
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Every time William's fist hit the prince with a horrible skirt-breaking sound, Wornos' face started to swell up and his teeth were already coming out of his mouth.

Lara's heart clenched and tears started to well up in her eyes, her son is being brutally beaten in front of her, not warming up anymore Lara got up to stop the fight but was held by Lornos.

"Sit down there woman!" He growled at Lara, the smile gone from her face all that was left was a furrowed brow but not William but his son, "He's going to die at this rate you have to stop the fight!" She yelled at him but received only a look of disdain.

"That's exactly what I hope will happen, he has just been defeated and beaten by a humble fighter in the arena and it's a shame for our family his mistake can only be repaired with his death!" Lara's heart almost completely broke when she heard this but something else caught her attention now.

William stopped hitting the prince who was now breathing with difficulty, he grabbed Wornos' hair and forced him to his knees attracting the attention of the entire public.

"That fool, he can't do this!" Liza who saw what was about to happen screamed but it was too late, William's hand began to emit a blue glow and he attacked.


"Noooooooooooooooooo!" Lara gave a great cry and fell to her knees, in the arena William's hand passed over Wornos' chest along with his heart.

The crowd was even more frightened when they saw this and only came out of their stupor when William withdrew his hand from the dying prince's chest, who fell hard to the ground in the next moment.

Not even the presenter had the courage to speak at that moment and all eyes turned to look at their King who was now scowling with anger but a little relieved not to have to keep the stain of this weak offspring in the family.

Though he had to act like a King at this point, he rose from his throne and raised his hand, hundreds of guards in the crowd entered the arena and hundreds of archers appeared.

The crowd of civilians immediately ran from the scene and didn't want to get involved in this fight, Liza who was watching knew what was going to happen next.

" You dare to kill a member of the royal family, this is an unpardonable crime and you will pay with your life Blah Blah Blah!" Lournos started to deliver a speech that was not at all emotional and long, but that gave William time to prepare.


A thin layer of ice began to spread around William and a dark blue aura began to cover him, the guards who were watching this began to feel chills all over his body and fear welled up in their hearts.

" What he is doing!" One of the guards spoke softly, his hands began to shake in fear and he would have attacked already if the King's speech hadn't been happening.

In the air small drops began to form, they gave off a white smoke, when the ambient temperature reaches -195.8 °C it starts to enter its liquid state, the same goes for oxygen.

"Huh?" Even the King stopped his speech feeling something wrong, he saw little drops forming in the sky, "Is this that event called rain that happens in other realms?" He asked himself softly, Lara who was crying with lifeless eyes felt a severe sense of danger and rolled over backwards.

With a great sound all the drops fell at the same time on the ice giants and with only the King and Lara coming out unharmed, the whole place was silent the naked gaze didn't seem like any of the soldiers were hurt and there were no changes but their breathing stopped and they were paralyzed.

"Attack!" The king shouted but none of his troops responded making him angry but before he could do anything his eyes turned to William who started walking towards the exit.

"Stop your humble prisoner I order you will not leave this place alive!" His words caught the attention of William who turned his blue eyes in his direction startling him, "You can repeat that I didn't hear straight!"

The king tried to say something but his voice was not coming out, with a tantrum he forced his body to obey him and shouted " I said...".

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Crashing sounds were heard from the bodies of his soldiers interrupting his words, he turned to look only to see a scene that would be imprinted in his mind for the rest of his short life.

The bodies of his soldiers one by one began to fall apart into little pieces, their weapons, armor, arrows, everything broke into little pieces and collapsed to the ground.


The king gulped and said nothing, William didn't bother to kill this cowardly King and left through the front gate leaving only a cold and silent arena with the destroyed bodies of dozens of soldiers.


30 minutes later.

"Attack!" A giant ice captain commanded his squad to kill William who was now lost in the city's tunnels.


With quick movements William dodged the opponent's spear and stuck an ice dagger in the soldier's head, blood splashed in the eyes of other soldiers making him close his eyes.


But they wouldn't need them anymore as their heads were severed from their bodies, William easily dispatched the next opponents and continued to walk forward.

In his back a trail with hundreds of corpses was following, William found several patrols and all ended up dead but what he would find from now on would not be simple soldiers.

Tum! Tum!

Several armored soldiers came out of a corridor and advanced towards him, William could see by their movements that they were trained veterans, the soldier in front adjusted his stance and swung his spear towards William's head with great mastery.


William felt a push when he deflected his opponent's spear and covered his other hand with ice before slamming it into the soldier's chest, blood splashed but his companions weren't scared and attacked him with everything they had.

Clank! Ting! Wow!

A violent confrontation ensued, William using his martial arts and mastery of weapons was giving his all against his opponents, small cuts began to appear on his body but were frozen in the next moment.

"Argh!" An ice giant gave a muffled cry of pain as the ice dagger pierced his knee causing him to lose his balance, taking advantage of his stunned opponent William grabbed him and threw him to the side.

A sword hit the soldier's shoulder in the next moment, despite being surrounded the bodies that were falling to the ground were only increasing and it didn't look like they were going to stop increasing anytime soon.

William breathed a lot of air and relaxed his tense muscles a little, today he was going to put everything he learned that year to the test.