
Strongest Magic System

Griffin, a very feared mafia, must experience something unusual when he is 20 years old. A strange message appeared in front of him as he fled from the pursuit of a group of people with his younger sister. As if things weren't bad enough, he fell off the top of a building, but woke up in another world filled with mana, wizards, monsters, magical creatures from fairy tales. And most confusingly, there is a system that keeps him getting stronger. How will Griffin survive in this other world? And what mystery brought him to that world? Welcome to the Strongest Magic System.

Black_Phoenix5 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 1 – Falling Into Another World

In the middle of a city, it was raining very hard, as if it was pouring all the water in the sky.

The night was dark, but the black clouds that covered the moon made the city look even darker. It was as if the whole place was just a black shadow.

However, on top of a building that was the tallest of all, a woman was looking at the entire city. Her face was not visible because it was dark, but what was certain was that her red hair kept flying backwards in the wind.

It was very strange for a woman to be standing on an open roof at night with this heavy rain. But even more strange, not a single drop of water touched the woman. Every drop of rain that fell on her instantly disappeared, as if turning into the wind.

"So this is where he is."

The woman's eyes became fiery red, looking at the person she was currently looking for. The person whose position was more than a dozen kilometers from her.

Her hand was directed forward, a second later a red light appeared from his hand. The light formed a magic circle with a complicated pattern. Its diameter is about 2 meters.

The girl stepped into it, as if there was another space that connected her to another place.

Just before she entered completely, she said one more sentence.

"This time, even the earth won't be able to stop this wave. A wave that will destroy everything."


Lightning flashed violently as the red-haired girl disappeared.

~ ~ ~

On the streets, no vehicles pass. That was obvious, no one could see anything unless there was a lamp on the side of the road, or a light from behind a house where the occupants had not yet slept.

No one dared to go out in such a dark night. Of course, except for the people who have been living in the dark.

Among the water droplets that continued to drip over the city, there was the sound of running footsteps in the middle of the street. Their every step continued to produce the sound of gurgling water. Their eyes continued to look around, as if they were looking for something, or rather someone.

Everyone there was dressed in all black, from shoes, pants, t-shirts, jackets, gloves, everything except the weapons they were holding. Some carried knives, wooden sticks, iron sticks. And although there were only a few, some carried guns under their clothes. They had no intention of using it, at least for now.

From another direction, came again several people with quite similar appearances.

"Have you found him yet?" One of them asked.

"Not yet, he ran so fast," another replied.

"Hurry and find him! Explore the whole city if you need to! That person must die today as well!"

Everyone there dispersed again after hearing these words, again looking for the man who was hiding somewhere.

Meanwhile, in a narrow alley that even motorbikes couldn't pass through, a boy and his younger sister were running silently. They were very careful so that no one would know of their whereabouts.

The alley they passed was so dark. They could see only thanks to the light of the cellphone flashlight the man was carrying. He walked briskly at the front while leading his younger sister who was behind. Not infrequently they accidentally hit the walls of the house next door because they were walking too fast. Because the gap between the houses is not too big.

Their wet bodies were still drenched by the rain. Even though the man was wearing a thick black leather jacket, it still didn't seem enough to block the water from entering his body.


The sound of the lightning startled the woman for a moment, making her steps stop in fear. The boy realized it and immediately approached his little sister.

"Come on Evelynn, we still have to keep going," he said quietly, trying so that no one else could hear him.

Evelynn was silent for a moment, then followed her brother from behind.

After exiting the dark alley, the two of them walked and entered an old, uninhabited building. There were several similar buildings in the vicinity, but they entered a building that had neither doors nor windows, a sign that the building was not yet finished.

"Griffin, I'm scared." The little girl said in a trembling voice. She covered himself with both hands from the cold.

In the cold rain at night, the woman only wore a blue dress that was not too thick. Of course she was cold.

Griffin sighed, then took off his own jacket. Now, he only wore a black t-shirt and long pants on his body. He wrapped his thick jacket around his little sister.

Griffin pushed his wet black hair up. Shows his handsome face clearly. His black eyes stared intently out there, to see if anyone else had chased him all the way here.

However due to the heavy rain, he could barely see anything outside.

His eyes then looked at the building they were currently in. It's quite big in size and it looks like there are 6 to 7 floors. But as Griffin suspected, this building wasn't finished yet.

Inside was empty and very dirty, there were only piles of wood and a few sandbags there. An abandoned place that wasn't worth living in, but it was the only place they could stop at right now.

Griffin looked at his own body, his black shirt, pants, and shoes all wet. Luckily he was used to things like this. As a member of the mafia, cold weather is nothing. but his sister is not like that. The 16-year-old girl continued to tremble against the cold wind that blew towards her. Her face was pale, making the beautiful girl look like a carved white statue.

Drap drap drap

Griffin immediately took his little sister into hiding when he heard a voice.

They hide behind a wall and hear a voice outside. Griffin was sure the voice just now was the sound of someone running over. His sharp hearing couldn't be wrong for this. He stared slowly through the hole in the building that was originally going to be a window.

Outside, there were four men dressed in black who looking for Griffin. Their expressions showed that they weren't looking for anything good.

While Griffin continued to keep an eye on the people outside, Evelynn who was standing at the back kept trying to stand up straight. Her legs were almost powerless, and that was what made her stride unbalanced. She accidentally bumped into a long piece of wood that was propped against the wall. Make the wood fall directly to the floor and cause a loud sound. Loud enough for the four people out there to hear.

Griffin who heard it was shocked.

"It's bad, run away quickly!"

Griffin grabbed Evelynn's hand and ran outside, but he was immediately blocked by three people who were a few meters in front of him. While another person shouted loudly.

"He's here! Griffin Houston is here!"

Seeing the three people blocking in front of him, Griffin ran and carried Evelynn back to the building. Two of them ran through the stairs to a higher floor.

Meanwhile outside, more people ran into the building. Making the water from their shoes wet the entire floor.

The physically weak Evelynn trailed slightly behind Griffin. As her slender legs continued to walk down the stairs, suddenly someone grabbed her leg from behind, knocking the girl straight down.

A tall, sinister man smiled as he caught this little girl.

"Let me go!" Evelynn shouted loudly.

The grip made her legs hurt so much.

Realizing that Evelynn has been captured, Griffin goes back downstairs. In one fell swoop, he kicked the head of the man who had caught Evelynn's leg until his head hit the wall. The person fainted in an instant leaving blood marks on the walls and his own head.

Meanwhile, another person caught up. He immediately swung the wooden stick he was holding and aimed it at Griffin's head.

With very quick reflexes, Griffin ducked his head and dodged it. In just one move, he punched the man in the jaw in front of him, throwing him backwards and tumbling down the stairs.

Griffin immediately grabbed Evelynn and ran back upstairs. The two of them could hear the rumbling footsteps of the people below. He don't know how many of them there were, but Griffin was pretty sure there were at least more than 20. If they were both caught, it was over.

They kept running, until both of them reached the end of the stairs that could lead them, namely the roof.

The open roof allows the rain to freely fall on them. There is no longer any way to escape. But waiting for these people to catch up is also not an option.

Griffin ran toward one side of the building, with Evelynn following closely behind. On that side of the roof, they could see the roof of the building next door. Fortunately the two buildings were the same height, the distance between them was only about two meters, Griffin could reach the building if he jumped.

But the bad news was, his sister wouldn't be able to jump that far, and he couldn't possibly leave Evelynn alone.

"Where are you going to run away to?"

Griffin was startled and immediately looked back. There were over 20 people in there, and there should be more down there.

"Aren't you tired? Griffin Houston, let's get this game over with. Hand over your little sister, and you can still join this group."

Griffin glared sharply at the person speaking to him at this time. His dark black eyes seemed to devour him at any moment.

"Eric, you know I can't possibly hand her over even if the big boss asks for it. Unless you can kill me," Griffin said fearlessly.

Eric laughed lightly at that. The man with completely green hair was excited to hear Griffin's words.

"Don't worry, because that's what I want to do."

Right after Eric finished his sentence, the people behind him immediately ran and prepared to attack Griffin.

The man was not silent. Seeing them attack, he immediately prepared a stance to confront them.

The first person came with a knife.


Griffin quickly dodged the knife thrust that was aimed at him. In one kick to the stomach, Griffin managed to send the man flying backwards.

Two more people came, each carrying a wooden stick and an iron rod. Griffin who saw the attack coming simultaneously immediately dashed forward. When the iron rod nearly hit his head, Griffin backed away and dodged perfectly.


The person holding the wooden stick managed to hit Griffin. But Grfiin managed to hold the wooden stick with his hands.

Griffin glared at the person who was trying to attack him. His black eyes and scary face made the person frightened. The aura emitted by the Griffin seemed to render him unable to move.


In one hard hit, the person fainted and was immediately unable to move.

"GO ALL OF YOU!" Griffin shouted ferociously, scaring them all for a moment. His voice just now was so loud as if trying to rival thunder. But because of their greater number, they all became confident and advanced together.

Evelynn just watched from behind. Even though she knew that his brother was a mafia, this was the first time she had seen such a tense fight. She who was weak and couldn't fight just stood there while Griffin took care of everything. Ever since that was the case, Evelynn always had the protection of her brother.

The man kept fighting the people who kept coming. Attack after attack he continued to withstand. Even though the number of those people was far greater, they were the ones who were cornered more. The most feared mafia group in the whole city even struggles to fight one 20 year old boy.

Eric looked at the scene with an indescribable expression. He had always felt that this boy was unique, but today he found out that this person had indeed gone mad. To be honest he didn't hate Griffin, but because their big boss wanted the beautiful Evelynn, Griffin had to run away and fight his own group.

Over time, when he saw his subordinates starting to fall one by one, Eric felt that the viewing time was up. From under his black jacket, he took out something dangerous.

Griffin continued to beat up everyone who came to attack him. He was not aware that he had already beaten half of the crowd. All he knew, he had to protect his little sister no matter what. Even though his body was covered in bruises, he didn't seem to be slowing down or weakening.


In the middle of the rain, everyone fell silent when they heard the loud sound. Right after that voice appeared, Griffin stopped moving.

A second later, his balance began to lose. He had difficulty standing up and holding the left side of his own stomach. There was fresh blood that came out and was immediately flowed by rainwater.

"Griffin!" Evelynn shouted loudly. She immediately approached and supported Griffin who almost fell because he couldn't stand up properly.

Evelynn stared at Griffin's wound in horror, this was the first time she'd seen human blood in person.

Eric smiled and walked over. His right hand carried the gun he had just used to shoot Griffin.

"You guys might think I'm scheming for using a weapon like this. But I can't wait for you guys to play like this. Evelynn, if you come with us now, I can get Griffin to the hospital right away. But if you resist, we will take you by force and let your dear brother die slowly here," Eric said with a sly smile. He enjoyed situations like this the most, making people suffer and choosing what they had to do.

Evelynn was silent for a moment. She was scared and didn't want to go with these people, but Griffin really needed help right now. It didn't take long for her to confirm the answer herself, because she knew which was more important between herself and her brother.

"I -"

"Not if I'm not dead!"

When Evelynn was almost willing to follow them, Griffin stopped her just in time.

With difficulty, Griffin stood up straight without his sister's help. His face was pale with pain and he had lost a lot of blood. He was clearly on the border of life and death.

Eric couldn't help but laugh at the condition.

"Hahahahaha, what an interesting Griffin. You can always surprise me. But what can you do now? If you want to fight us all, you will definitely meet the grim reaper today."

Griffin chuckled in response.

Without a word, Griffin grabbed Evelynn's hand and led her to the edge of the roof. It was a crazy idea, but he was planning to jump onto the roof of the next building. It had been difficult before, but now with a mortally injured condition, jumping over the roof was tantamount to suicide. No one would survive falling from such a tall building.

Even so, there was no doubtful expression on Griffin's face. He would rather die than give up his little sister.

But just before Griffin was about to jump, something he didn't expect happened.


Once again, Griffin was shot by the gun held by Eric. This time it was his back that hit.

Griffin, who couldn't keep his balance anymore, stumbled on the corner of the roof. His vision became blurry, as if his eyes were being obscured by a cloud of smoke.

"Watch out!"

Evelynn tried to grab Griffin's hand before he fell down there. She managed to grasp Griffin's hand, but her strength wasn't strong enough to pull a man as big as her brother.

Because of that, both of them fell from the roof.

The fall of Griffin and Evelynn shocked everyone there, including Eric. He had hoped for Griffin's death, since the big boss had already decided that. But if he couldn't bring Evelynn to his boss alive, then Eric's head would be at stake. When he saw the two of them fall, Eric knew he was in danger.

During that time, Griffin felt that time was slowing down. Very slow.

He seemed to be able to see the water droplets that fell with them. One second in the fall seemed like one minute to him.

"Is it time for me to die?"

And at that moment, something appeared in front of his face.

[The gate to another world has opened]

Griffin wondered if this was a hallucination. Maybe he was too scared to see something that wasn't real before his death.

But his eyes felt sure that the blue screen in front of him was reality, not his imagination.

At the same time, lightning struck very hard. And it hit Griffin and his little sister right.

With no one knowing how it happened, Griffin and Evelynn were lost in midair.

[Congratulations, you have entered the magic world]

And this is where their adventure begins.

Hello, this is my first story on this platform. I hope you guys will like it. :3

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