
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Potetial Rook Found and Enemy Champion's Goal.

Vander appeared right in Serafall's office with his peerage members easily as he knew her magic signature quite well. During their fight he had analyzed it perfectly so he always had a decent pinpoint on where she was.

Serafall jumped to her feet as she was about to defend herself thinking she was being attacked. However when she saw the Dark Purple flames she calmed down as only Vander used flames like those.

She sighed in relief when she realized that.

"It's just you. You startled me, Vander. I was about to blast you to kingdom come."

He chuckled as he walked to her desk.

"Who else teleports in a flash of flames?"

She started to think and came up with an answer.

"The Phenex clan does, but they use Phoenix fire while-"

When she saw his face go blank she realized he was being rhetorical. She shook her head as she noticed La Folia, Naerdeath, Nerezza, and Raynare with him. She sat back down and went back to dealing with the several stacks of paperwork around her.

"So did you kill the Beal clan guy?"

As she did that she read different reports, stamped papers, and signed her name. She sighed as the Great King Faction had sent several legal papers, reports, and the like for the sake of keeping the Satans busy. Legally they had to answer them all which made it worse for the current lazy Satans.

"I turned him into a Live Dead and sent him back to the Bael clan as a spy for me."

She nodded.

"Oh, I see."

She froze when she heard that.

"Can you say that again?"

"I sent him to the Bael clan as a spy."

She shook her head.

"No the first part."

"I turned him into a Live Dead."

Her head landed on her desk as that was so much worse than simply killing the guy. She wanted to laugh like crazy, but making a Live Dead was a big crime. It was a good way to make loyal slaves so it was a popular practice long ago, but so many means to counter it had been developed.

"If they find out even me and Grayfia won't be able to save you from the wrath of the Great King Faction."

Vander scoffed.

"And I don't need it. You don't have to worry about them catching him. I used my Divine Energy as a blocker so they won't have a clue. Just give me a few years and I will purge them for you. No, for my sake as they annoyed me."

Serafall hated how happy she was at the idea. Her face kept twitching trying to turn into a smile which she prevented.

"I can't stop you as I have no idea what you just said."

La Folia realized that Serafall was telling Vander that she did not mind. Now that Serafall finished with that she turned La Folia who felt leagues stronger than before with shock. La Folia had always been considered THE strongest Devil of the new generation by far.

Not to mention that she had been growing in power rapidly ever since she met Vander. Just what was so special about Vander that he could make even La Folia grow that much.

"What happened to you? No, what happened to all of you? It is like you 4 just gained great power out of nowhere."

La Folia pointed at Vander.

"Vander created a unique set of Evil Pieces with trace amounts of his Divine Energy which made us evolve in a way. I am a True Super Devil now, Nerezza became a Vampiric Devil, Naerdeath is a Dwarifsh Succubuss and Raynare we also don't know."

Raynare sighed as while she did grow greatly in power she was nothing compared to these three monsters. That did not count Vander himself either as this group was deadly. That also meant that the pressure she felt to keep up would mean that her life would be hellish soon.

'I should have just stayed in Grigori like.'

Vander pulled out his Black Infernity Pieces from his soul to show Serafall. When she saw the 11 black pieces remaining she could feel the power in them. It was staggering which made even her interested. She shook her head as she could not join the peerage of someone else.

"So you have 2 Knight, 1 Rook, 1 Bishop, and 7 pawns left to fill in. I have a good idea about someone you might want as a Rook."

Vander had the Bishop float in front of Serafall.

"How about you filll in the spot of my second Bishop? I can add you right now you know. I added La Folia who has her own pieces and so did Sirzechs with Grayfia. You can be my second Bishop."

Serafall's pink eyes glanced at the black Bishop piece with her entire being feeling the call of the Demonic Mana which was leagues stronger than Demonic Power. Not to mention the Infernity that it was a miracle that she did not say yes right then and there.

Howeve she pushed it back to Vander with a sigh.

"I can't. I am a Satan and I would have to resighn if I joined your peerage. Still, if you had met me just 50 years ago I would have jumped ship in a instant."

Vander huffed.

"I see, I thought I could get one of the Satans in my peeerage and rise my status above a Satan. Guess I will have to change my offer to Falbium."

La Folia barely held back her laugh as Naerdeath expected this from a sceming man like Vander. Nerezza simply looked like a proper maid at his side while Raynare no longer questions what this man would do for his own end.

As for Serafall her eyes were twitching at how shameless Vander was.

"Remind me to never shake your hand. Anyway, no. I was trying to tell you of a possible Rook for you, the Dragon King Tiamat. She inhabits a forest here in our territory and many want to have her as a familiar or peerage member. She herself has been visited so much that she had begun to accept challengers to fight her for a price.

If they win she has sworn to become their peerage member or familiar, but you have to pay some kind of treasure. Most see it as a scam as she is far too strong, but even so many devils pay and lose. As she is a Dragon she will keep her word without fail. If you beat her she will make a good Rook for you."

Vander looked at La Folia and Naerdeath with a grin. He totally had to be the one to defeat Timat to add her to his growing team of battle.

"Well, I just found my new Rook. Now I just have to beat her."

La Folia pulled him down by his collar and held his cheeks with her hands.

"That is if you win. She is the strongest of the 5 Dragon Kings for a reason and Falbium and Serafall would lose in a full on fight. I think only someone like my father or Ajuka would be strong enough for that."

Vander's grin was not going away though.

"Just watch me. Thank Sera. Where is the forest?"

Serafall's mind went blank at Vander's nickname for her. She actually liked it, but she did not let that show. She coughed as she sent him the exact location.

"It is in the Familiar Master's Forest in the depths. Devils of the Sitri, Gremory, and even Phenex head in to get their familiars from there. Of course, La Folia here never did as she acquired hers from around the world on her foreign trips."

La Folia shrugged.

"The forest has mostly weak familiars that are meant to be used as small helpers. I wanted something stronger and I was too weak to beat Tiamat so I did not bother. I heard thier was a hydra in there somewhere, but if I already have a snake."

Vader pulled up a seat and sat down as he started to think of his goal. He still remembered that he had to find the enemy Champion in America, but it was a large country.

"Hey Serafall, do me a favor?"

She looked at his face and saw he was serious.

"What is it?"

"You are the Devils foreign diplomate right?"

She nodded.

"Yes. Why?"

Vander had a idea of who might be able to help him look for the guy.

"I need you to get me in contact with Zeus."

Her face recoiled at the mention of the perverted god.

"Why would you need to talk to the king of rapists?"

La Folia, Naerdeath, Nerezza and even Raynare did not see Zeus in too good a light. His reputation for his many affair with women was infamous as the women did not always consent. That was a reason Vander did not like Zeus, but it would make is job easier.

"To be frank with you, I am hunting someone in America. Imagine someone like me appearing somewhere over there to cause mayhem."

Serafall doubted someone like Vander would be so common.

"Someone like you?"

"Someone with god like talent, access to divine energy, can evolve rapidly by consuming other species. And trust me, he will use it if he has not already. I guess you can call him a member of my species and their can only be one."

Black scales begun to erupt over his body as his full unrestrained Infernity was unleashed in the small rom. He did not even realize why he was so enraged as he had never been this effected by it before.

This was the result of two enemy Champions being on the same world and both growing in power in opposite directions. High Humans as a species were apex predators designed through eons of careful design to be the perfect fighters. If two were on the same world, they would without a doubt hunt the other to a fight to the death if their patron gods were enemies.

The winner would consume the loser and gain all of the genetic information he had assimilated. That had been the way the gods perfected their Champions through the ages. Vander had been right about that as his counterpart had also begun to evolve into his own path.

In America a large man could be seen bitting the neck of a young teen draining him of blood. The boy was still alive as his blood was drained as his special heritage forced him to suffer. When he finally expired the man dropped the body which looked like that of a mummy. His body erupted in bright red flames as his muscles began to grow larger only to suddly collapse in on themselves.

That returned the synergy of his body to something more lean rather than bulky. He exhaled as his High Human genes adapted to the new genetic information after he consumed a demigod son of Ares. Gupyaresla, sent him here with the intention for him to consume demigods that the Greek gods left lying around free for the taking.

He had found his first one in the first city he had been dropped off in. It happedn to be a son of Hermes which were everywhere. The one he had just consumed caused his eyes to turn into bright red burning pits until they changed into bright opol blue. He extended his hand to the corpse and ripped out the soul which as far superior to humans.

'With this soul my second Demon Castle shall be even stronger than the first two. The soul of a Demigod son of the god of war Ares will do nicely compared to the one of Hermes and Hephestus.'

He had already found and consumed a total of 8 demigods as he never stayed in one place. As he was a Champion he could find those with divine blood which made Demigods a big bright flash light for him. He had eaten 3 from Hermes, 1 from Ares, 3 of Apollo, 1 from Hephestus.

He was currently in New York as he had felt the strongest one of the lot somewhere in Manhattan. If he managed to consume this demigod he was sure that his 4th demon castle would surpass his 3rd one that he had to create.

He also felt the rage that Vander felt toward him. Only one could stay on this rock so one would die. Vander and Ubel would find each other and the end result would not be pretty for the world as each one had grown greatly rapidly.

Champions are not easy to make for the gods as when one is defeated their Divine Protection is also lost. This means each God does not want to lose their champions, but with how long they have lived they have gone through many. Some become gods others die. Persephone lied to Vander. It was never random as she choose him intentionally. A little tidbit for you guys.

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