
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

True colors

A day passed since the examination begun, out of the nearly 2000 youths that took part in the exam, almost 300 of them died and nearly 700 or 800 of them left the exam in the first 4 hours. After flare defeated the earth dragon yesterday he didn't find anymore strong monsters to test out his new cultivation level, because of that he could only climb to 4th on placements,at 1040 points.

01.Hugo Blanc 1098 points

02.Yuki Snow 1088 Points

03.Ouyang Li 1083 Points

04.Flare Hitoshi 1040 Points

05. Mark Lee 1022 Points

As he was steadily climbing the placements something interesting happened,a team managed to kill a monster General and and it wasn't Yuki or Ouyang Li in first place, it was the person in third place, Hugo Blanc, leaving the entire battlefield in an uproar.

A few hours ago the amount of monsters that remained in the monster horde dropped dramatically, the monsters were either killed by the examinees or ran away in fear for their lives. Only monsters directly under the command of Monster generals remained with a few stragglers here and there, so the examinees saw Hugo's battle very good, so did Flare.

Hugo's battle against the Ox General was earth shaking drawing th attention of almost all the examinees. Hugo had 2 youths by his side, they all had similar characteristics, slim built with brown hair and that wasn't all, they also shared similar talents, they could all manipulate sand to a certain extent.

The most impressive of them was Hugo , he formed a huge sand golem that fought by his side.When the battle ended the entire area turned into a sandy dessert that looked very weird in the forbbiden forest filled with trees.

From the whispers from the surrounding youths Flare found out that they had similar talents because of something called bloodline talents . After an awakener reaches a certain cultivation rank, their awakened talents will become connected to their blood, if that person have a child, he/she will end up with a similar if not same talent like the parent. That child can also pass on that talent to their descendant. After sometime, if no one with the bloodline can reach their ancestor's level and reconnect their talent with their bloodline, the bloodline talent will weaken until it eventually stop being passed on.

As Flare finished off the last monster close to him, he looked into the distance, although the dark cloud formed from the swarm of flying monsters he saw at the beginning of the monster horde was gone, an eye catching golden Eagle army of around 10 golden eagles still patrolled the sky occasionally swooping down to attack the examinees. Leading this eagle army the golden eagle General looked majestic with a golden crown around it's head. Now and then the eagle General will make some strange, high pitched, whistling noises, and soon after the, eagle army will attack somewhere in the monster horde.

A loud Phoenix cry was heard by the examinees present followed by a large blast of ice that froze all the golden eagles in it's path, Yuki sat on Miora's back with her white bow in her hands, each time she pulled the bow arrow, large 1 meter ice arrows would attack the Golden eagles in the sky. Miora formed Ice feather needles that attacked the Golden eagle General in the sky at a break neck speed, Yuki knowing the eagle general's unmatched speed in the sky, also attacked with arrows, moments later the eagle general was seen with a gaping wound through one of it's wings. With no choice the eagle General landed awkwardly on he ground.

As Yuki pulled her bow, ready to finish off the Golden eagle General, a huge purple tiger appeared,with a loud tiger roar, a bolt of lightning tore apart the sky and attacked Yuki while she was preparing to attack the Golden Eagle General. Sensing the danger, Yuki shot the arrow towards the lightning bolt, before the arrow came into contact with the lightning bolt, it exploded. As the lightning bolt drowned in the explosion it completely dissipated,Yuki didn't go unscathed as she spat out some blood. While all this occurred the eagle General wound was healing at a fast speed


"You.... Did you bait the tiger general towards the white haired witch with your Clone talent " Catherina asked with gloomy eyes

"what are you talking about "Ouyang Li asked innocently

" humpphh do you think I can only see monsters with my radar"

"At first I thought it was a member of a different team baiting it somewhere , but seeing that figure on my radar vanishing out of thin air I knew it wasn't a human, but a skill or talent"

"You baited it towards the white haired witch so she could be sandwiched by two monster general, you are really vicious " Catherina said coldly

"Who told that bitch to reject me earlier" Ouyang Li said dropping all pretense

" You really are too stupid, if I could find out about your little scheme, do you think the elders can't ? "Catherina said shaking her head

" So what? I didn't attack her, I only gave that witch a gift" Ojyang Li laughingly said

"You.... What are you doing!?"

"I just left your team, I don't want you to also secretly give me any 'gifts' "Catherina said stressing the word' Gift'

"Do you think you can leave my team? , humpphh you should think carefully about your mother and sister back in the Evergreen City" Ouyang Li said viciously

" Haha, let's see if your Ouyang family have the guts to go against the Battle God Palace"

"You should know the rumors about what happened to the people who act against the relatives of Battle God Palace members " after saying that Catherina dissappeared like she was never there.

Ouyang Li felt cold sweat running down his back as he knew the rumors.

"damn that bitch, she hid her talent abilities really well" he said gloomily

" was I too impatient? "

"It's too late now to worry about that now"

"even if this witch doesnt die, she will be disqualified from the entrance exam, once she doesn't join the Battle God Palace, I can do anything I want to her" he said lecherously


Flare watched as Yuki desperately defended hereself from the attacks of the two monster generals, before she could comfortably fight against the eagle General, now with the addition of the tiger General, it was clearly above her limit.

"Sigh.... I don't want to be a hero saving the beauty in distress, but I have been looking for stronger monsters all this while to test my new strength, I won't just ignore this opportunity, and also we are from the same planet we should help each other out " he said trying to convince himself

Summoning his Dragon flame armor again he rushed towards Yuki's battlefield

" stinky perv... " miora wanted to say something but was cut off by Yuki.

Seeing that was already 10 meters away from the tiger General and it didn't notice him, Flare decided to do a surprise attack, the temperature rose in the surrounding as flames surrounded his sword, he performed the basic flame sword move and slashed at the tiger general's head, sensing the danger, the tiger general managed to dodge, but still ended up losing an ear.

A deafening tiger roar was heard throughout the battlefield as it wailed in pain, drawing the eyes of all the examinees.Flare looked majestic as the tiger's blood dripped from his sword, dozens of lightning bolt fell from the sky and attacked Flare, if someone wasn't aware of the situation, they would think Flare angered the thunder god.

Flare dodged and blocked the lightning bolts as he slowly approached the wailing tiger general, this time performing the third basic sword move, he stabbed towards the tiger general's head with his sword.