
Sunshine in Fairy tail?

After the death of Escanor, the seven deadly sins and the gods/deities were left ignorant and unaware that the Grace, "Sunshine" of Archangel Mael came back to him but he suddenly died of unknown reason without other people or Gods knowing. The sunshine who has no host have no choice but to wander and search for it's next wielder, but seeing none, it then choose to search in another dimension, but something's different about the Sunshine.... It has.. a soul within it? No... it has two souls in it. And was attempting to fuse with the Sunshine itself! Find out and know what would happen to the Sunshine, would it be able to choose its next host? Or something diferrent would happen which was never heard of? Tags: Action, Romance, No Harèm, R-18, Fairy Tail, Sunshine, Drama, OP MC Note: I do not own anything, even the characters, I only made the Idea that's all. Photo's not mine, so if it's yours, tell me and I"ll change it.

FanfictionLover · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

[Magnolia, Fairy Tail Guild]

"Oiii more drinks here please!"

"Here too!"


"Don't forget me!"

"More food here please"

"Yeah-yeah coming!"


"Then I defeated the monster"

"What did ya say huh?!"





The members of fairy tail were busy talking with each other as they enjoyed the joyous atmosphere while laughing out loud together.

While in the balustrade of the second floor, a short old man dressed in a casual manner, with an attire consisting of a white shirt with a black Fairy Tail stamp in the middle under an orange hoodie. His attire was completed with matching orange shorts and an orange and blue striped jester hat.

Was currently sitting on a banister as he gulp a mouthful of alcohol on his mug.


He then wiped his mouth off the alcohol using the back of his hand as he stared at the members of his guild, or his children which he preferred to call them as. He was currently adorning a smile on his face as he listened to the noisy bunch.

This is none other than the third master of Fairy Tail and one of The Ten Wizard Saints, Makarov Dreyar. After his meeting with Mest yesterday, he made a decision. A decision that any parent would do for his family.

He's the type of guild master who would not mind whatever past or background his members have, as long as they are a member of the guild, then they would be his children and the members would be their family.

He recently found out that one of his new brat seems to have a bit of a problem in his past. Especially if the council got a wind of his current location and identity.

With the help of Mest and his way of collecting evidences and information, he found the truth and reasons behind the actions of this brat in the past, which gave him the more reason to protect this one brat. Especially against the council.

He dislike the council anyways, for their rules and restrictions and believe that following their rules would only restrict the progress of his brats magic.

So they can screw all they want, but if they dare to touch one of his brats, then he wouldn't just sit idly by. Fairy Tail! Won't sit idly by.


Makarov smiled yet again as he was also affected by the joyous atmosphere in the guild. He then refilled his mug with alcohol and raise it into his mouth to drink.





Makarov now has a small blush tinted in his cheeks, the effect of alcohol slightly taking over him. He would sometimes converse with his brats and would laugh with them.

But after a while, makarov cease his laughter. He then became completely awake as though he didn't drink even a sip of alcohol in the first place.

He focused his attention outside and searched. But after a while, he let go of his seriousness and decided to just drink yet again, now more than happy as he smiled while looking outside. Seemingly waiting for someone.


The members on the guild stop laughing as they felt the sudden rumbling around the area. They then all tried to see where it comes from. But when they sensed it, they only have one thought.

""""What an Insane Magic Power!""""

Cana, Gray, Mira, Lisanna, Elfman, Natsu and Erza were in the counter. They were talking with each other hapilly moments ago as the Takeover siblings came back from their job and excitedly talked about the details and experience they got while doing their job..

The Takeover siblings were being introduced to Cana as she missed them when they joined the guild. Getting to know them, Cana then suggested to find out their fates using her cards, to which Lisanna and Elfman gladly agreed to, while Mira only crossed her arms and just decided to watch.

But now, they put it on hold as they too, felt the pressure this magic power emit from the distance. They were confused and so, they looked at their master, only to find him... Smiling?

Natsu frowned at Makarov and yelled. "Hoyyy! Gramps! What is this Magic? Is someone planning to attack us?"

Gray, Cana, Erza and Mira looked at their Master in confirmation while Lisanna grew nervous from feeling the pressure, Elfman was on her side, making her feel better as she's the youngest and actually the frailest.

Makarov looked at them and said. "Worry not brats, it's not an enemy".

Though Natsu didn't like being called a brat, he still ignored it as his curiousity with this magic power was more powerful.

The others were also confused, until they suddenly heard the noises outside.




All bells in Magnolia started chiming together, producing a sound that could be heard in the entirety of magnolia itself.

(A/N: I don't know to you guys, but when I searched how to describe the sound of a bell, it only said "Ting-aling" and "Ding-dong" and so, I just go with "Ding-dong.)

All old or adult members in the guild suddenly had a hit of realization as they changed their serious expressions into happy ones as they all merilly yelled.

"He's here!"

"He finally came back!"

"Hehehe, He sure took his time"

Natsu and the others were confused with their words, especially natsu, his curiousity became more powerful as he then asked Wakaba beside him. "Who's he? Who's coming back?"

Wakaba looked at natsu and the others as he then smiled and said. "Ohh right, you guys didn't know him".

""""Who?"""". Cana, Erza, Gray and Natsu asked.

Wakaba just smiled and said. "Gildarts, Fairy Tail's Ace and an S class Wizard!"

Before they can even process what wakaba just said, Natsu already grabbed wakaba's arms as he queried. "S Class?! Do you mean he's strong?!"

"Ahh... Yeah, natsu, he's strong". Wakaba said with a sweat drop.

After hearing the confirmation, natsu immediately let go of wakaba as he then dashed outside of the guild.

"Wait Natsu!"

"You Idiot wait!"

Erza and Gray then went after him, followed by the curious takeover siblings, though they didn't run like them.

Meanwhile on the counter, Cana was still frozen still at her seat as she visibly flinched after hearing the name "Gildarts". She don't know what to do as her mind just short circuited after hearing that name.

While she's busy on her thoughts, the rumbling outside suddenly intensifies. Which in turn brought her out of her frozen state.



As the bells continued to chime, the ground shook intensely, while the members of Fairy Tail only grew merrier and merrier as they then all went outside to watch.

Cana didn't know what's happening, but she still gritted her teeth and braced herself to go outside. When she reached outside, she was left gobsmack along with the group of natsu.


the town started shifting itself into different places, buildings and houses were shifted as they were all raised upwards, making a huge space in the middle as though they are making a passage to accommodate someone to walk in it.

Cana and the group of natsu were very surprised as they became wide eyed with open mouths to what they're seeing right now. They can't believe that the town were moving or shifting into different places.




Suddenly, everyone in the guild grew dead silent as they saw a silhouette in the distance, walking through the passage that has been made. They all heard its footsteps and the silhouette turns to be a human figure.

Cana grew more nervous and nervous with every step she's hearing right now, she don't know what to do or on how would she even bring up the truth to the man that she's been searching for and the reason why she joined the guild.




Suddenly, a ray of light illuminated the passage that's been made, revealing a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length orange hair that was slicked back and a stubbly beard on his chin. Adorned with an attire that is rather simple; he wears a long, black, high-collared and tattered cloak with shoulder plates; around his waist is a simple belt. He also wear a loose-fitting dark pants, complete with an armored waist-guard bearing plates similar to the ones on his shoulders, tucked inside simple boots.

Seeing the appearance that was not shying from a beggar, the Fairy Tail members broke out into cheers.


"Hahahahaha you're back!"

"Gildarts is back!!!"

Meanwhile, the people of magnolia that was staying on their own houses or buildings also cheered.

"The Ace of Fairy Tail is back!"

"He's back from his mission"

"Oh my god! Marry me!"

Despite the cheers around, the man named Gildarts still calmly walked his way into the guild in a steady pace, he was also adorning a smile on his face, feeling warm from the welcome cheers.




Stopping in front of the members of Fairy Tail, Gildarts smiled as he cooly said. "I'm back everyone".


They broke out into cheers yet again as they warmly welcomed Gildarts back from his mission.

"Good to see you back Gildarts!" Macao said as he patted gildarts's shoulder.

"Ahhh... yeah... uhmm, who are you again?" Gildarts said as he wryly smiled while scratching the back of his head.

Macao grew a tick mark on his forehead as he yelled. "MACAO! I'm Macao!"

"Ahhh... yeah right! Hahahaha my bad". Gildarts heartily laughed as he patted Macao's shoulder.

"Heh, you're the type to be easily forgotten, don't blame Gildarts". Wakaba said as he puffed some smoke from his cigarette.

"What did ya just say?!" Macao was incensed.

"I mean what I say". Wakaba smirkly said.

Before they can even broke into a fight, Gildarts suddenly intervened with a question.

"Ahmm... Who are you again?" He asked while still scratching the back of his head.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA". Everyone broke out into laughter, as well as Macao, leaving the angry wakaba mumbling to the side.

(A/N: If I remember it correctly, Gildarts was already back in Fairy Tail when Cana decided to join Fairy Tail. But in here, it's a bit different as I don't know how Natsu and the others were not that surprised compared to Lucy when Gildarts came back from his quest on trying to slay acnologia as Magnolia started shifting here and there as it was not mentioned in the anime or manga at all.)


While conversing and laughing together, someone suddenly make it to Gildarts after passing the crowd. This someone stood infront of him and yelled. "I'M NATSU! FIGHT ME!"

This someone, which is actually natsu, then leaped up from the ground as he yelled. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!!"

"Hmm?" Gildarts raised his head and saw a flaming fist closing into his face. But before it can even hit him, he already raised his left hand and grabbed the flaming fist with nothing but his bare hands, he then followed it with a right punch straight into natsu's stomach.



Natsu was blasted back into the guild by Gildart's punch as he smashed into tables and chairs before stopping. Revealing his small body, as he he bent down like a shrimp while holding his stomach in pain.


Erza, Lisanna and Elfman went after him to see if he's injured. Meanwhile, Gray and Mira were already infront of Gildarts while taking a stance to use their magic.

Seeing what he did, Gildarts was shocked as he then run up to where Natsu's been blasted to and entered the guild, but instead of entering through the door, he instead blasted a whole into the wall and enter through it.

Seeing this, everyone from fairy tail sweat dropped. Gray and Mira tried to stop him but he's too fast and was already inside before they could even act. Meanwhile, Erza, sensing movements from behind her, immediately summoned a sword as she hurriedly turned around.



Erza tried slashing into Gildarts but he only block the sword with his bare hands and.


Snap it into two, he then kicked Erza away with enough force for her to spit a little bit of blood while denting her body armor at the same time.



She then crashed into another table but was still glaring daggers into Gildarts.

Seeing what he did, Gildarts stopped from his tracks and palmed his face hard with his right hand.

Seeing the damage and the two injured kids, Makarov finally spoke. "Still the same old you, don"t know how to hold back at all". Makarov sighed as he somersault and made his way below.

"You should pay off the damage in the guild". Makarov said as he eyed Gildarts.

(A/N: Gildarts is so bad at holding back that he even almost killed Natsu with his magic during the S-class test in Tenroujima Island.)

Seeing the two injured kids, Gildarts wryly smiled as he scratch his cheek awkwardly. Sighing, he then crouched down to Natsu's level and apologized. "Sorry-sorry, my bad kid. I can't hold back he..hehe".

He then looked into natsu and expected to see him crying, but what he saw instead surprised him. Natsu in the ground was holding his stomach in pain, but instead of crying, he's smiling.

Natsu raised his head and looked at Gildarts. "You're... Strong... Hehehe... let's... fight... next time". He said to Gildarts while smiling.

Seeing the smiling Natsu despite from the punch he got, Gildarts was surprised for a moment, but he then suddenly grinned as heartily laughed. "HAHAHAHA, I like this kid! Natsu was it?! Hahahaha Nice to meet you!"

Natsu nodded as he gave Gildarts his signature toothy grin while his eyes were still full of determination to fight. Meanwhile, Erza already stood up but was still warily looking at Gildarts.

Seeing Erza looking at him that way, Gildarts also apologized to her. "Sorry kid, my bad. But I admire your senses though, you actually sensed my presence behind you! Hahaha, what's your name kid?"

Still looking at Gildarts warily while holding into her stance, Erza answered. "Erza... Erza Scarlet".

"Hmm, Erza! I'll remeber that. HAHAHAHA look's like we have some promising kids in the guild huh?!"

He then turned around to the others and yelled. "As I am so happy right now, EVERYONE'S DRINKS ON ME!!!"

"""""OOOOHHHHHH""""". Everyone raiser their fist as they happily cheered.

Makarov sighed as he turned to Erza and nodded his head.

Seeing her master's signal, Erza sighed as she unsummoned her sword and broke her battle stance.

Gildarts then helped Natsu to stand from the ground and let him sit into a nearby table while some medic attend to his injury. He looked at Mira, Gray, Elfman and Lisanna as he grinned while thinking. 'Looks like this guild would become more powerful in the future huh. I have great hopes for this generation'.

Meanwhile, Cana was still hidden in the crowd, she's planning to tell the truth to him but the earlier event stopped her in her tracks. She wanted to help but everything happened too fast.

Thinking about his strength and how he looked in appreciation to both Natsu and Erza because of their will and strength, she made a decision. She wouldn't tell him the truth until she's not strong enough! Arriving at this thought, Cana clenched her fist as her eyes burned with determination to get stronger.


After that accident, they made a welcome party for Gildarts, but not before turning the Magnolia back to the way as it is. They partied all day and drinked with him.

After the party, night time was already approaching as Gildarts then excused himself as he went into the guild's second floor where only S-class wizards were allowed to get into, except for the Master of the guild, they are allowed everywhere.

Arriving at the second floor, Gildarts then made his way into the Master's office. Entering inside, Gildarts slightly smiled as he said. "I'm back, Master".

"Mm". Makarov nodded as he also greeted back. "Welcome back, Gildarts".

Gildarts then took a seat as he reported. "I've completed the 10-year old quest".

Makarov smiled and said. "Good job as always. So, what's your plan now?"

Gildarts rest his back in the chair as he put both of his hands on the back of his head in a laidback manner and said. "I plan to rest and relax for a couple of years or so".

Makarov seems to be a bit surprised as he said. "How rare, you're the type who do nothing but work".

To which gildarts replied with a grin. "Well, it looks like this generation's wizards were all promising, I want to watch their progress for a bit and this can also served as preparation for myself".

Makarov stared at Gildarts as he queried. "Preparation for what?"

Gildarts sighed as he slowly said. "100-year old quest".

Makarov looked at Gildarts in surprise for a moment, but after some time, he nodded and said. "I see, so you finally decided to take that quest".

He then warned seriously. "It woulldn't be the same as those SS-class and 10-year old quests you know?"

"Heh, I know that. But have you forgotten master? I like challenges". Gildarts said with another grin.

Makarov then grew silent for a moment, but eventually said. "I see, then you better prepare yourself".

Gildarts smiled as he then stood up from his chair and said. "That, I will do". And started walking out of the office.

"Wait!" Makarov called out to Gildarts .

"Hmm?" Gildarts turned his head over his shoulder as he waited on what makarov wanted to say.

"The Annual meeting of the Guild Masters would be held next week, I want you to come with me there". Makarov said as he nodded while crossing his arms.

"Eeehhh? That would be a pain". Gildarts faced makarov and complained.

"Everyone would be showing off their Guild's achievements and their strongest wizards! And I don't want to see that Jose from Phantom Lord belittling our guild everytime, so I need to bring a strong aid there". Makarov then looked at gildarts seriously.

"And ever since you've got nothing to do, then just accompany me to this year's Annual Meeting will you?" Makarov said.

Gildarts then sighed as he then turned around and waved his left hand. "Alright alright, I'll go. I have nothing better to do anyways". Gildarts said as he then made his way out of the Master's office.

Makarov smiled as he nodded and decided to go back to his paper works that needed to be signed for the guild.


Meanwhile, at the same time when Gildarts partied with the others in Fairy Tail.

Somewhere in the sky, you can see a silhouette of a human figure crashing down to the ground in an insane speed.



This humanoid figure then landed into the ground which caused some shockwaves to emit around the area, destroying the nearby trees and ground.

He created a huge crater after his landing, to where no living things could be seen around, except trees. He then fixed his posture and at the same time showcasing his huge figure that was standing 6 feet high and adorned with huge pack of strong muscles just into the right places.

His striking appearance where then revealed, he has short blond hair, blue sharp eyes, straight nose and a strong jaw line. Over all, his appearance could be said to be... Stunning.

He also has an image of a lion head on his back and and a red fairy with tail stamp in his right arm. He's topless and bare-footed as he wear nothing but a well fitted pants. He stood there proudly as he exude an aura of pride. This man, is none other than Escanor in his prideful form.

He was in his way to following the trail the culprits carelessly left behind. Along the way, Escanor usually leap high into the air to hasten his pace and even though he's high up in the air, he can still see the trail on the ground below clearly and follow it.

Though Escanor turned into his prideful self, he still has the same motive. To destroy the culprits and save the captured villagers. In his prideful side or Day form, his other personalities would be replaced by pride but he would still have the same thought and will.

In short, everytime he transform, his prideful personality would inflate to the point where it would temporarily surpress his other emotions and personality, leaving him, with nothing but strong pride. In the possitive side though, his will would still be the same as his normal self.

(A/N: I'm confused. Is pride a personality? Comment to let me know.)

Looking around, Escanor stared ahead where the trail leads to. He then checked the sorroundings around as he smiled and said in his deep voice full of pride.

"Not bad for their graveyard".


Finished saying that, Escanor then leaped high into the air yet again causing the crater to be destroyed, making it deeper. Spider like web cracks spread into the ground as they were shattered into fine debris.

(A/N: Before you ask or complain why this chapter were mostly talking about the happenings in the guild, I just wanted to say that the fighting scenes would come next chapter.

As for the reason why I made it like this in the first place, is because I want the sorroundings of our MC, which is Escanor, to be alive. I want to show that he's actually living in this world and not simply existing.

What's the better way to show it than letting you guys know that while the MC were doing this and that, the other characters life won't just simply freeze and just play when the MC is around.

The MC would still be Escanor, just because I only showed a little of his scenes in one particular chapter, doesn't mean you can decide that "ohh what is this, I feel like the MC became a side character". Again with that, and I really advice that you to better stop reading here.

Anyways, I would remind you guys yet again, pay attention to details as I might slowly reveal some things that you wanted to know 'kay? That's all, peace.)

Another chapter guys! I just wanted to say that I would be doing a mass release this December 15, so look forward to it. So next chapter would be the fighting scenes and I lack some experience when it comes to fighting scenes, so cut me some slack will ya? I would be doing my best tho. So that's all everyone! Peace!

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