about life and death.)

After a while, one member then eventually decided to speak. "There's no new news about his whereabouts". He made sure to be careful to his words as he didn't want some bad luck to stick onto him.

Even though he already expected this, the chairman still gritted his teeth in frustration. Afterall, they have sent out strong individuals, groups and even armies! But they all never came back!

The chairman considered this as his greatest shame in his history of being the chairman of the Magic Council. Afterall, he issued those missions himself and agreed to send many people. Only for them to never come back.

Surpressing his rage, the chairman then ordered. "We need to watch out for that demon, but there's no need to send anyone anymore".

All members where confuse, until one member eventually asked. "What do you mean, Gran Doma?"

(A/N: I'm confuse if the name of the chairman in the earlier days of Fairy Tail is Gran Doma. I mean, there have been quite a few times where the council keep being destroyed and new chairmans being mentioned. Comment if you know the name of the first chairman ever seen in Fairy Tail series and let me know if I am right.)

The chairman named Gran Doma frustratedly sighed and explained. "If it ever come down to it. Just lock his location and we would issue multiple request to each guild to aid the council in capturing that demon. And if they can, then kill it. Afterall, we wouldn't succeed if we keep sending people that would eventually die. Next time, we should gather forces first before we face that demon".

All eight members looked at each other as they eventually nodded and agreed to their chairman's decision. Finished with the heavy topic, they then continued to talk about various things that needed their attention.


At the culrpits's base.

Their base was situated on a mini-mountain that was hidden besides a huge mountain, making it the right place to use as a hideout. They dug a space inside and made it their current hideout.

The inside was pretty big as it even has many floors for different purposes. They also made the entrance at the foot of the mountain. And if you take a look at the top of the mountain itself, then you can see thousands of people tied up together while being sorrounded by incomplete drawn magic circles with some people standing guard at the side, eyeing the tied up people.

Meanwhile, at the foot of the mini-mountain where the entrance was, there are currently about a dozen of people standing guard. They are all laidback and some were even yawning as they've been doing this for long and was sure that there wouldn't be any tresspassers that would find their way into this huge forest and spot this little entrance in this unnamed mini-mountain.

"Hey, when would we be departing to Acalypha town again?" Asked by a man who's scheduled to guard the entrance.

"Hmm... I think the boss said about departing late in the afternoon?" His friend answered.

"Oh! Yeah, I remember now. The boss mentioned about arriving there at night right?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yeah, he did mention about arriving there at night. But I just wonder how we could get there in the right time?" His friend asked in return.

"Idiot, what do you take the boss for? Of course we would be able to get there in time. I even saw boss ordering the others inside to get ready already. He seems pretty eager about going there". He reprimanded his friend.

"Yeah, I saw that too." His friend nodded.

They then fell into silence as they continued to guard the entrance. But after a while, the man eventually asked something to his friend.

"Hey, do you think the boss was targetting the Acalypha Town this time? There is a branch of Council there, would it be ok?" He asked as he felt quite worried about the council's existence over there, even though it's just a branch.

"Well I think there's nothing to worry right? I mean it's not like the Council in Era could send reinforcements immediately. We could just finish them and escaped. Not to mention we have the support of this Dark Guild, they are quite powerful after all". His friend said while grinning as he remembered their last raid. Oh how he like the way those people keep begging for their lives.

The man grinned in excitement too. "Well I just hope so. It's been quite a few days since I had fun with a woman, I want to have my fill at that town HAHAHAHAHA!" He heartily laughed as he thought about many scenarios.

"HAHAHAHAHA yeah me too! This time there would be a lot there, we could take one by ourselves as I quite hate sharing too, quite irritating waiting for my own turn". His friend said.

"Yeah, and though we did capture a lot of women in the last raid, but we can't even touch them as they would be used as a sacrifice in the ritual those in the dark guild were planning to make". The man said in regret.

"Yeah, and there are quite a few beauties there too". His friend also commented in regret.

They keep talking about various topics and just decided to spend their time talking as they don't have something better to do anyways. They would rather speak with each other than guarding here as they might instead die of boredom if they do so.

"Hey, don't you think it's getting a bit hot in here?" Another man standing in guard suddenly commented which pique everyone's attention.

"Yeah, you're right. It indeed became quite hot in here". Another man said as he used his hand to fan himself.

"It's not like this in the past few days". Another man mumbled as he then raised his head to look at the sun above the sky.

He shielded his eyes using his hand and was quite surprised as he then asked for confimation. "Hey everyone, don't you think the sun seems to be a bit brighter than usual?"

Hearing that, everyone at the entrance then raised their head to look above. It's still early in the afternoon right now, so the sun was still quite high in the sky. But what got their attention was the sun seems to be getting more brighter?

They keep looking at the sun with confusion as the sorroundings then became much hotter and hotter compared to before.

"Hey... Is it just me or... Did the sun just became bigger?" Another man queried as he furiously fanned himself due to the heat.

They then stopped staring at the sun as it became so bright that they can hardly look at it as it started to sting their eyes when they do so.

"What's happening?!" One man screamed as he almost can't bear the heat. The temperature keep rising to the point that they can't even sweat as it would immediately evaporate afterwards.




Everyone that was guarding the entrance finally realized the strangeness of this situation as they all immediately ripped off their upper clothings and yelled in pain, they then all tried to run inside the hideout to seek shelter and report this strange phenomenon.


Alas, they are too late as when they tried to run, they were suddenly locked in place and can't move a muscle as a powerful pressure befall on them that seems like it was holding them in place. The surroundings temperature keep rising to the point where their body started producing mist and their skin started smelling a bit cooked.


They all loudly yelled in pain as they can only wait for this to end as they can't even move due to the enormous pressure that were surrounding them.




The rumbling in the area intensifies as the land started gaining cracks and fissures all over it. The place started shaking intensely and this alarmed the people inside the hideout as the place started rumbling all over and cracks started appearing everywhere.

Meanwhile, the people who were assigned to guard the entrance experienced everything with their body as they all keep screaming in pain and asking for help.

They all wanted this to end or for them to have a clean and fast death, not this kind of torture. They all started yelling and begging for death to no one as they don't even know who started this and who's the one responsible for it.

After a while of shouting and begging for death, they all started losing their minds as this torture was a bit inhumane and hellish for them, they even thought that hell might be a little cooler than this. But as though their begging seems to be heard, they suddenly heard a voice that reverberated around the place.

"Cruel Sun"


Their last memory before death was to see the sun itself falling down from the sky and landing upon them.


Next chap would really be the fighting scene, I swear. I hope you enjoyed this guys and please give this book some of your power stones so that other people would be able to learn that this fanfic still exist.

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