
Succubus Transmigrates

What happens when an erotic demoness from a demon world comes into the human world, not as an ordinary demon, but as the succubus demon of seduction, having the powers of lust that drives men to fulfil their sexual desires willingly and unwillingly. The Demon whose fun lies in making men fall for the hour glass shape of the replacement human body she obtained after transmigrating. The demon whose only work was to make men do her bidding, using her almighty seduction powers. Yes, that type of demon, but yet she ends up in the hands on probably the most celibate man on earth that is unmoved by her various acts of seduction. Unable to handle the disorganization caused in the human world by Succubus, her mates all came to earth to plead for her return, but she refuses adamant on staying with the inseducable human she just found out. _______________ After casting a spell to hypnotize the man before her, Succubus went towards the man, licking her lips in delight 'what a good body ' she thought tracing her hands to his neckline going deeper and deeper. "What do you think you are doing?" The man demanded grabbing her hands off him roughly. Succubus could not believe it he managed to break her hypnosis then removed her hands massaging her wrists well, we will see how long you can hold in for, she thought smirking.

Female_warrior · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Phoebe took the man with her to the club Alexia frequently visits when she wanted to search for someone new.

She spotted Alexia by the bar scanning the room with a predator smile on her face as kept on searching for a man that suits her taste.

"Hey sis." Phoebe called out to her taking her seat on a stool beside her.

"Did something good happen to you today, when did you start calling me sis." Alexia sneered feeling irked that her search was being interrupted by Phoebe.

"I knew dad interrupted you today, so I took the liberty to search for a man worthy of your taste." Phoebe explained proudly as she pointed towards a direction.

Alexia tilted her head slightly wondering what Pheobe was yapping about, "You want me to bang a nerd?" She asked looking back at Pheobe with raised eyebrows.

Pheobe scrunched her brows in confusion wondering what Alexia meant by that, when she turned she saw a young demon with nerdy looks standing there talking with his friends flushed red, he had probably had too much to drink.

"Hello ladies." A deep voice greeted from behind making Phoebe breathe a sigh of relief, it was the man, she was afraid at first that maybe he chickened out and ran away.

"Oh hello handsome." Alexia immediately gave the most seductive smile ever seeing the hunk before her.

His chest was broad and he wore a barely buttoned shirt which made it easier for Alexia to see his chest and she could not help but wonder how hard they were because it looked appealing.

"Mind if I sit here?" The man asked with a polite smile on his face, Alexia nodded gesturing him to sit completely ignoring Phoebe as she was focused on charming the man before her.

Phoebe did not mind though, at least phase two was already in motion, phase three depended on whether they fucked or not and judging from Alexia reaction, they definitely will.

"I'm Alexia." She introduced with the same polite smile he had as she judged him to be someone that looked reserved.

"Micheal." He said shaking Alexia's hand and raising it up giving the back of her hand a light kiss and sat straight once more giving her a smile before focusing on his drink sipping it slowly.

In truth Michael was nervous, he was in front of the goddess that almost every one in the underworld dreamed of bedding, and luckily enough for him, he might just be able to have sex with her tonight.

Alexia heard a sensual music that playing through the speakers and knowing that it was her cue she released her aura and stood up slowly locking her eyes with Michael's eyes.

She sat on his legs still maintaining the eyelock and started riding him slowly moving according to the beat.

Phoebe felt like rolling her eyes seeing what Alexia was doing, it turns out her job here was done, since Alexia was fixated on Micheal, Phoebe slipped away.

Alexia smirked feeling Michael's hard rock dick pressing against her entrance trying to break free from the trousers he wore.

"It seems someone's getting hungry." Alexia whispered into Micheal's ear licking his lobes and she continued moving back and forth.

Micheal could not help but release a groan as he grabbed her butt.

He felt that it was the softest thing he had ever touched, he could not wait to get between them.

"Starvation is not good, how about we go somewhere nice and quiet and feed that hungry friend of yours, I also want to hear you moan with that sexy voice of yours." Alexia said standing up and walking away like nothing happened, Michael sat on the stool still in a daze.

He could not believe it, he was actually going to sleep with succubus.

He hurriedly stood up not even bothering to cover his boner, it was like a pride to him because it was one of the hottest succubus that gave it to him, let other men see it and the jealous because they can't have it.

Micheal reached the hall way and saw Alexia engaged in a hot kiss with another man which she pinned to the wall.

She noticed his presence and separated from the kiss with a smile, "Oh you are here, I thought of bringing us a toy too." She explained with no single ounce of emotion on her face but Micheal could read it loud and clear, if you don't want it scram.

The man pinned to the wall was the nerd from earlier, Alexia saw him and decided that he would be fun to tease so she pinned him to the wall and started kissing him just to get him horny and leave him hanging but the dude instead fondled with her breasts which made her pique interest in him.

Micheal sighed in surrender, he knew this was how she was sometimes, she would take two or three guys but this night he thought he would be the only one with her, seems that his assumptions were wrong.

Micheal felt aggrieved and glared at the nerd, if the idiot had not shown up, probably Alexia would have been for him to ravage only.

"Let's get going." Alexia said nonchalantly as she dragged the nerd along getting all touchy with him on their way back.

Micheal felt like exploding in anger wondering why she left him behind but he decided to stay cool, half bread was better than none.

"Here we are." Alexia announced pushing her room door open immediately pinning the nerd down to her bed and threw his glasses to some unknown area, and started undressing him.

She paused after she noticed that Micheal was just standing at a corner, "Are you joing in or not?" Alexia asked coldly wondering why he was still standing at the door way.

"Yes.... Yes." Micheal snapped out of his thoughts and closed the door shut walking towards them still confused at what to do now since she was busy with the nerd.