
Succubus Transmigrates

What happens when an erotic demoness from a demon world comes into the human world, not as an ordinary demon, but as the succubus demon of seduction, having the powers of lust that drives men to fulfil their sexual desires willingly and unwillingly. The Demon whose fun lies in making men fall for the hour glass shape of the replacement human body she obtained after transmigrating. The demon whose only work was to make men do her bidding, using her almighty seduction powers. Yes, that type of demon, but yet she ends up in the hands on probably the most celibate man on earth that is unmoved by her various acts of seduction. Unable to handle the disorganization caused in the human world by Succubus, her mates all came to earth to plead for her return, but she refuses adamant on staying with the inseducable human she just found out. _______________ After casting a spell to hypnotize the man before her, Succubus went towards the man, licking her lips in delight 'what a good body ' she thought tracing her hands to his neckline going deeper and deeper. "What do you think you are doing?" The man demanded grabbing her hands off him roughly. Succubus could not believe it he managed to break her hypnosis then removed her hands massaging her wrists well, we will see how long you can hold in for, she thought smirking.

Female_warrior · Fantasy
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3 Chs



"Alexia!!" A loud voice resonated round the room, but no answer was heard instead it was moans of pleasure.

"Alexia!!" The voice called again breaking a door open, he seemed to be fuming in anger.

The girl in question paid no attention to him and focused on the dick she was riding hard.

The man underneath the girl seeing the intruder felt ashamed and tried to push her off his body.

"Why are you trying to push me off? Don't you like my well shaped body again." Alexia said forming a pitiful face as she arched her back stuffing her nipples into the man's mouth while still riding him, she bit her lips trying to contain the moan that threatened to escape from them.

"Alexia!" The man that barged into the room called in a low threatening voice.

Alexia paid no heed to him and continued riding faster until she was finally able to reach her orgasm, when she did she stood up and glared at the man that still laid on the bed confused at what he should do.

"Scram." she told him coldly, he repeatedly nodded his head as he packed his things and hurried out of the room.

Not bothering to dress up at all, Alexia sat on the bed which was made of fur like material, the room was covered with it to show the obsession she had with animals.

"Why are you here?" Alexia asked the man who had barged in earlier, "Can't you at least dress up first before we talk." The man hissed getting more aggravated, "Why are you so pissed and besides what have you not seen before?" Alexia said with a huge smirk on her face raising her eyebrows at him.

"Just so you know your father has summoned you." The man finally said his reason before heading out, he knew that if he stood any second longer he might become her victim once again.

Alexia lazily got dressed as she headed out to see her father, her black hair bouncing as she moved about and her blue eyes holding a glint of laziness.

After much scurrying about she finally found the perfect cloth to wear it was a see through net gown, she put it on not wearing anything underneath it and sashayed out of the room.

As she walked pass the hallways men gawked at her privates probably wishing to be ravaging it then.

Alexia is succubus of the underworld, well she and her untalented and flat sister but either way it works, ever since she gained her powers, no man had ever resisted her or her body and when she was weak the best way to regain her energy back was to have sex.

Getting to the throne room Alexia saw her sister bowing before their father in reference.

"Why did you call us father?" Alexia asked irritated at the fact that she was interrupted, she had planned to do a lot of things to that young man that thinking about it made her wet all over again.

"Well, I have a mission for you Alexia." Their father said with a proud grin on his face ignoring Alexia disrespectful approach, he had always been proud of his daughter and would always will apart from the other mistake he called a daughter, she does not even have what it takes to be called a succubus.

Phoebe watched on as the father and daughter pair ignored her as usual, she tightened her fists together tears almost stinging her eyes, she was so done with this.

But when she heard the mission their father had, her ears perked up with interest and a candle of hope lit in her heart.

"Father, I would go." Phoebe said excited, she could use this as an opportunity to show her sister that she was as good as she is.

Alexia burst out laughing hearing Phoebe suggestion, it was probably the funniest thing she heard today, "Go and do what? Serve as their board or what?" Alexia asked choking on her own laughter.

Phoebe felt hurt and looked at her father hoping he would support her but he shrugged instead, "Alexia is right Phoebe, you are not cut out for the job, either ways you two are dismissed." Their father said waving his hands signifying that they can leave.

Phoebe bowed before leaving but Alexia just walked out directly probably going to look for a new fuck, then an idea rang in Phoebe's head, why not use what Alexia was proud about to end her.

Thinking about, Phoebe went on a search and specifically picked a man that was Alexia's type, a man that she knew that no matter what Alexia could not resist him.

"I'm about to inject something into you now but no need to worry it would not harm you, I just need you to sleep with Succubus Alexia and get her to ingest your sperm and I promise you a hefty pay." Phoebe pleaded with the man, she did not need to worry about him meeting Alexia as she knew how to handle it perfectly.

The man thought about it deeply and saw that there was no loss in it, first he got the opportunity to sleep with the Succubus goddess Alexia that every man in the underworld dreamed about and he get paid for doing it, of course he would gladly accept the offer thrown at him.

"I will do it." The man said with a reassuring nod, Phoebe sneered in her heart, she knew that no man could ever resist on hearing the name Alexia, they were all scumbags.

"Good, this is going to hurt a bit." she informed the man taking out an injection out of the brown bag she hung round her neck, Phoebe looked up at the man and gave him a reassuring smile before injecting him with the substance.

Now phase one was done, she just hoped that the bastard would not get carried away with pleasure and forget to release his semen inside Alexia.

"Don't forget what I told you." Phoebe said sternly, while the man nodded in understanding.

Now unto phase two, Phoebe thought with her blue eyes flashing a murderous glint.