
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Rating Game

Vander stopped by the Gremory Clan as he wanted to stop by Krumdrum's workshop. Naerdeath had been missing her dad and he wanted to stop by to talk with the dwarf.

He looked at the group gathered with him and gave some orders.

"Rias, you and your peerage can stay here for a few hours. Afterward, we will leave as I have to meet with someone beforehand. Raynare, you stay with me."

Raynare sighed as he dragged her around everywhere.


She walked next to him as he prepared to leave. La Folia reminded them of something.

"Don't relax too much as we will leave right after we finish up."

Vander teleported outside the workshop and noticed that Krumdrum was outside. He was alarmed at the flash of Dark Purple flames, but he saved himself last minute.

"Kid, glad you could make it. I have been hard at work with the stuff you left me."

Naerdeath noticed how he had not looked at her for some reason.

"Dad, are you pouting?"

Krumdrum scoffed at the idea.

"Don't be an idiot. Why would I be?"

She walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"You were just lonely. Sorry I didn't call. I got a boyfriend now after all."

Krumdrum looked to the sky with a smile.

"Thank the Heavens. I thought you would be single for the rest of your life."

That killed her smile as she backed away. Krumdrum looked at Vander with a smile.

"So you come to get that armor forged?"

"Actually no, I decided that I don't need it. Maybe later you can make these two some weapons. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

Raynare nudged La Folia confused.

"Why is he so short?"

"He is a dwarf and Naerdeath's dad. Also Vander's father-in-law."

Raynare hummed with interest as she had never seen a dwarf before

Krumdrum was pleased with Vander.

"Making sure your father-in-law is happy is the best way to earn my trust. It would be my pleasure so when do we start?"

Vander thought about it as he planned to get his Evil Pieces quite soon.

"After I get my Evil Pieces. Should be very soon."

Krumdrum was excited to start again.

"Well, whenever you are ready my workshop is at your service. Now then-"

He walked toward his daughter and grabbed her ear.


"You damn brat. Not one call and you steal my special whiskey. Cough it up."


"You WHAT?!"

La Folia found it cute how they interacted. She was glad to have met Naerdeath who became her close friend. Vander laughed at the interaction as he prepares to leave.

"I will come back once I get done with my little goal. Can you let go of Naerdeath though?"

He let go of her ear which was bright red. She can behind Vander as she rubbed her ear.

"How did you hurt me?"

"Parent powers. No matter strong you get, we can always discipline you. Now go before I throw my hammer at you."

Vander teleported back to the Gremory mansion to pick up Rias, her peerage, Nerrzza, and his two servants.

Rias barely got a chance to say hi to her parents before Vander's booming voice echoed in the mansion.


They all came outside without question as they did not want to leave Vander waiting. Nerezza had no reason to fear him, but she still hurried. After a minute everyone who was part of the group was outside.

Vander had one last encouraging speech before he put them through Hell.

"Pray to God and the pain you feel multiply it by 100. That is what I will put you through. You will undergo extreme stress training, and rituals to boost your power and you will like it. Now, any questions?"

Issei raised his hand.

"Will we get strong?"

Vander nodded.

"If you strive and work for it, you just might survive. Now, here is the new order. YOU ARE NO LONGER DEVILS, VAMPIRES, OR FALLEN! YOU ARE HUMANS, IF YOU SURVIVE, I MAY PROMOTE YOU BACK TO YOUR TRUE SPECIES! Not you though."

He pointed at Issei.

"You are demoted to lizard as you have a dragon in you. Any complaints?"

They all were about to say something, but Vander was not hearing it.


Before they could escape or run black tendrils of Infernity wrapped around them as he teleported in a flash of Dark Purple flames What would go on for the next two weeks would be closer to torture than training, but effective.


For two weeks Vander pushed them to the breaking point and then pushed them further past that. The rating game was set to begin in just an hour, but Rias and her peerage seemed ready for it.

They entered the Occult Research club where they sat down on the couches. Vander sat in Rias' chair while La Folia, Naerdeath, Nerezza, Raynare, Dohanseek, and Kalawarna stood with him.

He looked at Rias, Issei, Akeno, Kiba, Asia, and Gasper who all seemed a little different. Issei seemed to have grown a few inches and he had bulked up a bit. Rias and Akeno looked the same as before, but they gave off a heavier air around them.

Kiba was usually quite thin, but even he had bulked up a bit after the rituals and train he went through with Ripper. He did not look very different as getting too big was not good for him. Gasper was dressed in boy clothes as Vander told him he would have to win if he wanted to cross-dress again.

"Alright, you did quite well for the last two weeks. Now, if you still lose to Riser I will be mad. You don't want to make me mad do you?"

That was scarier than marrying Riser so Rias stood up to get motivate her peerage.

"No. After all the things we went through, this will be easy. Daisy is way scarier than anything Riser could throw at us."

Kiba touched his thigh where Ripper tired to eat his leg. He kept the scars as a reminder of the price he had to pay to exceed his previous speed and power.

"Riser's knights will look like snails compared to the speeds that Ripper can achieve."

Just then Sona and Tsubaki entered the research club to talk to Rias. Just at a glance, she felt that Rias was different than usual. Rias smiled as she looked at her friend.

"Sona, it is a pleasure to see you. What brings you along?"

"I requested to be the one to manage the streaming to both families. As it is your first game I wanted to watch. Normally I would say do your best, but it seems you don't need me to say that."

She glanced at Vander who was sitting at the head of the chair. He smiled at her as he had done his best.

"You don't need to worry about them. I trained them myself, so just observe and be awed. I should start charging for it."

La Folia felt it was a good idea.

"If you do, you will become quite rich soon."

Naerdeath's dwarf senses for money made her eyes shine.

"We surely should do it."

Just as they were talking Grayfia's unique blue teleport circle appeared with her appearing from it.

"Rias, are you ready?"

Rias smiled with a nod.

"Of course. I hope my brother and father will watch."

Grayfia nodded.

"That is guaranteed. Now, Vander, I have news. You can go get your Evil Pieces whenever you please. Ajuka Beelzebub wants to oversee your acquisition of them, and the representative of the Great King Faction will be there as well."

Vander grinned.

"Perfect. Let the Rating Game begin."

Rias stood up followed by her entire peerage. No more words of encouragement were needed as it was not a question of what if, but of how long. They teleported into the Rating Game field which was an exact copy of the Occult Research Club.

Several screens showing all areas of the field appeared in front of Vander and his group so that they may watch. Sona bowed as she left to manage things. Vander crossed his arms as he watched Rias' face.

"Do not disappoint me."

Grayfia walked over to him as she also had some extra news.

"Serafall has been getting in the way of the Great King Faction from looking further into your business. Ever since they found out about our attempts they have been getting quite annoying."

La Folia groaned as those assholes were always causing trouble.

They always get in the way don't they."

Vander squinted his eyes as he started to get sick of them.

"I swear I will purge them all one day. Not yet though, let's watch how they do."


Rias looked at her peerage as she gave them her orders.

"Our base is here in the Occult Research Club. Riser's is in the New Building and if our pawns enter each other they can promote to any other piece. In this type of game, we reign supreme. Koneko, Issei, I want you two to attack the gym. He will know and follow."

Issei got up as he popped his neck.

"I have been wanting to fight someone that is not Vander. I never got a hit in, but I am ready."

Koneko released her cat ears and two tails. Vander had used the blood-boosting ritual on all of them and Koneko's Nekusho bloodline had been purified of the human in it. As for the Devil, it had also gotten stronger just like the dragon in Issei had gotten a boost.

"Let's kick some ass, meow."

They both left to do just that while she looked at Kiba.

"I want you to patrol the forest with Gasper. Gasper, Nerezza taught you how to turn into a single bat. Hide in Kiba's coat and Vander left you a vial of his blood. Use it if you need to."


Both of them left to do just that and that left Akeno, Asia, and her.

"Akeno, I want you to tail Koneko and Issei. Keep your wings hidden, and blast them with Holy Lightning."

"I got it."

She left the club as Asia looked at Rias.

"What about me?"

"Asia, you stay with me. You are our lifeline, but you are no good in a direct battle. Vander tried to teach you attack magic, but for that one needs to have the mind to harm another. You just are not compatible with it, but it does not matter. We will face Riser when he appears."

Rias used magic to speak to her whole peerage to keep an eye on things.

"Go my peerage. Destroy them or Vander will not be happy."

That was all the motivation they needed, but it made Sirzechs squint his eyes. Why would that seem to push them to do better? What did Vander do to his Rias? He turned to the gym where Issei and Koneko did not try to be subtle.

Koneko kicked the wall down as she walked in wiht Issei who was already boosting his power for the technique he learned from Daisy. Inside Riser had already sent his Rook, and 3 pawns. They were surprised that they were that forward and did not try to be stealthy at all.

The rook smiled as she looked at Koneko.

"You must be quite confident to make so much notice when you are outnumbered."

Issei looked her over once as even though he was still a perv, he had reigned it in. He used that perversion to make a type of scanner that sadly only worked on women.

'She is quite strong for a regular Rook, but compare to Koneko she is nothing. The pawns are just distractions.'

"I got the pawns Koneko."

His gauntlet appeared on his left hand as he walked forward. Ddraig spoke as he transferred the power that Issei had gathered.


Instead of giving it away, he sent it into his body which caused his veins and muscles to bulge. Koneko nodded as her body surged in touki and her hands were covered in senjutsu flames.


She stepped off the ground and appeared right in front of the rook with her cat-like reflexes.


Koneko's fist landed straight in her gut which launched her into the wall with a blast of white flames. Sona and Tsubaki froze as Sona spoke up.

"One of Riser's rooks, Retires."

Issei charged at the twin pawns and punched them both in the face. He sent them flying as he kicked the staff-wielding pawn in the chest. They did not get one shot like with Koneko, but he clenched his right hand.


Three well-placed explosions caused the three pawns to be retired.

"3 of Riser's pawns retire."

Sirzechs and everyone who was watching had been left with slacked jaws. Grayfia glanced at Vander who gave her a smile. Issei and Koneko walked out of the gym as they were planning to head back to the occult research club.

Issei and Koneko gave each other a fist bump as they started to walk back.

"Koneko, you beat her in one hit. Awesome."

"You learned well under Vander. He taught you some martial arts did he not."

She walked a bit ahead of Issei which he noticed but acted as if he was in thought.

"Yeah, he taught me by making me experience them first hand."

Koneko's cat ears twitched as she lept from an explosive blast from the sky. She ended up fully unscathed as she avoided the blast long before it hit the ground. She and Issei looked to the sky where Yubeluna had been sent out to stop them.

Even she felt surprised that her attack had been avoided.

"Impressive for you to avoid that. It won't do you much good though."

Just as she raised her staff to attack again the sky rained down with Holy Lightning that all struck Yubeluna. She screamed in pain as she was retired in one blow. In the sky, Akeno chuckled as her 4 pairs of wings were free to see.

She had surpassed Vander's expectations and had actually acquired 2 more sets instead of just one. Sona looked at the Fallen Angel wings on Akeno's right side with awe.

"Riser's queen Retires, 3 pawns retire."

In the forest, the three pawns that Riser sent out to reach the occult research club had met Kiba. He walked out of the forest with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to my trap. I am sorry to say that you will not be moving closer."

They laughed as they thought he was joking. Shuriya the dark-skinned lightly clothes pawn gave him a look.

"I would hate to-"

Before she could say more Gasper in his bat form drank a drop of Vander's blood and froze them in time. When they were frozen Kiba slashed them with his sword and retired them. He was much farther than before as he had broken his speed limiter to keep up with Ripper.

Riser rose to his feet angrily and shocked.

'Yubeluna was taken out in one hit,'

In just a few minutes he had lost 8 of his 15 pieces. He did not plan to lose that many and now Rias was showing him that her servants surpassed his. He thought back to Vander and cursed as he should not have given them that time.

Ravel drank her tear as she looked at him.

"What will you do now brother?"

"Isebella, Ni, Li, Karlamine Siris, Mihae, go and take them out. Be careful of that Fallen Angel."


They rushed out to do that as he got up.

"Ravel, come with me. We are reading Rias's base while they fight her servants."

Ravel stood up as she put down her tea.

"Whatever you say, brother. Be careful."

As they rushed out to face Rias, Kiba and Gasper met back with Issei, Koneko, and Akneo. Issei grinned as he gave him a high five.

"You two did great."

Gasper emerged from Kiba's shirt and returned to his vampire form. Kiba patted him on the head with a happy smile.

"Gasper helped me do it faster."

Akeno took to the sky as she decided to go on ahead.

"I will smoke out Riser, you should go hunt down his pieces"

They nodded as they began to rush toward the New Building.

"I will go on ahead."

Kiba vanished as he rushed forward at speeds so fast he vanished even from some Devil's eyes. The rituals that Vander had done on him had strengthened the bones and muscles in his legs and arms to give him more speed and strength.

Issei began to boost his power to once again use his technique, but Koneko advised against it.

"Issei, wait. Vander told you that while the rituals he did on you helped the stress on your body is heavy."

"I know, but I am willing to do it. It is better than getting Vander mad at me."

He rubbed his back as Vander had broken it over his knee. It was thanks to Phoenix tears and Asia's help that he could even walk. Vander did not play around when he trained them. Koneko had also used her senjutsu to deal wiht his pain so she knew just what was in store if they lost.

Her cat ears twitched as she, Gasper, and Issei stopped.

"They are here."

The pieces that Riser had sent out had arrived and they looked determined to hold them back. Issei walked forward as his eyes scanned through them. He looked at Isabella the rook with the mask on the side of her face.

"I got the rook. Koneko, Gasper, take the pawns."


Once again his muscles and veins swelled with power as he grit his teeth with pain. Isabella squinted her eyes at the idea.

"Do you now? Show me."

She charged toward Issei as Koneko and Gasper attacked the pawns as the knights were not there. They had stayed behind to take out Kiba while Akeno blasted her way into the New Building office.

When she stepped inside she noticed magic circles placed everywhere making her curse. A massive eruption of Phonex fire erupted around her and when it cleared she was still standing. She had wrapped her wings around herself and used mana shields around herself.

"Damn it, Vander will yell at me that for."

Outside Vander nodded.

"I taught you better than that Akeno."

She flew out as she knew that Riser had gone to attack Rias. She decided to look for Kiba who was fighting both Knights as they worked together to fight him. Still calling it a fight was an exaggeration as he was a blur landing sword strike after sword strike with his elemental swords.

Sona called it as they retired.

"Riser's two Knights retire."

Kiba sighed as he shook his head.

"Ripper is many times faster and tougher than me you know. Be thankful you don't have to face him."

He ran back to help Issei, Koneko, and Gasper, but when he arrived he realized he was not needed. Issei was exchanging punch after kick with Isabella, but he was winning. Finally, she slipped up and he slipped in an upper cut with his left hand.

She was launched back as she tried to shake it off. However, Issei clenched his hand and an explosion took her out of it. As for the pawns, Gasper with Vander's blood was a monster at taking out weak enemies.

He drained them of blood and power while Koneko took them out. The Bishop followed the same leaving only Riser and Ravel.

"Riser's rook, his 2 pawns, and his bishop retire."

Riser grit his teeth as he was outnumbered. When he and Ravel reached the Occult Research Club Rias was waiting for him on the roof. Both Phenex devils landed on the roof as they looked at Rias and Asia.

"In just two weeks, how did you get so strong?"

Rias sighed.

"Vander pushed us hard and we nearly died many times. Would you be willing to just give up Riser?"

"No, if I take you out the whole game ends and I win."

She sighed.

"I see, well let me show you the fruits of my labors."

From her hands began to emerge her Energy of Destruction not in a blast, but in a stream. It began to take the shape of a very familiar hybrid, Daisy. The construct seemingly roared as it charged at both Phenex siblings.

Riser and Ravel dodged out of the way as they felt danger. Normally their immortal bodies would protect them, but this felt dangerous. Rias strained a bit and the giant Daisy turned into a lot of Rippers that charged at both of them.

This was taxing on her mind as she only had two weeks to push her control this far. Riser launched fire blasts at them only to see them destroyed. Ravel tried to do the same, but she was surrounded and attacked by the constructs causing the Energy of Destruction to take her out.

Sona called out afterward.

"Riser's Bishop retires."

Riser felt cornered, but Kiba, Akeno, Issei, Koneko, and Gasper all began to fly toward Rias. He cleaned his hand as he was totally outnumbered.


In the sky, Holy Lightning crackled as if Baraqiel had descended and in Koneko's hands, white fire rested. Issei was boosting again, while Kiba drew his sword ready to make use of his Light Sword.

Riser looked at all of them and did not want to give up. How would he let this shame down in front of his father? Just as he tried to reason with Rias, both she and Akeno attacked sticking him out.

Sona smiled as Rias actually did it.

"Riser Phenex retires. Rias Gremory wins."

Vander held his hands out to the sky.

"I did great."

La Folia and Naerdeath both hugged him.

"You did amazing turning them into strong fighters?"

"You leave my dad beat in cruelty in training."

Grayfia was honestly impressed by how much they had grown with just a bit of time with Vander.

"You did this in just two weeks? You got Koneko and Akeno to accept themselves for who they were. You even got Gasper to master his sacred gear in such a short amount of time. How?"

Vander smiled as he got up.

"Easy, I scared them to do it. Without anyone to save them, they were forced to evolve and adapt. Sadly I did not get Issei to go Balance Breaker, but he will get there. How he does it is up to him though."

Nerezza, Raynare, Dohnaseek, and Kalawarna followed him as he went to go meet up with Rias and her peerage. Once he did that he would be free to pick up his Evil Pieces and start to build his peerage.

Queen-Crom Cruch or Azi Dahaka

Rook 1-Naerdeath, Rook 2-Tiamat

Knight 1-Xenovia Knight Two-OC Oni(MALE) HAHAHA

Bishop 1-Nerezza, Bishop 2-Kuroka

Pawn 1-Raynare, Pawn 2-Dohnaseek, Pawn 3-Kalawarna. 5 more to go.

Vander's Pieces will be special.

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