
Strongest Guardian

Tristan Quinn, A formidable New York Cop, and ex-Army Delta Ranger kills the Demigod's creature but dies in the process. However, fate grants him a second chance at life. Upon awakening, he finds himself transmigrated to another realm, now known as Tristan Moonstone—the Guardian of the Forbidden Gate and the Eighth Prince of the Kingdom of Cresentia. Unbeknownst to the newly transformed Tristan, he is completely ignorant of the perils that lie within this mystical realm of gods, Gaia—this foreign realm, where monsters, demons, and formidable humans coexist. Thus begins an extraordinary adventure as Tristan embarks on a journey of self-discovery, honing his powers to survive and fulfill his destiny as the Guardian of the Forbidden Gate.

ViperPunch · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Valeria's Nightmare and Dreams

As they finished their meal, King Augustus, an elderly monarch known as The Old King, quietly rose from his seat and made his way to the study room adjacent to the dining area. It wasn't long before he summoned his sons, Darianus and Alexander, to join him.

After what seemed like an eternity, Tristan and Valeria were also called upon to attend the meeting.

"Mother, may we be excused?" Tristan politely asked his mother, seeking permission to leave the table. With a warm smile and a nod, his mother permitted him, and Tristan acknowledged Valeria with a nod.

Entering the study room, they found the three most senior members of the royal Cresentia family seated around a crackling fireplace. The Old King, seated and puffing on a cigar, was joined by King Darianus, who held a glass of scotch, and Prince Alexander, whose gaze was fixed on the dancing flames.

"Forgive us, Your Majesty, Father, and Uncle Alex. You summoned us?" Tristan inquired, addressing the assembled kings.

"Soon, we will depart, Tristan," Prince Alexander rose from his chair and turned towards Tristan while the two kings remained seated.

"Do you know why Princess Valeria will accompany us?" he questioned Tristan.

"No, Uncle," Tristan quickly replied.

"Valeria, would you mind elucidating the true reason for your inclusion on this journey for Tristan?" Prince Alexander shifted his attention to Valeria. "The unadulterated truth, Valeria, not the fabricated explanation you shared with your mother and me during our last encounter," he added with a mischievous grin.

"The truth? I'm not sure what you mean," Valeria responded, a mixture of shock and concern etched across her beautiful face.

"Valeria, did you know that my father abdicated the throne earlier than anticipated because he had a greater purpose, one that could reshape our world?" Prince Alexander posed a rhetorical question to Valeria.

"Well, until just now, no one knew why," he continued, pausing for effect. "Our father received divine visions from the Gods, visions that foretold the perils that would befall Cresentia, Sovrantia, and our planet, Gaia. He realized that only through Tristan's partnership with a certain woman could save us. Consequently, he relinquished his title as King of Cresentia and focused on preparing our kingdom for an imminent war while seeking the woman who could fulfill the prophecy. Although he almost failed in finding her, he recently discovered her identity."

"Yes, now I know the woman is a young girl, currently eighteen years of age, who has been dreaming of joining forces with my grandson, Tristan, of confronting numerous adversaries until she guides him to his destined greatness," The Old King Augustus interjected.

"That girl is you, Princess Valeria. You have been dreaming of Tristan, haven't you?" The Old King inquired.

"What...? No... I did dream about someone who resembled Tristan, but..." Valeria's response was laden with visible unease, her words trailing off.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, exhaled slowly, and reopened them with an unwavering gaze. "Yes... I have dreamt of you, Tristan," she stated firmly, her gaze coldly fixed upon him.

Tristan's eyes widened in astonishment at her unexpected answer.

Valeria continued, "In my dream, our world was engulfed in flames. I witnessed the deaths of my parents and sisters as monstrous creatures wreaked havoc upon our palace. Just as a monster was about to strike me down, you appeared, wielding your sword to slay the beast. You then handed me your sword, urging me to fight alongside you." Valeria fell silent for a few seconds.

"The dream repeated itself countless times, Old King Augustus. I never disclosed it to anyone until now," Valeria finally admitted. The determination in her eyes was now mingled with fear and sorrow.

"I'm sorry you had to endure such recurring nightmares, Valeria," Tristan empathetically expressed his concern for her.

"It was more than just a dream, Valeria," the Old King interjected, setting down his cigar and stepping closer to both Valeria and Tristan.

"What do you mean, Father?" Darianus, now standing beside his father, asked with genuine concern.

"When I decided to step down and pass the crown to you, I knew our world would be consumed by flames. It prompted me to embark on a solitary and arduous quest, seeking wisdom from the Gods," the Old King conveyed, his sorrow evident in his voice.

"In that journey, God of the Gods bestowed upon me knowledge of what the future held," he continued, his sadness unabated.

"The Gods revealed to me that one of my descendants would have to fight against mighty evil forces, persevering without fail if we were to preserve Gaia as we know it. Tristan, it is you who will shape our future. However, you will not bear this burden alone. A woman will stand by your side, and that woman is Princess Valeria," the Old King declared, now fixing his gaze upon Valeria.

"Father has provided me with extensive information about what you will likely encounter, Tristan, Valeria. This journey is not merely a training exercise; it carries real significance," Prince Alexander interjected, breaking the silence.

"We will be departing soon, heading towards the Kingdom of Astrialia, known for its enchantments and magic. To ensure our entry goes undetected by Astrialia's radar, we will utilize a low-flying airplane protected by an invisibility spell," he explained.

As the group stood up, the Old King requested that they return to the dining room and refrain from discussing Valeria's dream with anyone present.

"I will inform them that our discussion pertained solely to the journey's logistics, nothing more," the Old King instructed before leading the way.

The lunch concluded with the Old King and King Darianus excusing themselves from the table.

Unexpectedly, Crown Prince Adrian approached Prince Alexander, his tone filled with protest. "Uncle, why on Gaia was I, the Crown Prince, excluded from the meeting with Grandfather? And I am displeased with how you organized this journey without involving me. Surely, you were aware of my status as the Crown Prince," Adrian complained, his tone hinting condescension towards his uncle.

"It is not as complicated as you think, dear nephew. This journey focuses on helping Tristan advance his skills as quickly as possible, nothing more," Prince Alexander responded, his voice lacking emotion.

"And why did Crown Princess Valeria accompany the two of you? You know that I intended to marry her and make her my future queen, right?" Adrian exclaimed with frustration. "Even Father agreed with my plans for the marriage! If she is with you, everything I arranged for the wedding will be delayed!" he whispered with an intensity that barely concealed his anger.

"Hmm... is that so, nephew?" Prince Alexander questioned calmly. "Well, I don't care," he added nonchalantly before swiftly walking away, disappearing from Adrian's view.

Unbeknownst to Prince Alex and Adrian, Tristan had silently listened to their conversation the entire time.