
Desolation of King's City

Everybody began to panic and run away. Nia still stood on top of the adjacent building watching. Her body felt hungry. Her mind angry. Everyone was a dragonslayer in her eyes. But there was a small hint of Nia still inside of her. Something held her back from raining fire from above. She felt that something wasn't right, but one crossbow bolt was shot towards her leg. It merely scratched her, but the brief moment of pain removed any sign of Nia's higher understanding. Yet she felt like she was in control of herself even through it all.

The green dragon looked at where the shot came from and saw a dragonslayer with his legs shaking. In her eyes, she saw more dragonslayers taking position holding crossbows and magical staffs. Before, they could fire at her, Nia breathed out a stream of fire in that direction burning everything in it's path. She took off to the sky toppling the building underneath her and as she passed over the other buildings, the mere force of her wings caused their rooftops to fall apart. All kinds of people screamed and ran for their lives, but all Nia could see were dragonslayers.

Miura came out of the rubble unscathed as her magical barrier protected her. She held the red blade in her grip and smiled as she watched the carnage. She took a deep breath of the dead and burning air with satisfaction. She stood up on top of the rubble. Flocks of crows flew over her as she watched Nia burning everything to the ground. The large crossbows weren't meant to shoot within the city, but as the damage increased, she was sure the nobles would allow them.

"Dragons have so much raw power, yet they are so easy to manipulate just like any other human," Miura said as she walked away passing the burning corpses of dragonslayers, mercenaries, and soldiers. As well as regular men, women, and children.

Nia saw every building equipped with large crossbows aiming at her and blew each one of them away. The people below running away looked like dragonslayers taking aim. With every motion, she breathed out a constant stream of fire turning everything to ash. Every part of King's City turned to flames. Peasants, nobles, kings, and queens were nothing to the power of godly fire striking from above. Whatever fun night they were having would become tragedy.

As Nia approached the walls, their large crossbows began to fire at her. Large bolts passed by her. The mages fire bolts of lightning, shards of ice, and balls of fire at Nia with seemingly no effect. One of the large bolts hit Nia at her chest, but the giant leather armor she wore bounced the bolt right off. Her armor changed itself to fit onto a fully grown dragon and still contained magical properties for protection. Soon, the fully trained soldiers and knights panicked as nothing had any effect. Nia spit out a large ball of fire and split the wall in two. She flew above the burning city while the beautiful full moon continued to illuminate everything underneath it. The green dragon destroyed only a section of King's City, but the fires could be seen from hundreds of miles away.

Nia landed on one of the buildings and looked down at her destructive power. As she saw the dead dragonslayers below her, her mind began to calm itself. She gave out one long and loud roar towards the heavens and stars. She no longer felt the same rage. Her green eyes dimmed. She started to think properly. No longer feeling any danger, her animalistic mind reverted back to her normal way of thinking. Nia began to see things properly.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her tired eyes for seconds. She thought that only dragonslayers have been killed. That was the only thing she saw and felt no regret over it. At least, until she opened her eyes.

Nia was shocked to see the piles of bodies that were under her. She looked and saw that none of them were dragonslayers. Merely pedestrians caught in her cross-hairs. Her eyes caught onto one certain family. She saw the burnt remains of a mother protecting their daughter, who was also crisp. Nia looked around her and could only see carnage. In her dragon form, she cried a loud roar of pain. She flew up and looked around her. The constant screaming of people burning rang in her head. The entire city on fire. The temples. The stores. The millions of people turned into ash. Not the actions of dragonslayers and humans, but her own. But the thing she thought was worse, was that it smelled pleasant like a barbecue. Her body was filled with regret and disgust after what she has done.

Nia flew down and her size decreased along with it. By the time she reached an alleyway surrounded by ruins, she turned back to human. As she landed on her feet, she noticed that her armor was still on, however, her ring was gone. Light green scales showed on her body. In the corner of her eye, she noticed a tattered cloak and she immediately grabbed it. She covered herself and went out into the smoke and fire within the ruins and desolation of a once great city.