

✍️ leisure✍️

Although I wanted to name it 3rd day of my life but I told you naa that it will bore you guys.....

So it's my 3rd day of life and the most interesting thing is that pappa took an off from his office just to live these leisure moments with me...

Although pappa wanted to enjoy Sunday with me but all relatives just made it impossible for him to make it out in his way.

So it's Monday today but why should I care as I am not going to school yet.... But it's seeming that mumma wants to instruct me something , ohh god I would have to ignore her again....

So finally pappa came to me and kissed my forehead while taking care that no one around here and there after all he didn't want to lose male nature being strict . But pappa don't worry now you would have to be more caring and loving in front of this world without giving a damn shit to this male nature.

Wait wait what is pappa doing here? and now this is time to get surprise that papa brought 2 toys to me so that I can enjoy his company in his absence..... Toys if I describe than-

1. 3 rubber nipples filled with honey.

2. One kind of a toy which make some noise while shaking.

At that time I was like , yes now I won't wail for breastfeeding anymore bcz I have these magical nipples which are giving me feel of mumma's breast but who knows that it's temporary...

So pappa took me in his lap and just started to entertaining me in funny manners all he could do.....but I don't know what happened to me and I suddenly peed in his lap . It was his bad luck that mumma forgot to wear me a diaper today ... But look how cool pappa is?? He is just behaving still that nothing happened just earlier.....

I was like - ewww what did I do this but all of sudden I remembered that I am a child still so just controlled myself over that so called weird situation....pappa just changed and came back to me.....

Hahahaha pappa behaving very funny now because he doesn't know how to pamper a child.... I heard him calling me by 3-4 names often but can't recall those....

But all of sudden he called me oh! My beloved *suchi* which I liked very much , I don't know why but just felt some attachment with this word ... And just see my destiny pappa also liked this name and since the morning he has been calling me by this name...

I was like "But pappa don't make my favourite word by repeating it again and again" now ..... Pappa was not giving a damn care to my complaint

So I just scared him as I started to wail in his lap... He got shocked that what happened to me and tried his best to keep me quite but all in vain

Than mumma came and transfer of laps took place between them now I was handed over to mumma. She fed me breast , now I was quite ....

"If you don't know to entertain a child than why wasting your time?" Mumma asked.

" Oh I am just trying may be come out as a good dad" dad told.

" I know , why are you proving than?" Mumma asked.

" No no I was just enjoying my liesure with our suchi...." Dad said.

" What is this we haven't finalized a name for this baby yet? Mumma told.

" But I didn't have a name to call her with love so this name hit my mind and I just started to call her with this name" dad told.

Mumma- uuhhhh but I don't like it.

Dad-. No problem you just christen a name of your choice for her.

Mumma - even I have thought a name for her, would you like to know it?

Dad- no you just surprise us on the occasion of her naming ceremony with that cute name.

Mom- that's fine....

The one thing I got now that how much pappa love mumma also unconditionally as he didn't force her for the name which he chose for me.

Now dadaji has turned on his radio with his all time favourite "on air show akashwaani" and a Mohammad Rafi sahab's song is playing in low volume in background , so let me enjoy this for today..... We will meet later with an interesting topic .....

So I have decided now to announce my name and here we go with my name....

It's SUCHI..... It's mean in Hindi is "pavitra" means pure in English.

Let's pause here , we will meet now on the occasion of my naming ceremony.