
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs


William and the Destroyer stared at each other for just a second but it was as if a lifetime had passed in that moment, the cold, blood-smelling air seemed to react to the scene and became even more still.

The Destroyer made the first move, his helmet opened and he released the disintegration beam, the beam moved at high speed and passed William disintegrating his body and splitting him in two.

Silence fell over the room before the Destroyer started walking back to his starting position but he suddenly stopped as if he felt something wrong, he turned his head and looked at William's corpse and saw that it was an ice lookalike.

At the same moment the ground below the Destroyer froze under his feet and William came out of it with two ice knives in each hand and plunged them into the Destroyer's shoulders.


The blades broke and with a slight movement of his leg the Destroyer broke the ice from his foot and punched William, "BANG! (SHARD)" The punch hit William but only one ice clone exploded in place.

If the Destroyer had a forehead at that moment it would be extremely frowning, the room started to freeze and several William came out of the walls and surrounded the Destroyer, each of them wielding a different ice weapon.

So you wonder, how did he do it, well William can really control ice at will and make real ice clones and with a little disguise magic and presto, he had look-alikes just like him that could be formed out of nothing. .

"But of course it's not that easy." He mentally exclaimed, the mental burden of controlling multiple bodies simultaneously is not something to joke about especially when you perform combat techniques.

As if they were an entity, all the clones attacked at the same time, completely surrounding the Destroyer who opened his mask and fired his beam, half of the clones in the room were swept and turned to dust in the next instant and the rest faced him in close combat.


The Destroyer swung his fists towards a clone's head but the latter ducked and slashed his knuckles with a sword which of course ended up breaking it but that didn't disturb the clone who just made another and attacked again.

Several blows were exchanged quickly, thanks to his large and slow body the Destroyer was being dribbled by clones that attacked him from all angles like annoying mosquitoes, even though he was a Golem the Destroyer himself got angry with it and opened his mask to shoot his beam again.

However when he was about to shoot a hidden clone with an ice noose in his hand he threw it over his neck and pulled back.


The beam slashed from the bottom up, hitting the ceiling and nearly shattering the magical formation that protects the room, the Destroyer took his hands to break the noose around his neck but two clones grabbed his arms and sacrificed themselves in a small blast of ice. which caused both arms to be frozen in pillars of ice.

The Destroyer tried to break free but two other clones carrying sledgehammers hit his legs forcing him to his knees and at that moment William moved, he came out from behind all the clones running forward with a dark blue ice ball that was spinning quickly in his hand.

( Imagine a blue Rasengan!)

As if sensing the imminent danger the lightning got stronger and the pillars of ice in his arms began to crack, the magic formation of the ceiling exploded and caused a great tremor, it was obvious that the place would collapse.

But William had already come in front of the Destroyer running and shoved the extremely concentrated ice ball into the Destroyer's chest.



" (Squeak!) " The blow was extremely strong and broke the ice pillars and with William pushing it made the Destroyer crash into the wall behind him, the golem that managed to regain movement for an instant tried to attack but noticed something wrong inside of you.

"You were a great opponent, but without a capable mind you couldn't defeat me!" William spoke and as he felt his will, the ball spun faster and began to enter the Destroyer that had his body starting to crackle and freeze.

The solar core inside his body that beat uncontrollably trying to pump energy to unfreeze the body began to weaken and the ice began to cover him, Odin who was sitting on his throne and felt a tremor now turned his head down, more specifically to the treasure room.

" Impossible!" He exclaimed and rose from his throne, he lost connection with the Destroyer's core, that thing was 100 times more powerful than an armageddon bomb was extinguished just like that.

"Send the soldiers to the treasure room now and find out what happened!" He screamed and hit the ground with his spear and his minions nodded before hurriedly fleeing as they shouted orders.

Back in the treasure room, William slightly retracted his frozen hand from inside the chest of this large golem that was now frozen and lifeless, he opened his hands and there was the frozen solar core used in this monster.

"It's like they say, take a light two!" William was surprised by the additional reward and moved quickly further into the treasure room, the place was already crumbling and he could feel several soldiers approaching.

Soon he found what he was looking for, on top of a perfectly beautiful and ornate cloth the ice box and also known as the world freezer was there, William smiled and grabbed the box before opening a portal to the world of ice giants and entering. .


Soon after, the whole place collapsed.