
Strongest Guardian

Tristan Quinn, A formidable New York Cop, and ex-Army Delta Ranger kills the Demigod's creature but dies in the process. However, fate grants him a second chance at life. Upon awakening, he finds himself transmigrated to another realm, now known as Tristan Moonstone—the Guardian of the Forbidden Gate and the Eighth Prince of the Kingdom of Cresentia. Unbeknownst to the newly transformed Tristan, he is completely ignorant of the perils that lie within this mystical realm of gods, Gaia—this foreign realm, where monsters, demons, and formidable humans coexist. Thus begins an extraordinary adventure as Tristan embarks on a journey of self-discovery, honing his powers to survive and fulfill his destiny as the Guardian of the Forbidden Gate.

ViperPunch · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Stronger Than Before

Tristan's gaze met Lady Ayana's, and a mixture of relief and gratitude adorned his face.

"I... I wish… I could find the words to explain what happened, L-Lady Ayana," Tristan's voice trembled slightly, his words carrying a hint of stammer. "But at that moment, I acted purely on instinct. There was no time to think consciously or consider it. It was all just a reflex," he admitted, realizing that now might not be the right time to disclose every detail.

Lady Ayana's response was surprisingly calm and understanding. "Tristan, I believe your reflexes are guiding you. "I have no intention of being angry with you, seeing as you came back not only alive but also stronger than when we last met," she said calmly.

After she spoke, Lady Ayana's eyes darted around, surveying their surroundings before momentarily diverting her attention from Tristan and Valeria and walking away from them after she instructed them to stay unless she radioed them to move.

Tristan, still caught off guard by Lady Ayana's statement, stood in a state of bewilderment. Thoughts raced through his mind, questioning how she could be privy to his secret.

'How does she know?' he pondered silently, seeking answers within himself.

At that moment, Valeria glanced at Tristan, her eyes holding a glimmer of understanding. She sensed his surprise and felt compelled to shed light on the situation. She spoke softly, her voice carrying a mix of certainty and awe.

"Yes... I, too, could perceive your increased strength, Tristan," Valeria admitted, her words trailing off briefly.

Grappling for an explanation, Tristan ventured a question, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Was it because of the radiant light emanating from my sword?" he speculated, hoping to unravel the mystery.

Valeria nodded, a playful spark dancing in her eyes.

"Indeed, Tristan. What other conclusion can we draw? Have you ever witnessed such an extraordinary phenomenon in others? I think not. Only individuals with power level ten or above possess such capabilities," she explained, pausing to take a deep breath. A smile graced her lips as she extended her hand, intertwining her fingers with his. She firmly grasped the hand that wielded the illuminating sword.

"And despite the potential for jealousy to arise within me, I find none," Valeria confessed, her eyes radiating sincerity. "All I feel is an overwhelming sense of relief that you are safe and that my dreams have manifested into a reality. They were not mere figments of imagination; they were glimpses of our shared destiny," she declared, her grip tightening, conveying both affection and steadfastness.


At the same time after Valeria spoke, Lady Ayana continued her relentless march, covering a distance of nearly three hundred yards before coming to a halt. In a decisive move, she reached for her radio. She contacted the two young companions, instructing them to join her position.

Before she lay a cluster of fallen trees buried beneath a blanket of snow. With measured precision, Lady Ayana drew her sword from its sheath, its sword emitting a soft, golden light that bathed the area in a warm glow. The illuminated sword became a beacon, casting an ethereal radiance upon their path.

With a fluid and graceful motion, Lady Ayana swiftly swung her sword, executing a seamless, dance-like spin. The sword unleashed a wave of energy in a single stroke, silent yet potent. Its force rippled through the trees and snow, uncovering a concealed passage, a small cave hidden behind nature's snowy façade.

In perfect synchrony, Tristan and Valeria walked in unison, their strides aligned as they made their way toward Lady Ayana's designated spot.

As Lady Ayana unsheathed her sword, its radiant glow became their beacon, casting a soft, luminous path for them to follow. No longer relying on their AI to guide their way, they trusted the radiant light emanating from Lady Ayana's blade.


After a brief rest within the confines of a small cave carefully unveiled by Lady Ayana, the group readies themselves to resume their arduous journey towards Frostholm Village.

Time waits for no one, and they forgo the luxury of waiting for the sun's ascent before setting forth. Despite their prolonged fasting since their descent, not a single party member displays signs of hunger or seeks sustenance.

The reason behind their unwavering resolve lies in Lady Ayana's assurance that the culinary delights awaiting them in Frostholm Village are unparalleled in Gaia. Moreover, she confidently predicts their arrival to coincide perfectly with the lunch hour, give or take.

During this time of year, Frostholm teems with eager enthusiasts, all flocking to partake in its renowned ski routes. Hence, every restaurant within the village awaits their arrival, poised to cater to their esteemed guests.

Tristan, in particular, finds himself inexplicably drawn to this prospect. Since awakening as Tristan Moonstone, he has discovered that the gastronomic offerings of Gaia far surpass anything he had ever experienced on Earth, a stark contrast to the humble fare of his past life as Tristan Quinn.

During their rest in the small cave, Valeria regales him with tales of the most sumptuous delicacies she had encountered during her visit to Phaenon.

Although she never visits the village, Valeria divulges that some people have boasted that Frostholm was one of Phaenon's most esteemed culinary establishments, their dishes legendary in their flavor and presentation.

This revelation ignites a spark of anticipation within Tristan, solidifying his determination to endure the gnawing emptiness in his stomach until he is graced with the best food that Frostholm can offer.


As three weary travelers press onward, descending from the lofty mountain peak, the landscape undergoes a subtle transformation.

The once pristine, snow-clad slopes gradually give way to a lush expanse adorned with verdant pine trees, their branches swaying gently in the cool breeze.

The weather bestows its benevolence upon them, granting them a day of perfection. The skies above are devoid of any lingering fog, unveiling a canopy of crystal-clear blue stretching as far as the eye can see.

Such pristine clarity allows their vision to extend beyond the immediate vicinity, revealing the sight of picturesque village houses nestled upon the rolling hills in the distance. These charming houses serve as a harbinger, signaling their imminent arrival at the coveted Frostholm Village.