

EmaanZehra · Fantasy
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Alena was a intelligent girl and have a potential to work for the youth and humans empowerment she was a good spokenlist from her childhood till the young age. when she started growing she started being reckless by times she became unsympathetic sometimes one sight of her heart was cold some times but the other side of her heart was devoted with love but nobody could understand up till now but her mother comprehend at first rate.

She always took part in debates and focus on methodology and techniques from the young age. She start flourishing that nobody can be the champion ahead of her. On a very bright day with a sunny cloudy wind . Her teacher miss Baloch announced SDL (SPEAK AND LEAD) she was happy like that she can see the cloud are dancing with her she did not take any other moment and put her name. not thinking for a moment. Miss Baloch told the topic which is chosen was stony and should think before taking part .her academic took alot of attention so she did not gaze about the "SDL" before somedays when the paperation of the hall agreement was went on she released about her selection

On a Vigil Cold rain was beating down on my windshield. The sky was leaden. The wind was icy and withering. Downpour started in the early evening and continued on through the night, she was coming with capitulum and her face was like as long as a fiddle the hall was designed with balloons and the rostrom was designed with colourful ribbons. And a piece of furniture designed to accommodate to sitting and providing support for the back. Alena,s heart pounds as if it were a train on the tracks. The debate competition started with a joyful voices the host started with recitation and translation of the holy book. After one by one everyone came and talk about it but when Alena came Hesitating like a bather about to make his plunge. chearing up was not enough for her at that moment she recall all the acts which was done in acrimony she instantaneously,Went from there and after the end of SDN she extenuated from everyone.

That day was a erudition plus embraced also but she only focal the point of learning and never became bluntly.