
Subordination system

Jason was just your average joe, until one day he received a job offer that came with a system and a world crossing mission. Now armed with a system and a very helpful soul, Jason left the world on a journey to the top, an adventure full of laughs, pain, and joy. A story of family, leaders, and armies. His first destination, a VRMMO. [release rate: 1 chap every day] note: I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you, please contact me and I will take it down

a_regular_student · Games
Not enough ratings
344 Chs


Perseus slapped the stick figure with his hand.

"This is you, currently in your position, you are about 6 miles away from the training center you've been going up and down the forest raiding goblin camps and getting monster baits. The wolves are with you and helping you to take down the camps that you otherwise probably wouldn't be able to beat."

Perseus then pointed to the places where the baits and monster camps were found. They were all lined up in a suspicious way around the training center.

"as you can see those baits and camps are in a perfect semi-circle. And inside that circle is your training camp, which means that their probably more monster baits around the training camp."

Perseus then drew a complete circle around the training center and continued

"Besides the fact that it's hella suspicious let's think about the fact that you'll run out of goblin camps to raid you know what you're going to do after that?"

"I would try to return home i guess?"

"yeah but the wolves wouldn't let that happen, as you have seen once already. which means that ya might be stuck as a member of the pack for a much longer time then ya anticipated, and if ya resist perhaps they might become a bit violent and give you a good old socking."

For fun, Perseus then drew a crap ton of lines on Jason showing his demise.

Arjuna stole the marker from Perseus and continued with the lecture like it was normal.

"This is why we are requesting that you quickly recruit the wolves as your subordinates, it would be the easiest and most peaceful way to do things. "

Jason thought about the twin's plan, he really wished he could recruit the wolves, that would be great but there were many reasons why it would be hard to do that. Jason decided to bring up the questions to the twins.

"so any ideas on how I can recruit the wolves then?"

"Ah yes, you see... hey Perseus stop that argh"

Perseus had snuck back up and stolen the marker from Arjuna, he held it up triumphantly and then started drawing on the whiteboard. While Arjuna held in the urge to grab a potato and chase him around.

A few minutes later Perseus stood proudly with a cooked chicken on the whiteboard, he then proceeded to tap on the chicken with the marker furiously.

"you see master, the wolves absolutely love your food and pets. We will use that as our point of attack. You see every night you can..."

Arjuna interrupted before Perseus could start his long explanation and rant

"basically, overwhelm them with food and pets until the point where when they finish their revenge mission they will join you."

Jason laughed

"heh what makes you think that they will join me for that?"

Arjuna responded normally while Perseus started to draw each one of the things he said.

"1. your food 2. your charisma and charm is really high and 3 they have nowhere to go"

On the whiteboard was another cooked chicken, the stick man with sunglasses on and hearts all around him and finally a wolf with a cave behind it with a large X on it.

Jason brought up another point

"I'm not even sure if I can even recruit wolves though like I can barely communicate with them"

The twins thought for a bit, but Boops spoke suddenly in all of their heads

'ah, I can cover that, Jason you just need to save up 2000 points and you can get something that teaches you the wolf language.'

Jason thought for a bit

"but if my food becomes so good wouldn't they want to keep me in the pack forever? why would they become my subordinates over it?"

Perseus called out from behind Arjuna

"That's only if your weaker then them"

To which Jason replied in a confused tone

"wait what?"

Perseus continued by explaining the plan under the eye of the annoyed Arjuna

"Basically you're about level 32 from all of the raids. The wolves aren't leveling up and you're getting all of the EXP and loot, I'm not sure if they can start leveling up if they become your subordinates, but we'll see. But with your extra stats and stuff, you're basically around level 45. Besides, you probably can beat any grey wolf in a one on one at this point."

Jason understood what they were saying but at the same time didn't really get what they were aiming at

"sooooo what are you going for?"

Arjuna summed everything up

"you become equal standing with them and strong enough to fight them off so they can't take you away with force. Then buy them out with money and negotiate with them since you can later talk to them."

Jason slid his hand over his face thinking about all of the work he would have to do if he did that.

"Okay, so what about the alpha wolf?"

Perseus took the marker again and answered.

"you can negotiate, they're not going to be your slaves or anything, and the alpha wolf seems like a responsible one so I'm sure he will listen if you prove yourself."

Jason couldn't think of any more questions or holes for the twins and Boops to address, wait no he had one more.

"so say that I have all of the wolves under me as subordinates, what do I do with them where do they sleep, whats their base?"

Boops answered this

"The training center should suffice, I don't know what the green barrack members are like but I'm sure that they would be ecstatic if a literal pack of wolves that have hunted their entire lives come to the camp under their own volition and aren't hostile to them. I mean all of the trainees are stronger than the wolves so what's so scary about them? Heck, they can help guard the training center too."

Jason sighed now he truly had no more complaints and answers, if the wolves really were fine with following him then he would accept it, but for now, he needed to earn his spot as something more then the human who gave snackoes. He looked at the twins who were battling it out over the marker

"Okay fine ill try and recruit them"

The twins both gave off a happy smile when they heard the news. Jason looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was already midnight.

"alright Perseus, Arjuna, hit the sack"

To which they both responded

"yeah yeah I'm moving"

"yes master"

They then moved the whiteboard back into their room and started to get ready for bed.

Jason also felt the exhaustion of the day hit him and he yawned and stretched to momentarily get rid of the fatigue.

He headed to his room, he needed to get a good nights sleep for the busy days he had in front of him.

*sigh* I can't believe I'm doing this. He went to sleep thinking about how he would buy the wolves' favor.

Then Perseus poked his head into Jason's room and said

"Ah by the way master since the cooking skill is essential you'll need to train it by making us food every day okay?"

Perseus left before Jason could say anything and Jason had to stare up into the ceiling wonder if the only reason why the twins came up with the plan was to make him make dinner from now on.

Before long Jason was asleep. Boops wasn't though, as much as Boops wanted to go into offline mode he couldn't he had a lot of data to organize.

Making sure that Jason was asleep, he muttered to himself as he sorted through all of the information Jason

'"the best way to fold clothes", yeah you're going in the miscellaneous category'

'"why cat girls should be the ruling race" hmm let's put that into the research category'

'"tentacle magic ....." ohhh priority number one awesome category'

'"the hostile relationship between the Belusain kingdom and the Oglon kingdom explained", hmm kingdom information category

'"The lost legendary weapons",.... yeah I'm putting that in the important, possible goldmine category.'

'"The hidden forest", da frick? well, whatever ill put it into the possible plot points category.'

'"catgirls the one true race". What is up with the person who made the library I mean, I don't disagree with it.. but still what the heck!!! to the important category you go.

While Boops was busy with his research, on his map (which he had minimized on his screen to read better), two grey dots were standing still a mile away. If Boops had noticed them he would have seen that there was a clear and direct line from them to the very apartment Jason and the twins were living in. But Boops was to busy reading about the glory of catgirls and the possible hidden places of the lost treasures.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

a_regular_studentcreators' thoughts