
New World

As Akai began to open his eyes, he was falling from the clouds. As he was about to grow out his wings, his body crashed into something metallic. It felt like steel and glass went through him. He penetrated through it and fell even further until he struck stone causing a crater with the impact. The world was so loud. As he opened his eyes, he looked up at a gray sky. A sharp pain struck into his mind. A pain he has never felt before. It was like a thousand needles going in and out of his head. He rolled around in pain trying to get soothe his mind, but nothing helped. This was a new feeling. His senses would normally pick up on dragons. They would be heightened when a dragon was nearby, but now he realized he was in a world that had no dragons. He was the only dragon alive in wherever he fell to. And it felt like hell. He got himself up from the crater and tried to look around. However, there was only smoke. A metal helmet fell from the sky next to him. His crimson dragon helmet. He grabbed it and put it on without a second thought. He climbed up the rocky crater and looked around.

A tower of glass and metal crumbled in front of him. Smoke and fire rose from other towers that touched the heavens. Metal wagons sped through without any horses. He felt like he had seen this before, but couldn't quite remember where.

Other people began to show up. Some ran. While others held rectangular objects pointing them at the crumbling tower. Some of them began to look at Akai. He had no idea what kind of world he had jumped into, but he couldn't waste any time thinking about it. He looked back his hand still bleeding. Blood oozed onto the concrete.

Akai grew out his black wings and tail. Everybody around him panicked, and he dashed straight up into the sky whipping up dust and rocks.