
Sunshine in apocalypse(Escanor)

Worst of my FanFics and not a serious one either. So you are warned. Well let me get 2-3 things out of the way first. So that the people who don’t look at the tags know what they are getting themselves into. I don’t want them to moan in the novel because of this. This is (Wish Fulfilment) Mc is Op with a capital O The Harem will be big to Huge More of a Hentai than a serious novel tbh If it’s not your Cup of tea then don’t read and please leave like a respectful person. No one needs haters for no reason. I get that you didn’t like the character or found it hard to read then just leave. No need to bad mouth me or my character. Anyways, enjoy for those who like it. Alex was feeling distraught from his fourth breakup. He didn’t understand that why this was happening to him. He followed all of his Gf’s whims but still got disappointed. He vowed to just sit at home nice and quiet and just enjoy some good novels. He had a Apocalyptic Harem novels, manga and Anime list that was still unfinished. As he finished his whole list. Suddenly, the whole building started shaking. He fucking knew that the construction of this Apartment building was poor. As he thought of this, the building collapsed and he died as he was buried under the rubble. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to characters that have been already established but I own the right to my original story and characters.

Hancock_Sama · Book&Literature
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119 Chs

17. Competition 2

Alex didn't know that a cute stalker of his face was going boombastic on some poor children at the moment. All because he was talking and patting other girls.

The competition continued as Alice used guns with rubber bullets and less power than normal and her hand to hand combat against all the students that faced her.

Ye Lian blitzed through everyone with Gauntlets but the school didn't allow her to have sharp claws on the gauntlets. So she opted to using her fists instead and she was very successful at it.

"Alexander Oosuki and Orion Blaze, get on stage". Came an announcement and Alex again walked up to the stadium in his leisurely manner.

Orion also looked at Alex with determination as he started to move up the stadium with a blunt wooden spear in hand.

"Alex, I may be weaker than you but power doesn't determine everything". Orion said as a fire blazed in his eyes.

"Heh, all tricks are useless against absolute power". Alex tilted his head a bit upwards as he said with the axe on his shoulder.

"Begin". The voice announced.

Orion dashed at Alex and thrusted his spear at him with a good amount of power. His movement wasn't all that smooth but it was standard enough.

Alex looked at thrusting spear and countered it with his axe as he tilted the spear downward with his axe.

Orion saw this and quickly spun on his heels and slashed the spear with the momentum added from the spin.

Alex just raised his hand and caught the spear by the pole. He then raised his axe and cut it down on the pole.

The resulting force made Orion drop the spear as the vibration went from the shaft and into his hands. Which made his hands numb.

Seeing that his spear was effortlessly dropped from his hands. Orion took a stance with his fists and didn't plan to admit defeat just yet.

Alex nodded at Orion courage as he was still just a five years old kid. So his quick thinking and courage was to be commended.

Alex didn't say anything and just hosted the axe on his shoulder as he dashed at Orion. He cocked his fist backwards and punched out.

Orion dodged the punch and quickly rolled towards his spear. Alex saw his attempt and went after him again. By the time, he made it there, Orion had just picked up his spear from the ground.

He backed away and again assumed a stance with his spear. This again bought the both of them to square one but Orion's hands were trembling a little, probably the sequelae from the previous hit.

Alex looked at Orion a bit more seriously as he finally found a competitor that could make break a sweat.

"Hehe, not bad for my fight with the strongest of the class". Orion said with pride and smiled.

Alex didn't say anything but approval could be seen in his eyes. He again dashed at him and bought his down with full force.

Orion turned the spear into a horizontal defensive stance, this time ready to take the strike. Alex used all his power power as his hacked the axe with a whistling voice behind it

The axe hit the spear as wooden chips flew out of it. Clearly showing the great power behind that strike.

Orion hands shook and was sent sliding back from the strike. He rolled over to minimise the damage and momentum from the strike and jumped on his feet.

Alex didn't give him the chance and just as he was standing up, Alex struck him on the head with the flat side of the axe. This made Orion plant his face on the stadium.

The strike was powerful enough to knock Orion out completely as Alex didn't plan to stop when he sent him sliding. Alex had already sprinted forward right after the strike.

"Alexander Oosuki wins".

With that announcement, Alex was off the stage and walking towards the two girls looking at him. Orion was also carried down and healed by the medical team on site.

All of Alex's opponents had some heavy injuries from the fight. The only plus point was that he didn't break someone's bones. Not that it would've mattered with the healers on site.

The rest of the matches weren't anything too great of a deal as Alex won without much of a problem. He just blitzed his way through all the opponents. The instructors on site were quite impressed with Alex's power but they also noticed that Alex was just making rough movements rather than using techniques.

The competition drew to a close by the afternoon and their teacher came out to announce the results after a while.

"You people did average in your test. Some were good but most of you just used force without any technique behind it". He said and looked at Alex especially.

"Now, I am going to announce the Five people who are going to be selected for Special class from this class". He announced and all the children stood straight in nervousness.

"Orion Blaze, Alice Abernathy, Ye Lian, Michael Starl and Alexander Oosuki. These students will report to the special class from tomorrow.

Also, Alexander Oosuki is allowed to have a one hour session with the Tier 4 special instructor invited by the academy". The teacher announced and looked at the mixed reaction of the children.

Some of them looked aggrieved, some were looking lost and some were even having tears in their eyes. There were also five people, who were especially happy among the bunch.

"The interclass competition will start from day after tomorrow. Alexander Oosuki, you will be reporting to the instructor in one hour's time". After watching the children with his stoic face, the teacher said once more. He was used to this site as it happened nearly everyday.

"You guys don't need to be feel bad about these results. The winner's Special class seats aren't totally safe either". The Teacher showed a rare smile as he said to the children.

(A/N: Do you guys like the details and the world explanation that comes between the chapters. Just wanted to ask so that I know I am doing a job that people like.)