
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs


Wiliam rubbed himself for a while and pinched himself a few times before making sure he really is in his adult form.

"I couldn't have slept for years, could I?" With that terrible thought in mind, he ran and climbed a nearby building.

"The city is still the same and the ice marks that I ended up leaving while walking are still there, (sigh), thank God!" He calmed down, it looks like he hasn't slept for years but another problem came to his head at that moment, "How can I explain to my parents that I am now the youngest adult in the world?"

He gnawed his head a little but in the end he decided to go with luck after all, right after that he started jumping the buildings towards his house.


Wiliam took off his ninja outfit and walked the last remaining block home.

"Wow who is that hot guy all healed!" One of the unmarried neighbors in the neighborhood commented to her friend as they watched Wiliam pass by.

This scene was repeated a few times until he got home, some boyfriends were even sad when they caught their girlfriends looking at Wiliam's well-built body.

He kept walking until he stopped in front of his house and let out a long breath, some women also peeked and kept looking for gossip.

"Hey, isn't that Margaret and James's house?" One of the women commented and soon it sparked a gossip session between them, "Is he his lover?" when one of the women commented on this, the others were silent.

"I don't think she's not married to James, why would she cheat on him?"

"But what if he is a childhood boyfriend who came to find his love after many years?" And with that, gossip once again rekindled with more fervor.

However Wiliam was too focused on the door and came over and knocked on it.

Toc! Toc!

"I'll be right over" James' voice came from above and he quickly came down the stairs and went to the door and opened it.

The two looked at each other for a moment before James spoke first.

"Wiliam?" James' voice sounded a little incredulous, it was more of a hunch.

"Hey dad, we can come in I have some things to talk about!" James understood the situation quickly and motioned for Wiliam to enter.

The two entered and sat on the sofa, remaining silent for a few seconds.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked Wiliam who sat across from him and came up with a plan to explain what he did and what he plans to do going forward.

"Well, father, the following happened ..."

(I will skip the whole part of the dialogue so as not to give espoilers of what he will do in the future.)


Several hours later, the 3 were sitting on the couch having coffee while Wiliam finished telling his plans.

Margaret joined them half an hour after the start and listened carefully, she had a little tears coming out of her face now and hugged Wiliam.

She was not crying for what Wiliam said but for what he plans to do.

"Do you really have to do all of this?" James also asked, although Wiliam had not been telling his final goal the whole story with everything he plans to do must be something big.

"Yes, it is necessary, if I manage to do this, not only our Universe but the whole multiverse and thousands of men of culture will be happy!" The determination in Wiliam's voice could be heard by thousands of men of culture in all realities, although no one knew what he was saying.

And the part of Wiliam's plan is to literally eliminate all possible threats before putting the stones of infinity together and doing something that will likely bring peace to a large part of the universe.

But of course he is not foolish enough to think that peace is eternal but if it lasts a few years it is already paying off.

" My son!" Margaret cried some more while hugging Wiliam who is now a taller head than she, her father also joined the hug and for the second time in 2 days the 3 cried together.

After crying a little more Wiliam did his thing and left, leaving behind a manual of Lin kuei techniques for self-defense and a lot of money, a lot.

He felt a strange sensation two weeks ago when he was with his mother these past few weeks, it is almost as if there is another cryomancer there.

But now he after having his powers improved he discovered that it was actually the baby who was a cryomancer, and he knew that if he stayed at home he would end up ruining the child's future so he left.

(But who knew it would come back to bite you later! "

"Goodbye dad, mom!" He gave his parents another hug, "Goodbye son!" , "When you make a grandchild for me I hope you will bring me to meet you!" His father made a joke to try to lighten the mood, and Wiliam just laughed a little before nodding.

He left shortly after leaving his parents alone in front of the house.

"(Sigh), it will take a lot of effort for my plan to work, hopefully," Wiliam said mentally as he headed for the sanctuary, there were things he needed to do now and one of them was to learn to control his new skills that he gained of Despina as possession (By infusing your power with something you ignore the laws of physics and give the possessed object the element used.), Soul imprisonment (It can freeze people's souls in spheres of ice) and last but not least less important curse of guilt (You cast a curse on someone and as long as the person regrets something or blames himself he will freeze slowly, depending on the strength of the feeling the speed is greater.)

The second goal is to get stronger, of course, and he already has an idea of ​​how to do that.

Wiliam entered the sanctuary and found the old woman waiting for him.

"So where do you want to go?" She asked with a smile on her face, even though she knew Wiliam's answer she would still ask.

"I wish to go to the realm of the ice giants please!" Although her expression hasn't changed, the old woman was curious about what he was going to do there, but she quickly opened a portal anyway.

"I ask you to pick me up in 5 years until then, no matter what happens!" Wiliam said as he put on his ninja suit and checked to see if he was carrying his water purifier, "Okay, I wish you luck!"

The two will no longer communicate and Wiliam jumped on the portal.


(Don't be fooled by his plan to bring peace to the universe, it is simply a side effect of what he plans to do for himself.)