
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs



A wall exploded when the demon went through it head on.

- Roarrr!

He roared in anger and turned to look back at a blue ninja with his hand over his mouth trying to contain his laughter.

- You should be careful, the floor is slippery!

When the demon advanced towards Wiliam he froze the ground and got out of the way making the demon slide and hit his head against the wall.


The demon got up and ran back towards Wiliam with fireballs forming in his hands.


Wiliam jumped backwards while making a wall of ice on the ground the next moment the fireballs exploded the ice generating a little fog.

The demon seeing Wiliam in the air opened his mouth and spat fire and Wiliam returned it with a flash of ice.



The two elements collided and neutralized each other, generating a large amount of steam.


Wiliam fell to the ground and moved behind a pillar, the demon followed behind as he sent his fists after him.


The concrete broke whenever the demon's fists hit him but the demon was getting angry because all of his blows were being dodged.

- Roarrr!

He put both hands forward and planned to send a big flame to burn Wiliam but the latter was already waiting for it.


Two small axes formed in his hands and he swung them towards the demon's arms.


- Arhhh!

The two axes dug into their elbows sending a great wave of pain to the demon that caused the fire in his hands to go out.

(For those who don't know, the elbows are connected almost directly to the central nervous system, a precise blow to it will cause a person to lose control of the body for a moment).

Wiliam did not wait for the demon to recover and formed an ice spear in his hand which he thrust directly into the demon's belly.

To drill!

- Argh!

The demon gave another cry of pain but he turned his eyes to Wiliam and grabbed the spear.

- Kekeke!

The demon laughed as a large amount of fire built up in his mouth but he was a little confused when he saw Wiliam calm.

> Uhn?

Break up!

Dozens of ice thorns exploded from inside the demon's body causing him to spit blood instead of fire!


His blood also froze making him lose control of his body, he looked at Wiliam with a face full of despair and disbelief.

- See you in hell!

Wiliam formed an ice sword in his hand and swung it toward the demon's neck.



The head fell to the ground along with the body shortly thereafter, Wiliam looked at the corpse for a moment before sitting on the ground.

( Sigh)

- Coff, I didn't think I was going to kill a demon at the age of 11!

Saying those words, Wiliam looked at his hands that had frostbite burn marks.

- Damn 11-year-old body, I can't even make some weapons and walls of ice that my body is already starting to freeze!

He swore for a few minutes before getting up to leave, from a distance he could already hear the sirens and the foggy floor is a great target.

However when he started walking the ice wall that he placed on the stairs exploded.


A shadow quickly entered the floor, Wiliam camouflaged himself with the environment while waiting for an opportunity to attack, when he reached behind the target she turned to him with her weapon.


Wiliam immediately grabbed the gun and changed its direction to the ground.

Bang! Bang!

He sent a punch towards the figure's barrel but to his surprise he was blocked and the figure sent a kick towards him.

Pow! Pow! Bam!

A series of blows were exchanged between the two, but Wiliam fell at a disadvantage because of the lack of strength he had.

Bam! Pow!

The figure deflected a kick from Wiliam and took the opportunity to grab his exposed arms and throw him to the floor.


Wiliam was about to form an ice sheet to stab the figure in front of him but he stopped when he realized who it was.

- Natasha?

Natasha looked into Wiliam's surprised eyes, however she can't continue to look much because she saw him start to turn red.

- Are you okay ?, your face is getting extremely red!

- I'm fine, but could you please get off me?

- Oh, sure!

The moment Natasha got off Wiliam he immediately rolled over onto his side and turned his back to Natasha, in his face he was blushing fiercely and you couldn't blame him even in his past life the number of women he interacted with did not reached 7 and they were all from his family.

The two were quiet for a moment before Natasha started the matter.

- So what happened to that creature?

- I killed him, his body is right there!


Wiliam waved his hand and the fog cleared the surroundings showing the huge body of the dead demon man with ice weapons coming out of him.

- Wow, he's huge!

- Yeah, if he had lasted a little longer I could have suffered some injury in the fight!

Natasha came over and started poking the demon with a piece of iron that she found.

- Changing the subject, what is he?

- A human who sold his soul to the Devil, that way was the price he paid!

- The devil does he exist?

Wiliam this time turned to Natasha and realized that he could have said too much, however since the shit was thrown there was no reason to hide anymore.

- A lot of things exist, Gods and demons, wizards and vampires, aliens, mutants with special powers and a lot of other things!

- Hmm!

- Really is that your reaction?

Wiliam was surprised, he expected some intense reaction from Natasha or denial of anything but she just nodded.

- Well, there's not much to think about, even if I know that these beings exist, I can't change much!

- Hmm, well you have a point there!

At that moment the sound of sirens was getting louder showing that the police had already arrived at the building, Wiliam acted quickly he froze the demon's body and broke it into pieces to ensure it didn't fall into the wrong hands.

- Well I think it's time to say goodbye! Wiliam said as he reached the window.

- Hey! Do you plan to leave me here alone in this building surrounded by police?

- Uh, well!

Wiliam cannot deny that statement and so he just reached out to Natasha, however for her suffering she took his hand and placed it on her waist making her face look very red.

- Hold me right!


Wiliam tried to say a word in affirmation but ended up stuttering heavily making Natasha laugh.

He tried as hard as he could not pay attention to Natasha who was teasing him now and built an ice bridge to get out of the building.

- I didn't know you were so shy, how cute!

- Shut up!


A certain Devil was sitting in a square when he felt something making him turn his head away.

- My little pawn has been eliminated, interesting!

He folded the newspaper while giving a sinister smile, a lady who was passing by on the street saw his smile and she passed out on the sidewalk.

Several people passing by went to help her, ignoring the being that disappeared into the air shortly thereafter.