
Subordination system

Jason was just your average joe, until one day he received a job offer that came with a system and a world crossing mission. Now armed with a system and a very helpful soul, Jason left the world on a journey to the top, an adventure full of laughs, pain, and joy. A story of family, leaders, and armies. His first destination, a VRMMO. [release rate: 1 chap every day] note: I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you, please contact me and I will take it down

a_regular_student · Games
Not enough ratings
344 Chs


Jason turned around and looked at the group of people in the back of the wagon. The freed slaves looked around their surroundings nervously. They huddled together as they watched the grassy fields and travelers pass by them on the road.

Jason grinned and pointed out a small path that lead to the left leading into a group of trees.

"that's where we are heading, by the way, are you guys sure you want to live with us? you can totally just skedaddle right now"

The ax-wielding man, who seemed to have taken the leader position of the freed slaves, shook his head looking down and gripping the two axes in his hands.

"no, we have too many who are vulnerable, we have more than 70 kids and elderly. While the rest of us are in no shape to protect ourselves, or even get food for us to survive"

Jason threw his head back and remarked

"you seem to know a lot about this sort of thing, you had experience?"

The axe-wielding man let out a sad smile and looked down on his arms where an eagle tattoo was put.

"I once was a chieftain of a tribe," he remarked quietly "I lost everything, my people, my family, everything to bandits, they placed a slave collar on me, and I lived for many years as a mindless slave."

The ax-wielding man lowered his head to Jason.

"That man said that he wouldn't have saved us if it weren't for you, so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you kind sir, for saving us"

[+1 point (gratitude)]

Jason let out a light laugh and shook his head

"I had no part in the operation to save you, if you want to thank anyone, it should be Perseus"

The axe wielding man nodded and muttered to himself quietly

"Perseus, Perseus that's his name"

The axe wielding man looked back up to Jason, right at the moment when Jason reached out with his left hand to grasp some berries on a bush growing on the side of the road.

"Sir, is there anything we can do to help when we reside at your housing?"

Jason snapped the reins and lifted his head to the sky while munching on some berries.

"hmmm, well what do you think you can do to help?"

The axe wielding man took a nervous breath and gripped his hands tightly.

"Sir, my hands have been stained with too much innocent blood, my axes have been in my hands for so long, it feels like something is terribly wrong if they are out of them. I want to do something, but please sir, don't make me take another life."

Jason turned raised his eyebrows and turned to the axe wielding man.

The axe wielding man's shoulders shook as Jason gave him an inquisitive look. He knew that with his build and how he looked, he would immediately be employed in some sort of fighting work. But he was done with the terrible art that was war and violence. Perhaps this was the only chance he had.

Jason continued hmm-ing and thinking to himself, with no response from Jason, the axe wielding man dropped his shoulders. He raised one of his hands and touched the purple collar on his neck in a depressed manner. The young blond-haired man who had saved them, gained control of the slave merchants' property and the ownership of his items after he defeated him, which meant that the axe wielding man was also technically under Perseus's reign.

The slave collar on his neck was a heinous piece of technology that came from an ancient magic civilization, only high-tier magicians knew how to break the spell on the collar and free the one bound by it. The collars could do many things, even control the slave's consciousness and of course, free will. The axe-wielding man had his consciousness forcible regressed after he resisted the slave merchants' orders, leaving him as a husk of a human following his commands lifelessly for many years.

Only now, after Perseus had commanded the slave collar to loosen its grip on his consciousness did he return back to normal.

And now, the axe wielding man thought sadly to himself, he would again have to fight. To defeat people and humans that he had no animosity with, to shed blood that didn't have to be spilled.

The axe wielding man's thoughts were interrupted by Jason's nonchalant voice

"ayy, nice we're here"

The axe-wielding man looked up, he hadn't noticed but they had been going through a large forest, with only a small dirt trail leading them through the thickets.

A break in the trees was where the ax-wielding man looked up. The first thing he noticed was the bright sun shining down on all of them, the beams warming his face and body, and the blue sky giving him a sense of hope.

The guild wagon continued up the road riding up a small hill. Once they reached the very top. Every single slave's jaws dropped wide open.

They had all been bracing themselves for some dirt shacks or a refuge camp. After all, those were the places they remembered regular life to be. But in front of them stood a large plain white mansion with two smaller thinner rectangular houses on the left and right of it. While the buildings themselves also looked extremely luxurious to them. It was something else that made them stare in awe.

Underneath and around the buildings, groups of boys ran around laughing and playing. Though looking a tiny bit worn they all wore clean clothes, as they chased each other through the mud and tackling each other when they finally caught up to the person they were chasing.

Both of the kids who fell to the floor got back up grinning and laughing they stood up covered head to toe in dirt and dust.

Other boys lay on the grass looking up into the sky sleeping or relaxing while some talked and sat down with others.

A garden full of bright red tomatoes, lines of cabbage, and carrots sat on the side of the main white building. And an annoyed and angry-looking woman emerged from them with her hands and face covered in dirt with gardening tools in hand.

Natalie gave the 2 dirt-covered kids a glare that would send any naughty kid back to his room.

The 2 kids, froze and looked at Natalie and then back at each other before breaking out into a run that resembled Jason when he was getting chased by giant monster gorrilas.

Natalie gave chase, clouds of dust rising from the ground as she sped towards them.

A group of wolves who were helping Natalie with picking up tools and giving her overall company gave joined the chase, not really knowing what was going on, but overall having a blast barking happily and jumping around like big furballs of energy.

With the help of the wolves, Natalie caught the two mischievous boys and took each of them in one arm, and dragged them over to where the well was as they struggled furiously, playful grins covering their faces. While the wolves jumped around the three, confused by having fun.

All of the events that were happening simultaneously, the wonder of seeing such fluffy and awsome looking animals. The pure joy and happiness emanating from the guild members. The motherly aura that Natalie, the mother bear of the place gave off.

That was what made the slaves' jaws drop and their eyes shine. Some didn't think that what they saw in front of them was impossible. Others just stared off into space, thinking that it was a dream.

Jason turned around with a proud smile.

"This is the silver wings guild, welcome to your new home"

The slaves were too much in shock to respond properly. Jason let out a chuckle and turned to the axe-wielding man.

"And you, well, I'll need to put you to work immediately"

The axe-wielding man's shoulders dropped. Waiting for the eventual command to fight people.

Jason continued

"you know I've been thinking about what you said before, and I have a few ideas, okay first of all, it seems you really like those axes"

The axe-wielding man nodded.

"yes, they have been by my side for many years, even if they have shed too much innocent blood, it's still my treasured companion."

Jason grinned and nodded

"mhm, I see, well I'm sure you know this, but an ax's primary function isn't to fight with, it was in fact made for something else"

The axe-wielding man looked at Jason in confusion


Jason let out a mischievous grin

"We are accepting a lot of new guild members, in fact with the 100 or so people you're bringing along, we are going to be decently packed up. This means we need more room, more housing, and in order for us to make more housing we need a certain material, a very useful one that can be used in many situations, it can help the entire guild economy-wise and requires a large build and strength in order to gather most of the time. "

Jason looked at the ax-wielding man with a grin as the lightbulb light up above his head.

He looked at Jason with a wide grin on his face as he looked at Jason with eyes full of joy and thankfulness.

"Sir!" he exclaimed his voice trembling with happiness "thank you! thank you!"

Jason let out a small chuckle and waved towards the guild house

"go ahead and find a room here and get yourself settled in, take a break first and gather up your strength"

The axe-wielding man nodded and jumped off, a new energy in each of his movements.

Jason started to help the rest of the slaves get off the wagon, kindly smiling as he helped carry some of them down.

But a sudden thought came to him as he was doing that, he shouted towards the figure of the axe-wielding man who was walking towards the guild house.

"hey!what's your name?"

The axe-wielding man turned to Jason and yelled back with a huge smile on his face.

"Paul sir! Paul Bunyan!"

[you have met the furture epic ranked woodcutter (Paul Bunyan)]