
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Unique Infernity Pieces.

Vander and his group left the Occult Research Club to find Rias and her servants who had just left the alternative space. Vander had a big smile on his face as he was truly proud of himself as it was because of him they got this far.

"I am the best trainer of weaklings around."

La Folia nudged him with her elbow as she knew what was in his mind.

"Normal people would be proud of them for winning, but not you. I bet that you are praising yourself in your head. No, you just praised yourself out loud too. Prideful aren't we."

Naerdeath agreed.

"That is just like you Vander."

Vander just shrugged.

"Hey, if it was not for me they would still be weaklings."

La Folia agreed.

"Yeah, but you also gave them severe trauma."

Vander huffed.

"Oh please, a little trauma builds character."

Raynare, Kalawarna, and Dohnaseek looked at their master like he was insane. No normal person would say something like that as they still were traumatized by the word ritual. Nerezza, La Folia and Naerdeath had undergone the same rituals, but they had less trouble.

While they talked, Rias and her peerage left the alternative space in the infirmary. They did not suffer many injuries, but she wanted them to get tested just to be sure. Issei had used his special technique twice so his body was stressed and painful.

Waiting there was the entirety of Riser's peerage and Riser himself as they had suffered terrible wounds. Healers rushed here and there treating them for sword wounds, holy energy poisoning, burns, broken bones, and lack of blood because of Gasper.

Once they entered Issei sat down in a chair as Asia used her Twilight Healing on him.

"How do you feel Issei?"

"To be honest, I feel better than when Vander got done beating me. I rather not have my back broken."

Rias held her right arm which had been cut off by Daisy. It was why she was so good at creating her shape, she was terrified of that name. Those yellow eyes were full of nothing but disdain for her. Akeno was no better just remembering the punishment Mephiston made her undergo.

They all had some kind of trauma related to Vander and La Folia's pets. Once Asia got done with Issei she looked around at Riser's peerage. They were all in critical condition with how harsh Rias and her peerage had been. It was all to avoid Vader's wrath so she felt bad.

"Rias, can I-"

Rias nodded.

"Go ahead."

"Thank you."

Asia went toward Ille and Nel the two green-haired twins who had burns around their faces. Issei's explosions were based on his Dragon Fire so they were quite harsh. Asia's healing light began to help with their wounds.

They were let off rather easy as

Yubaluna and Riser himself had suffered from Holy Lightning. It was worse as she had not held back at all so the healers were forced to use Phonix Tears to get them out of the worst of danger.

It was a good thing that Riser was a member of the Phenex family so his access to Phonix Tears was rather high. If the wounds were too bad they were used, but if with Asia they would be able to use less of them.

Still seeing their state made Rias begin to quietly laugh before it broke into a full-out crazy laugh. It drew attention as she jumped in the air with joy several times. Even if Issei was mad at her, seeing her jump let him see her huge breasts bounce and jiggle.

It got his full attention and he even got a look at her black lace panties making the perv feel a little better.


"You're welcome."

She froze in place when she heard that voice she turned around slowly. Standing directly behind her was Vander's towering form. The grin on his face made her quiet down as she did not want to make him mad. Vander looked at Riser who was struggling to get up at the irritation of the healing staff.

One nurse tried to get him to stay down.

"You need to let your body and Demonic Power recover. The attack you suffered has wounded you deep-"


He pointed at Vander with pure rage in his eyes. Vander glanced at Asia who was healing the wounded members of Riser's peerage.

"I told you to stop being so nice."

She looked down as she still did it.

"I am sorry."

He shook his head.

"Whatever. There is a reason I did not accept you into my peerage."

'Maybe I should have let Raynare take it from her.'

While he thought that Vander and La Folia walked toward Riser. La Folia crossed her arms as she looked down at the blonde devl.

"What do you think?"

Riser grit his teeth as he ranted at the rage he had.

"What do I think? My engagement to another Gremory is broken. Everyone will see me as a joke."

Vander flicked him on the forehead which tossed him down.


"Suck it up. They won't start to see you as a joke as they already do. I mean you choose a peerage of only women and most of them lacked special talents. You need to do better if you want to be taken seriously. Also, if you hadn't been a dick you just might have gotten Rias to like you. Too bad though."

Riser sat up as he looked up at Vander who had flicked him.

"Can you tell me how you got them so strong in two weeks?"

"Sure, rituals, life and death battles, and a bit of threatening. If you are willing to undergo pain power will come easy to you. Well, I will head off. I got to pick up my pieces."

Vander was followed by his group as Rias stayed behind. Before he left he glanced at Rias and her peerage.

"You all did well. Akeno you fell into a trap so work on that. Asia, stop being so nice and try to become a battle healer or something. As you are now you are just a target. Gasper, as much as I hate to say it, you can wear your girl clothes."

He shivered as he said that which made Gasper feel joy. He and his group walked out and once they were gone Rias and her peerage to their knees relived. After the stuff they went through they did not want to do it again. They thanked the Devil Kings that they survived and winning their first rating game.

As Vander was getting ready to head to the Satan's Terriory where the Evil Piece granting monolith was present. However, before he headed down he was stopped by Grayfia.

"Vander, good luck when you head down. The representatives of the Great King Faction will be present and they probably try to interrogate you. You are a nameless Devil with Satan class levels of power which they don't know yet. Give them Hell."

He grinned as the teleport circle opened under him.

"I plan to. Dohnaseek, Kalawarna you are free for the day. Raynare with me like usual."

She whined as he dragged her everywhere.

"Oh come on, haven't I gotten your trust yet?"


She walked next to him as her two partners left her behind. In a flash of Dark Purple flames Vander, Nerezza, La Folia, Naerdeath, and Raynare vanished to head down to Satan's territory where the monolith was in place to acquire Evil Pieces.

La Folia had been here when she was a kid so she still remembered where the location was. However, just hearing about it was different as the Satan territory was where the 4 Devil Kings spent most of their time.

Vander whistled as he looked at the large city as it was truly a marvel of construction.

"Now this is a territory for a king."

Naerdeath jumped on his back as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Are you going to do something like this in the future, my king?"

She whispered that in his ear which made him feel goosebumps.

"I liked the sound of that. King."

Raynare rolled her eyes.

"Flirt somewhere else."

Vander flicked her on the nose making her hold her nose which turned bright red."

"Don't be jealous Raynare. I think Issei is available."

She shivered as she shook her head with a scared look on her face. Vander laughed as La Folia began to lead him to the monoliths.

"Come on, it is this way. We should fly as you can't teleport inside. Even I and you can't."

Naerdeath got off Vander's back as he spread his 2 pairs of draconic wings. He took into the sky as La Folia's 3 pairs of Devil wings emerged from her back. Naerdeath had two wings, but they were bright red compared to regular Devil wings and much broader than normal.

Nerezza as a Vampire Devil hybrid had regular wings while Raynare's were obviously of a Fallen Angel. On the way she got some eyes, but as she was with someone with three pairs of wings and someone like Vander no one stopped them for questioning.

When they arrived at the destination they landed on the ground drawing some attention. La Folia for one as she had 3 sets of wings which was extremely rare. It meant she had a very pure bloodline possibly connected to one of the original Satans while Vander was the true shock.

His wings were draconic and massive which matched his own large frame. It made some people think he might be part dragon or a dragon in human form. Either way, no one dared to get close to them just because of their wings.

La Folia retracted her wings as they arrived.

"Here we are. Normally there is a test, but you are free from that. We just have to go inside and Ajuka should be waiting. He was the one who oversaw my ritual." Vander nodded as his wings were retracted.

"I met Sirzechs and Serafall, now I will meet Ajuka. What kind of odd behavioral trait does he have?"

"I would not call it odd. I just like to invent things.

Vander glanced at the source of the voice and saw it was a young man with green hair. Ajuka could feel at a glance that Vander was as strong as Satan and would even be able to put up a fight against him or Sirzechs if he went all out.

"Are you Vander?"

Vander nodded as he analyzed Ajuka.

"The one and only. Nice to meet you."

He extended his hand to Ajuka who shook his hand.

"Ajuka Beelzebub. I will lead you myself."

They began to follow him inside as he gave them a warning.

"Serafall and Grayfia kept pushing for me to let this slide which I was going to say yes from the start. They are my friends after all, but the Great King Faction was determined to figure out who you were. They sent someone here and they are waiting inside."

La Folia groaned.

"Who is it?"

Ajuka shrugged.

"I didn't bother to listen to him so I have no idea."

Vander smiled as he wrapped his arm around Ajuka's neck.

"I like you, man. That is just what they need."

Ajuka was surprised at the pressure he felt around his neck. Vander let go of him as they made it inside the separate space where the Monoliths were safely stored. When they got down there was a middle-aged man standing in front of one of them.

He had black hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His clothes seemed fit for a noble and when he heard they returned he turned around. His gaze went straight to Vander who was the Devil in question.

"So this is the Devil you wish to skip the mid-class straight to High Class. I am the attendant of Lord Bael himself and I wish to know who you are."

Vander began to walk toward him which made Ajuka nervous. Serafall and Grayfia had told him that Vander did not take disrespect from anyone.

"Let's see, my name is Vander Abbadon. No relation to the Abbadon clan, so don't ask. I am the Queen Piece of Grayfia Lucifuge and an ally of the Satan Faction in a way and, someone who does not take kindly to noble bullshit. Your bullshit."

Vander said that as he leaned in to meet the shorter man's gaze. The attendant clenched his hand as he felt that Vander was being too arrogant.

"Know your place serv-"

Vander clenched his hand around his neck and lifted him off the ground. The attend released his Demonic Power to attempt to use his Energy of Destruction as a member of the Bael clan, but Vander's Infernity surged into his body stopping him from moving.

He ripped the devil's soul straight out of his body which he swallowed. When his body digested the soul he felt he gained the Energy of Destruction unique to the Bael clan.

"Fucking servant."

Vander tossed the husk toward one of the walls causing him to be stuck in there. Ajuka knew that Vander had divine energy in his body as his unique Kankara Formula delt with nearly every type of energy. Still seeing how Vander killed him made him nervous.

"You killed him."

Ajuka was nervous as if he was dead it might start a war or something worse. Vander shook his head as he had a plan.

"Don't worry about it. I plan to use this chance to cause some Chaos in the Great King Faction. Ever hear of a Live Dead?"

Ajuka had read the book himself as it had been made during the early days of the Great War to make spys.

"Of course. However, methods to counter it have been made. You just killed a member of the Great King Faction. They will know."

Vander laughed.

"Don't worry. I have my ways."

Ajuka sighed as he remembered what Serafall told him.

'I fully expect Vander to do something violent. He hates being ordered around, especially by annoying nobles. If he kills the noble I am sorry.'

Ajuka had thought that she was kidding, but he now knew she was not. Vander had really killed the man without a single moment of hesitation.

'Damn it Serafall.'

Vander walked toward the Monolith until he stood in front of it.

"So, how does this work?"

Ajuka was going to explain, but La Folia beat him to it.

"You have to charge it with your Demonic Power which will create your Evil Pieces. The more you use the stronger your pieces."

Ajuka cleared his voice.

"While that is true, it also connects the servants to the master. Most humans who are turned are too weak to handle Demonic Power so the master acts as a catalyst to defuse it so they can use it. This is not an issue for stronger races and individuals though."

"How much pressure can it handle Ajuka?"

Now he felt truly nervous.

"I made it to be able to handle the full force of a Satan just to be safe."

"Alright then."

Vander placed his hand on it as he began to force his Demonic Mana with some of his Infernity to supercharge it. Using too much of his Infernity would just be poison so he used the much weaker Demonic Mana as the main energy with just a tiny bit as a booster.

Instantly the whole thing began to crackle with power as it was already too much. Even then Vander kept sending more which began to send alarm signals to Ajuka. He was about to stop Vander as he was going to destroy it, as the monolith pulsed and writhed. It began to crackle as pieces fell off, but in the end, Vander succeeded.

It took all the Infernity and Demonic Mana he had forced into it to create his Evil Pieces. Normal ones glowed red, but not Vander's. The pieces that emerged were nearly fully black and they ominously surged with Demonic Mana and the trace Infernity he added.

Vander waved his hand and dragged them toward him watching as they floated above his hands. Ajuka looked at the monolith that Vander used as it was falling apart. It would take a while to repair, but he also wanted to analyze the pieces he acquired more.

Vander smiled as he felt the connection to his pieces form. They were leagues stronger than normal ones as they contained trace amounts of Divine Energy. He might even be able to turn a god which reminded him. He had to find Fenrir and take him from Loki.

"So, who is interested?"

Raynare perked up.

"I have a choice?"

Vander laughed at her.


Vander looked at La Folia who he decided to offer a spot as his Queen.

"So, you want to be my Queen? Grayfia is Sirzechs' Queen and she has her own pieces like me."

La Folia nodded as she did not mind it at all.


Vander controlled his pieces causing the Queen, Bishop, Rook, and Pawn to float toward the 4 of them.

"Alright then, welcome to the team."

The Black Evil Pieces entered their chests and began to release their powerful Demonic maa and trace Infernity. The 4 of them fell to their knees as the overwhelming power of the Divine energy surged through their bodies and souls. Nerezza herself had her Demonic Power and Mana fuse into Demonic Mana which caused her Vampire and Devil genes to perfectly fuse.

No longer could she be called a Half Vampire Devil as now she was just a Vampiric Devil a truly new species. La Folia's Super Devil genes fully awakened consuming the Infinity to fuel its awakening. It devoured all of the lesser Devil genes in her body causing her to grow in strength at a rapid rate. Naerdeath went through the same thing as her Succubus and Dwarf genes fully fused into something better.

She had the best of both species and more while Raynare felt her Fallen Angel bloodline evolve a step further. Ajuka watched all of this with the curiosity of an inventor as La Folia surged with power. She gained the most out of all this as her natural genetic talent was truly great.

Vander smiled as he hid the rest of his Evil Pieces away in his soul,

"Welcome to my peerage."

The 4 of them felt so much stronger than before just because they gained some limited access to trace Infernity. The amount they could draw on was limited by their own strength as it was not meant for them. Vander was special as his body was made from the Divine Power of Persephone.

La Folia stretched a little as she felt overwhelming strength from every inch of her being. Just the fact her Super Devil genes were fully awake was something that would carry her to a higher power.

"I feel like everything has changed about me."

Naerdeath felt that her dwarven strength had just gotten a massive increase.

"So I think it is time for us to go visit my dad for our new treasures. New bodies need new weapons."

Nerezza had never felt so complete in her life. Both her Devil and Vampire sides had just become one. She had so many things to discover so her thanks to Vander were endless. Raynare had the same thought as if she had become a new being. Vander looked at Ajuka with a smile.

"Thanks for this. I will stop by to visit Serafall."

Ajuka pointed at the husk in the wall.

"What about him?"

Vander touched his forehead as he dragged out the memories he gained by eating the Devil's soul. He did keep a copy for himself which he had to go over that he combined with some Demonic Mana and Infernity.

He fused that with some soul energy and tossed it back into the body. That caused the husk to open its eyes as it dusted itself off.

"I am truly sorry master for my actions. What is it you need of me?"

"I want you to infiltrate the Great King Faction and give the information to Serafall and Grayfia."

He glanced at Ajuka and decided to add him as well.

"Ajuka and Me, as well as I, want to know what those fucks know. If you get caught, you can go wild."

The Live Dead gave him a curt bow to Vander.

"Your will is mine to follow. What do I tell them about the inquired questions my lord?"

"Tell them I am Grayfia's Eight Piece Pawn and my pieces are normal. Don't say a thing about who is in my peerage. That is all you need to say."

"I shall take my leave, my lord."

The Live Dead began to leave as Ajuka sighed.

"Vander, if this is found out you will start a war."

Vander shook his head.

"That is where you are wrong Ajuka. The war is going to start at any moment. Why else would the Devils be split into two factions? I am just the guy who will not take it without retaliating. I shall be in Serafall's palace. Oh, can I have the means to contact you?"

Ajuka sighed as he gave Vander his magic signature.

"I don't mind. Vander, please try to not go around making more Live Dead. It was outlawed for a reason."

La Folia chuckled as she saw how even Ajuka was overwhelmed with Vander.

"You get used to it."

Naerdeath had to agree.

"She is right you know. Vander does as Vander wants."

In a flash of Dark Purple flames, he and his group vanished as he went to visit Serafall. She could be said to be his friend in a way.

I have a better idea for Crom Cruach and Azhi Dhaka will be better as Pawns. Fenrir should be the same with how powerful he is as they will be better off by being able to promote to different types.

God_Of_Wolvescreators' thoughts