

My parents work as business partners, because of their work we always have to move places. I live a new life everytime we move.

Always greeting new faces, eating welcome dinners and wearing new school uniforms. This familiar feelings are always something new...

On our 13th move, i was fifteen. My parents argue way more than before.

"Lea is in her teen years already, how is she going to meet friends and socialize if she barely even get out of her room!?" My mom shouted.

"That''s her problem for locking herself inside that goddamn room! what do you expect me to do? be stuck in this place and stop working? huh?" Dad said.

Both of my parents love their occupation more than living in a family. I know i was just an accidental baby. They didn't plan me at all, so they're probably regretting it right now.

I already know how the world works at this age, their concerns and pity aren't even sincere. As a teenager, i chose to be this way, cause i know it's no use to be so attach at something that i know i'm just going to abandon it later.

I went downstairs to where my parents are arguing.They look at me staring at them on the staircase.

"I know it's hard for you both, i am already a teenager, i can manage on my own, and i am more independent than you think. So, what i'm saying is... just send me money and support me financially then i'll be good." I said.

It took time for them to realize what i said and respond. They both exchange glances...

"See? our kid clearly is an adult now, she can even think and make her decision just like any adult should be. I like the way you think kid, keep that attitude up, and soon you'll end up successful in life just like us" My dad said.

My biological dad said those words in front of me, their daughter whom until now they refer as "kid". Mother on the other hand didn't say anything at all and just nod to agree.

Denial abandonment, that's what came to my mind after all this year. It hurts even more when you know everything they convey is not sincere, when you know their physically there but they are out of reach.

Once in my life, i thought i don't want this kind of feeling anymore. I want to live knowing i have somebody who feels real to me...