
King's City's Prophet

Belze's portal led him to outside of King's City. He rode his horse slowly as he entered the city. There were no soldiers trying to stop him from entering. As he looked around, he saw people help those who were still alive. In his mind, he couldn't believe that Nia would have done this, but he it was hard for him to feel anything at all. He felt no empathy or remorse, but in his heart, he knew that he had to help the victims.

He got off of his horse and walked in the city. He saw a young man leading the rescue efforts. He recognized him. He was one of the dragonslayers. The one that killed him. He tried to feel something about it. Hate or anger towards the man who took his life, but there was nothing. When the man turned around to face him, they both took a step back.

"You're-", the man said in fear, but Belze raised his arms up meaning no harm.

"I... want to.... help," Belze said slowly.

"Help? Alright. I suppose we need all the help that we can get," the man said, "I'm Captain Leo. My men might need your help lifting some of this debris. We believe there are some survivors under ther-"

And without Leo finishing his sentence, Belze raised his hand and shot small beams of light at the wooden and stone debris of a building. They turned to dust, while the people under it were safe.

The other knights and civilians were astonished. They had no idea what they were seeing.

Belze approached one of the injured people who had their skin burned and peeled off. He was laying there on the side ignored as he looked dead. But Belze could just see that he was alive. He didn't know how. At every second, the world became far more complex, yet clearer to him. He couldn't understand it, yet felt like pieces of information was spoon fed to him one at a time. He knelt down besides the dying man and laid his palm on his chest. Small lights that looked like fireflies surrounded the body. As he was doing this, the other knights, civilians, and workers watched. The man's skin was being attached back on. Belze was able to reverse what had happened to him. The burns disappeared, and soon he was able to function properly.

"Wha-What happened?" the once burned man said as he looked up at the silver knight in front of him.

They all looked in wonder at this amazing man. As Belze stood up he was surrounded by people.

"Is it an angel?"

"A miracle."

"The Gods have sent someone!"

"A prophet. We have been saved."

Everybody gathered around Belze wanting to touch him as if he was a man sent from the heavens.

He had no idea how to respond.

But before he could, he noticed a shadowy creature a ways off. Belze gently pushed the people aside.

When he went there, the black creature looked like a huge dog the size of a horse, but it had no shadow itself. As the soldiers prepared to attack, another one of these dog-like monsters carried a handful of townsfolk. They gently dropped them towards the soldiers and slowly backed off.

Surprisingly, the so-called monsters themselves wanted to help in this tragedy.

Other monsters like vampires and werewolves that would usually hide would come out to take people towards safety.

Succubi began to heal the wounds of injured soldiers with their black magic. As Belze observed these events, he felt a eerie sensation. Something wasn't right, but in a time like this, as Leo said to Belze, "I suppose we need all the help that we can get."

He looked down at some of the ash. He brushed off a little of it, and noticed that some white lilies were growing at a faster than usual rate. The previously burned away grass had been already grown back. However, Belze didn't feel like it was anything important. He continued to try and help as many people as he can, and at this moment, he was considered nothing short of a miracle. And when it was all over, he was considered the Silver Prophet.