
Strongest Heir of The Fallen Gods

Living in a world full of suffocating misery and relentless chaos where surviving was just another form of torture. Licht Vanrir was just a kid when everything was taken away from him. He became a prisoner and was soon scheduled to be executed for the crimes he didn’t commit. He thought he could finally free himself of this world by using death as leverage. “The weight of this world's suffering no longer binds me; I will finally be liberated in death.” Licht thought. Yet…Yet it all crashed down. Calamities descended onto the world, enveloping the globe, and a new alien civilization emerged. They saved humanity, awakening their powers and giving them trials to get stronger and reach godhood. Forced to now live for another goal and get stronger in a game-like world, follow Licht as he dismantles the very foundations of this god-forgotten world, Defying all odds to carve out a new place for himself from the ruins of his already forsaken life. Yet there was just a slight problem…His power won’t just listen to him. ---- This story is participating in WPC. So please don't hold back your support and leave comments and power stones. Extra chapters for every 100 power stones. The cover is made with the help of Pixai by me. Credits to Aysel for making the title on the cover and _Re_ for giving title ideas for it.

Unsoph · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Memorable Battle?

Its paw swung down on him when something unexpected happened.

The distance between the bear and Licht wasn't even one meter when the bear's paw came to a sudden standstill.

Its eyes showed visible confusion, and its head bent down to see something bulging out of its body.

A silence erupted as an insidious smile crept up Licht's face.

"I didn't want to use them, but the situation calls,"

"Anddd…the time is up," As if waiting for him to speak, two blinding flashes of light went by in front of him.


The bombs that Licht had planted in its body went off at the right time. He was worried at the start that they would break because of the bear slamming right into the ground with that much force.

But alas, his worries were unfounded.

'At least the quality and durability of the products from the shop is quite high,'

'The stove is working with great quality as well! Even after I had dropped it not once but around seven? Yeah, seven times…' Sighing at his mistakes, Licht ran right behind the bear.

He had bought these bombs when he knew that the shop was upgraded and wanted to try some new stuff.

In the previous shop catalog, there was nothing that was this offensive and game-changer. Everything in it was directly correlated to basic survival.

But this one had a drastic change in its products and price… each of the bombs cost him a thousand calamity souls.

He had planted them inside the bear when they were in mid-fight, and he had just slashed a big cut on its back.

He was just being cautious.

Licht knew he couldn't avoid any enemies because of the damned system, and there would be many times that the enemies would outpower him.

'I can't always gamble my life…even if it means being a coward and using these tactics.'

'Just like right now!' Licht thought as his body emerged behind the bear, parting through the smoke produced by the burning of flesh.

The bear wasn't an easy opponent, and it would have survived even after the bombs albeit half dead…

The scenery before Licht had changed. The raging and domineering bear was now just an injured beast on its last leg.

Figuratively and literally, the explosion had blown up half of its body. Its insides were now spilling out as black charred marks enveloped its hide.

The bear's face was half burned, its mouth sealed shut….The lips had melted into each other.

Even after seeing this condition of the bear, Licht didn't feel compassionate to it in any way.

It was eat or be eaten world here. He couldn't be complacent, though he felt bad.

This wasn't the way anyone deserved death. He wanted to battle face-to-face next time…if there ever would be one.

Removing unnecessary thoughts from his mind, Licht's feet moved as he sprinted faster with each passing moment.

Even if an animal was injured, it was still the same, unruly and berserk.

Just as Licht was going to climb its body, a punch came hurling towards his body.

'I can't avoid this one!'

Putting his guard up instantaneously, Licht suffered one of the worst blows he had ever gotten.

'Hahaha, fuck. This is it when it is mortally injured!'

His insides shook as his bony gauntlets stretched down to his elbows, essentially turning into wrist guards.

Yet even after he was expanding and renewing them in real-time, the power behind that paw was pushing them to the verge of destruction.

Licht's teeth gritted as the power behind that blow subsided.

Blood was leaking out of the corners of his mouth with some chunks of his own flesh.

"Just how much stronger do I have to get?! HOW MUCH!" Licht's raging voice echoed as his burning eyes met with the tired and pain-filled eyes of the calamity.

And as expected no response came his way…The bear was in no mood to hear the antics of Licht, nor it cared.

Licht wanted this kind of power so dearly, yet the way ahead was so small. He was tired and sick of this lonely and harsh road.

Yet, why was he pushed ahead every time. No, he pushed himself every single time.

Retracting the arm guard, Licht again ran towards, but this time he was ready when the attack came.

Side-stepping the first attack and jumping out of another one, Licht finally got to climb the bear's body.

The bear was not standing upright. Instead, it was half laid down after losing one leg and most of its back.

Licht could now smell the charred smell of its flesh with the iron smell of its blood that constantly gushed out of its body.

With every attack that missed or grazed Licht's body. The bear's whimpers got harsher yet tired. It couldn't even roar because of the melted mouth.

Licht's leg finally came to a halt as both of their gazed interlocked. Licht was standing near the bear's neck. His sword fully materialized, ready to slash down at any given moment.

"Well, I am a shitty human," Licht murmured under rough breathing.

Time seemed to stretch as he finally brought his sword down at the bear. A fountain of blood erupted from its neck, bathing Licht in it.

As if his mood couldn't get more sore, the familiar ding of the system screen sounded, and a template came before his eyes.

Just this time, it showed more information than before. Far more.


[Trial: Twin sword of Dusk and Dawn]

[Legacy trial for the Emperor Sylvestia.]

[You will be automatically transported in 10 seconds.]

[Category]: Sub (Not possible to reject)

[Difficulty]: Mortal+

[Clear Conditions]: This is the legendary legacy trial of Emperor Sylvestia of Dusk and Dawn, the reckoned one under heaven and earth. The twin swords hold the same fame as the trusted weapons of the Emperor.

Each of them holds great power, capable of changing destiny and conquering fate.

Complete all three of the trials to gain access to the Dawn Sword, the first legacy of the Emperor.

[Time Limit]: N/A

[Compensation]: Dawn Sword(Sealed).

[Failure]: Memory wipe, elimination from the trial.


'Hah, these bloodsucking bastards....'

'They got one more battle ready for me,'

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