
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


"This place hasn't changed anything!" William slowly entered the chinatown district, several houses that were being built when he left were already gone, several happy children were walking in the streets and playing.

However despite this atmosphere a tense air was in place, ignoring the looks in his direction William entered the ramen stall he used to eat.


" Welcome!" A man's voice came from inside, the pasta uncle was already with white hair on his head but his smile never left his face, on his side a 15 or 16 year old girl was also.

William assumed she was his daughter, "Good morning, can I get the menu?" being casual he sat at the counter and the girl gave him a menu, "I don't remember seeing you around these parts, are you visiting or are you going to live?" the old man struck up a conversation as he waited for William to order.

"I was just visiting the place, however I have a friend who wants to move do you have any tips?" William pointed out the noodles he wanted and the man got up to do it but the smile on his face disappeared, "Friend, I'll give you a hint, a while ago several criminal gangs started to form and charge protection money from the population, the police in this area don't care about them so we're going through a difficult time I don't recommend your friend living here for now!"

The two were silent for a while while waiting for the food to be ready, in a corner of the room the chef's daughter looked embarrassed at William and when he turned to look at her she hid red.

He didn't stay long after eating, he packed his things and left tonight he had a lot of things to do.

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"Uwaaaa!" The leader of a Chinese gang opened his eyes when a bucket of water fell on his head, he was sitting at a table full of other men who were being woken up just like he was by a ninja dressed in dark blue , " What is happening?"

" Where I am?"

" You know who I am?"

Several voices were heard when they woke up but when William looked at them they were all silent, they were all leaders of gangs and mafias both small and large that were kidnapped by William that afternoon.

"Why did you bring us here?" A Russian man with a scar on his forehead asked seeing the last man wake up too, William put the bucket on the floor and went to an empty chair at the table, "I kidnapped them to talk business, but I suggest we wait for the last guests to arrive before we go any further!".

All leaders were silent and quiet at that moment, they knew something big was about to happen and it's no use being dumb at that moment and opening your mouth, after 5 long and tense minutes of silence a noise was heard.

The gate of the warehouse opened and several people surrounded by guards entered, they were the leaders of HAND, Hydra and several other organizations linked to the crime, even an envoy from Mephisto was among them.

Most ordinary gang leaders didn't recognize these organizations but the larger leaders understood who they were by their symbols, "The guards stay outside!"

Breaking the silence William's voice went through everyone, some guards of some people almost stepped forward wanting to intimidate William, "Who do you think you are to talk to our boss like that!" One of the bodyguards of one of the representatives of wealthy organizations spoke first of all, he was thinking he would be recognized for his act of bravery but his action only led to his death.


"I apologize for the mouth of my subordinate gentlemen!" The head of the guard who spoke exploded when his own employer shot him, two men stepped forward and carried the body out, no one else opened their mouths after that and everyone sat down to start the meeting.

"You all know why I gathered you here today!" William's gaze swept all the people at the table, some weak-willed even when they were observed, "The boy who played assassin has become a capable warrior (Japanese) !" Madame Gal's words broke the tense mood for a moment.

Everyone at the table knew the legendary Sub-Zero Assassin, in just 6 months he accepted and completed hundreds of missions and that was when he was just a kid, it didn't matter if it was an assassination or espionage mission it always ended with someone dead.

He became a legend among assassins and spies at that time, but when he went out to train for 5 years his actions became just a temporary myth that no one forgot, there were even some people who said they had killed Sub-zero but they weren't anymore. this world.

"We all know how chaotic the turf battles will get going forward, industrial expansion and poverty in the lower classes will become greater driving many of these people into crime!" Seeing that everyone was listening to him, Wiliam continued, "To to avoid problems and disputes, we will do the following!"

"I will create an underground fighting arena so that you can resolve your disputes, fights, and reckoning. Each side will decide the rules of the fight and send their fighters!" He looked at the managers, "They could be hired mercenaries" turned to the gangs, "people with special abilities" and then turned to the last group "or whatever thing that can fight, there will be no limits for the confrontations and the bets will be divided by a neutral professional and if someone takes anything out of the arena will receive a personal visit from me, are we understood?".

Everyone at the table nodded in agreement, this was more beneficial to them than fighting a war, "What was this arena called?" a question came from a manager, "The name will be Mortal Kombate!"