
Subordination system

Jason was just your average joe, until one day he received a job offer that came with a system and a world crossing mission. Now armed with a system and a very helpful soul, Jason left the world on a journey to the top, an adventure full of laughs, pain, and joy. A story of family, leaders, and armies. His first destination, a VRMMO. [release rate: 1 chap every day] note: I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you, please contact me and I will take it down

a_regular_student · Games
Not enough ratings
344 Chs


Jack stopped in the middle of the street. Sucking in a deep breath. He turned to Perseus who looked back at him with concern.

Jack down looked at his hands in amazement, and then back up at his master saying in a confused voice

"master, everything feels... brighter, sharper more detailed, and also... slightly slow"

Perseus looked at Jack in confusion until Boops jumped in to alert Perseus about the notification Jason got.

Perseus also realized that the notifications also had appeared at the corner of his eye. And walked over to Jack.

"How are you Jack? do you feel anything wrong with your body?"

Jack shook his head,

"I feel fine master, in fact, everything feels better than before!"

Boops could be heard muttering to himself in Perseus's head

"Is this the effect of stat points on an NPC?"

Perseus realizing he couldn't do anything to help Jack, shook his head and turned back to continue walking. He was happy though, both with Jack's upgrade and the fact that they had just seized the territory of 3 more gang members.

Jack's men had seized control of the many weapons and amour that Jejeegaboo had. Jack's friends had taken control over the casinos and black-market vendors that Gegeegaboo had along with the vast amount of gold that he had stored up.

And Jason along with Rocky and the gang members with him were busying trying to figure out the extent of Heheegaboo's territory, money, and power.

But Jack's power, just in its resources had almost tripled. The rumors about how the three brothers had fallen hadn't spread to the rest of the underworld, but Boops was sure that more gang members would come running to Jack's territory to swear allegiance to him once it got out.

Besides the vendors and casinos could be used to start generating much-needed money. Perseus wanted to create information hubs for the players, but he needed lots of money, both in-game and in reality to do it.

Perseus looked into his inventory to see that he already had over 50 gold. Just from the guild members' constant income of goblin ears and gathering herbs for the past few months along with some of Arjuna's income selling potions and selling supplies.

Each day Perseus was getting around 2 silvers, but now with the casinos and black-market vendors, paying "tax" to him and also the few that he had seized to total control over, he planned to upgrade his income to at least a few gold per day.

Speaking of money. The place he, Jack, and the rest of the group were moving to should have a bit of money for them to loot.

The slave merchant that Gegeegaboo had mentioned the one holding Mr and Mrs Starkes daughter in captivity.

Persues looked up at the roofs of the houses next to them to see two figures rushing as fast as they could towards the place where the slave merchant was supposed to be at.

Perseus couldn't see their faces but he knew that they were furiously cold with a determined light in them.

Perseus would let the parents take their vengeance first.

He turned around to see the large group of gang members walking leisurely behind him. Some had a bit of blood on their weapons, and they held them on their backs as they walked down the road.

They had just won a battle with no casualties. They knew that following Jack was the right move the moment they saw what remained of Gegeegaboo.

A smile passed through Perseus's face as Boops brought up the map for him to see.

There were now 5 territories that were blue. There were still 7 red territories, but they were steadily getting closer to their goal of making Jack a rippers executive.

A mansion decorated with dark green roofs and stony walls stood in front of them. It was more in the residential district than the slums, but Perseus didn't care. A large wall surrounded the mansion with a single black gate serving as the entrance to the mansion.

As Perseus and Jack got closer, they noticed a few things about the mansion, some of the windows were broken, and the front of the mansion seemed completely empty, with no guard, servant, or person in sight.

They walked through the gates of the mansion which were left unlocked.

Perseus walked through while Jack followed ordering the ripper gang members to wait at the front of the mansion, where small gardens were grown.

Perseus continued walking with Jack by his side who pulled out his dagger looking at their surroundings cautiously.

He wouldn't let a single fly touch his master.

Perseus pushed open the door, it creaked open to reveal a hallway full of fallen guards.

Perseus raised his eyebrows at the results of the fight in front of his eyes.

He noticed that they were not looted and quickly grabbed a few swords and amour that were left on the ground.

From the hallway, the mansion separated into two wings, with a single set of stairs going up to the second floor.

Perseus sent Jack to survey the second floor and after a few minutes, he came back with the report that nothing was there, no bodies, only empty rooms.

With an interesting and slightly confused expression Perseus and Jack continued searching through the mansion, sometimes they found a few cold bodies and looted them, and other times they found smashed windows and furniture like a fierce fight had just passed.

Boops arrived back into Perseus head, this time with permission from Jason to activate the map.

Perseus gazed at the overhead view of the mansion from the map and saw dots in the mansion. There were 5.

2 of them were green while the other two were red and grey mixed with red and the last one was just a pale grey.

But the surprising thing was, those dots were right next to Perseus and Jack's dots.

Perseus looked around in confusion and then suddenly it hit him.

"oh, they're underground."

Together Jack and Perseus looked around the mansion until they finally came across a closet which had an unearthed tile which when taken off the floor revealed a wooden trapdoor.

The tile was already cast to the side and the trap door was already wide open and Perseus could already hear the sounds of fighting.

Jack and Perseus slipped down the trap door, landing on a winding staircase lit by torches which lead them down to a flat rectangular room where Mr and Mrs Starke were standing glaring at a fat man covered in jewelry, he held a knife to a girl with long white hair. He let out an evil cackle as a huge man holding two axes stood in between them, he had a blank expression on his face and a murky purple collar on his neck.

The Starkes glared at the slave merchant who returned with a disgusting smile.

Perseus looked to Jack. Who gave a small nod and disappeared into the shadows.

The slave merchant pushed the knife closer to the girl's throat and let out a loud shout with spit flying everywhere.

"if you take one wrong move, your precious daughter dies"

He said slowly backing up.

"slave" he shouted out as he started to walk back to the entrance where the winding stairs were.

"don't let those two get any closer to me, even if you have to sacrifice yourself to do it"

The huge slave nodded mechanically and raised both of its axes and charged towards Mr and Mr's Starke.

The two both looked at where the slave merchant was escaping with eyes filled with desperation and sadness, they turned to surprise when they saw Perseus standing at the bottom of the stairs, with the slave merchant unknowingly backing up into Perseus.

Perseus watched as the slave merchant continued backup up, yelling out spiteful words to the parents, talking about all the horrible things he would do to her all of the things that would happen to the both of them.

Perseus shrugged and unsheathed his sword. The sound of Arondight flying out of its sheath caught the slave merchants' attention.

He turned around to see a golden sword wrapped in a pure white light flying down at him and a blond-haired swordsman wearing a white mask, his merciless blue eyes glinted in the white light of the sword.

The slave merchant was about to put strength into the dagger that he was holding ending the girl's life.

But a hand leaped out of the shadows stopping his hand from getting any closer.

The slave merchant only had enough time to see the figure of a young boy covered in dark clothes holding his wrist in a vice grip.

And then he saw red.

[you have defeated the infamous slave merchant Dexter Vossen]

[ownership of mansion has been transfered to player (Perseus)]

[you have leveled up!]

[you have reached level 56!]

The ax-wielding man who had the purple collar on his neck stopped moving and collapsed to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut off.

Perseus looked around the area in confusion. Mr and Mr's Starke looked at their formidable enemy who had just dropped to the floor.

"huh," Perseus said to himself "that was fast"