


As I had completed with my name and all the compulsory things so I was just counting my days and making some memories of life during bringing up in the lap of grannies as well as mumma...

Now all of you would be Getting surprised that when did my terms with mumma get so much stronger....

Actually it was month of November 2000 when pappa got his transfer in Patna and pappa took Bhai (elder brother) with him for his further studies so now I was only with mumma who could entertain her in all way.... And mumma was also enjoying my company...

During the period I also visited my maternal's home also , where I made some cousin friends although they all were elder to me but somehow they were also affecting towards my smile.... Hahahaha not praising my self like a buffoon just telling you as I heard from mumma....

It was month of December when mumma got me a scheduled vaccination for "typhoid" . The injection was injected on my thigh and after injecting, the child got some fever along with unbearable pain and swelling on thigh....

But it was something different with me that I couldn't bear that pain easily and wailing that night very badly while got a fever of 103 °F .

Mumma was very confusing at that time even a time came when she also started to cry with me saying something in odiya.....

After all dadi took charge over the situation and make mumma slightly calm for morale support...

She wrapped my thigh in ice cubes so that it could hibernate for a while but mumma was still anxious.

"She is already in fever maa ji" mumma said.

" Oh you please keep quite for a while" dadi said.

Mumma- " maa ji there is no hospital in vicinity what if we couldn't tackle the situation , so you please don't wrap her in ice cubes even it's winter season also".

Now dadi was at full angrily mood...

Dadi- " you don't teach me anymore please", it's just your second delivery .

Now mumma was just silent and executing the orders of dadi....

And literally it gave me so much of relief in thigh after hibernation ....

Slowly slowly the temperature of body also got down and by the morning ( it was 5'o clock of morning) I had slept along with dadi on mumma's bad .

Mumma helplessly observing the situation and made herself waking up all the night....

But she didn't go to bed at morning also and started to make home very early on that day .

I was just cursing myself but what could I do at that moment after all I was a child....

Finally I woke up at 10'o clock as I was Hungary so I was just looking for mumma.....

Mumma rushed to me quickly and first she checked my temperature..

"She is fine , nothing to worry" dadi said.

" Maa ji sorry for the night" mumma said.

" Oh shut up! You are also a mother I can understand , you just feed her." Dadi said.

" Aapki chai Maine table par rakhdi h( your tea is on table) " mumma said to dadi...

" You first take rest , and go to bed for a while because you could also get ill , I will take care for the rest things" dadi said...

So that was the first time when I saw a different side of a woman first time....

Now it was the month of April 2001 when dadi ordered mumma not to feed me breast regularly .....

This is also a worst time for a child .... And finally the time came when mumma totally refused to feed me once a day also....

But I adjusted myself...

Finally my first birthday came but pappa was not there to celebrate it with me... Anyhow mumma managed to make it a grand show....

Now my life span was moving on smoothly... Many moments came, like first day of school when I was just ramming my legs on earth like I would destroy centre of gravitation of earth that day....

I secured a top position in class 1 st again pappa was not there , now I was craving very much to join the company of pappa.....

But simultaneously I had attached with mumma like fevi stick...

2nd class came and gone like other classes and in same way 3rd, 4th, 5th classes had been also passed.....

Finally pappa got his transfer in Delhi where he decided to shift with family...

But dadaji refused to go with him

So I had shifted to Delhi now and got myself admitted in a convent school where English grammar is considered more important than marks of a student....

The one and only change I observed in that school was that all the students used to talk in English with their friends and teachers.....

But anyhow I am enjoying here.... So meet you guys in next page..