

Nia ran past everything in the burning city. More soldiers came to find the dragon which mysteriously vanished without a trace except for the destruction it left behind. But none could find any such dragon as they held their heads up high looking among the night sky, instead of to their level as Nia would easily be able to run past them without getting any attention. She saw the knights helping and carrying those who have been wounded. Her senses were ringing of a nearby dragon, but Nia concentrated on leaving the city. She had to get back to Belze and the silver merchant to make sure they were safe, but she made no plans for afterwards. A feeling of guilt washed over her with every step she took. Every belief that she was good and righteous within her crumbled. Only a feeling of dread and remorse remained. And above all else, she felt Nera watching behind her and judging her failure. A chill breathed down her neck while the entire city burned around her.

As she approached the gate, there was only one knight standing watch. The others were sent out to find and kill the attacking dragon, or rescue people in need. She ran past the dead bodies of families and civilians trying to escape, but closed her eyes to the pain she caused. The few unscathed who escaped were lucky. Most were not so fortunate. If they didn't die immediately, their burns would kill them later without treatment.

The knight leaned on his sword in pain. His sides were heavily burned and at that point made no attempt to stop anybody from leaving as Nia ran right past him. The moon began to fade as the sunrise made it's appearance.

Nia ran as much as she could, but her body became tired and weak. Heavy bags ran down her eyes. The green dragon stopped several feet away from the forest. Her body shook while sweat poured out of her. She tried to hold back a puke, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. She vomited ooze on the once clean grass and wiped her face. She breathed heavily trying to forget what she has done. To forget everything that has happened, but the smell of burning bodies was stuck to her.

She looked back at King's City with complete and utter remorse over herself. Nia no longer believed Miura's words that the dragonslayers and humans were responsible for her misfortune. It was all her, she believed. She caused only suffering to those around her and everything that happened at King's City was proof. A heavy gust of wind blew hot air in her face throwing her cloak in the wind. Her long brown hair danced while smoke covered the sky. Even though, the sun began to shine through the smoke, Nia believed her life was over. She thought about what she would tell Belze. Although, she was uncertain about what to do, her senses still picked up a nearby dragon. For a moment, she hoped that dragon would come over her and strike her down.

A branch broke within the forest and Nia quickly turned around to see where the noise came from. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a man coming out of the forest. He wore red and black armor made of dragon scales. His helmet was in the shape of a crimson red dragon. He wore a cape made for royalty covered in mud and dirt. He breathed heavily as he dragged his green blade along the dirt. The crimson black knight locked eyes with Nia and vice versa. The green dragon stared blankly no longer having any desire to live, while the Crimson Black Knight looked at her with hatred.

Dark clouds formed above them as they stared at each other.

The Crimson Black Knight tired from dragging his green blade, and as he saw the smoke rising from King's City, his anger only heightened.