
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Rising fame, Catherina Jensen,

After cleaning up the leftover monsters that the earth dragon influenced with is dragon will , Flare could finally relax, as he relaxed he could feel his tense body start to crazily devour the spiritual energy in the surroundings. When he first arrived to the new world, the world's dense and pure spiritual energy almost allowed him to breakthrough to late stage spirit concentration realm, with only a small barrier blocking his path.

Now he could sense that he was at the peak of mid stage spirit concentration realm, only one step away from a breakthrough. In no time the absorbed spiritual energy caused the barrier to late stage spirit concentration to realm to slowly loosen until it broke,like an overflowing dam, much purer and denser spiritual energy slowly washed over his body giving him a comfortable feeling,making Flare have the illusion he was in a comfortable hot spring,As the energy settled he came back to his senses.

05. Flare Hitoshi 967 points

"at least it paid off in the end, if I didn't listen to Yuki's warning the last time, I would have definitely been overwhelmed by that damn earth dragon"

" now that I have broken through, half step beast generals are no longer my opponent, top 3 is no longer out of reach.

01.Ouyang Li -1030 points

02.Yuki Snow - 1029 points

03.Hugo Blanc- 998 points

04.Catherina Jensen - 986 points

As he tried to appreciate the rare moment of tranquility a storm was brewing in his surroundings, the circle opened up by him and the earth dragon when they were fighting was filling up with monsters at a very fast speed, in a few seconds he will find himself in the middle of the monster horde again fighting crazily for points and burning points.


"Young master Liam he... he.... he managed to kill the earth dragon "

"He.. he...he did it alone "one of the followers stuttered

"Shut up!!! Do I look blind to you " Liam shouted, he was rejoicing in his heart, luckily he remained level headed and not provoke this madman any further.

"He should be that guy that just entered 5th on the placements, Flare Hitoshi, another monster like thst boy with the huge rock golem earlier "

"You really can't underestimate anyone who can take part in the battle god Palace's entrance exam, their reputation is not for show.

"Will he look for revenge against us when the entrance exam over since we provoked him" one of the Liams followed said worryingly

"Now is not the time to think about that, let's leave here before he noticess we are still here "


* Yuki's PoV *

"Big sis what are staring at " Miora asked curiously

"Oh...I.... I'm getting used to my new cultivation rank" Yuki said as she hid the wristband behind her back

Miora watched Yuki suspiciously, she could sense that Yuki was lying, she quickly flew behind Yuki and glanced at the wristband she was trying to hide.

"Are you still checking to see that pervert dragon boy ranking "

"He's only in 13 place, apart from being good in bed, dragons are really inferior to us mighty phoenix's"

"Almost one day, he can't even enter top 10" Miora said with distain

" Can't you talk without saying something naughty"

"And how do you know that they are good in bed " Yuki said with a red face

"Uhmm.. I.... I. learned it from my memories" Miora said with embarrassment

"Hmmm, I thought your skin was thick and couldn't feel embarrassed"

"oh look big sis, the pervert dragon boy is climbing the placements very fast "

Few moments ago saw Flare's placement only at 13th place now they saw Flare's placement rose rapidly, only stopping when he was 5th place more than 200 points higher than a few moments ago leaving both of them dumbstruck.

"Over 200 points in a few minutes, what the hell, did he kill a monster general, how did he get so much points so quickly" Yuki said with suprise

"That stinky dragon boy is only just entering the top 10, what is there to be proud of "Miora said but she was still amazed

"You should remember he only fights close range with his sword and is solo like us, so getting enough points to enter top 20 should have been his limit, to get so many points, he must working harder than us"

"Little Mi are used your peak Tier two rank now?"Yuki asked with fighting spirit

" Yes, I'm not like you humans I don't need to spend time adjusting to my breakthroughs like you "

OK.. Since we have both advanced, we should try and kill a monster general" Yuki said coldly as , her previous embarrassed and friendly appearance dissappeared completely , replaced with cold indifference that could freeze the soul.

As she walked to her next destination in the now slightly diminishing monster horde, every Monster that attacked he was turned into a ice sculptures with their ferocious expression still intact, they died without knowing.


"Brother ouyang something interesting just happened" a beautiful loli with glasses bigger than her size said,

"Ohh..what is it Catherina "

"Someone jumped from 13th place to 5 in a just a few minutes "

"Oh did they defeat a beast General" Ouyang Li asked

"none of the Monster generals I'm tracking dissappeared from my radar, only one half step earth dragon disappeared"

"what is interesting about that , we already took down three of them"

"You should use your head more " catherina said shaking her head

"if he got so much points he must have killed the earth dragon alone, even you the strongest among us will have difficulty doing that "

"ohh..if he helps us to kill that tiger General, that white haired witch can't catch back up to us " Ouyang Li said

"You shouldn't get your hopes up if he was someone who liked working with others he would've formed his own team and challenge us for first. "

"Do you want a reapeat of the white haired witch "Mariana said with a playful smile

"just you wait, I must roast that damn phoenix" Ouyang Li said gloomily, " and you white hair witch just wait until I get my hand with you " he said lecherously in his heart

"if this bitch Mariana didn't act like she's so holy, with her help, I could've taken down that damn witch already,if her talent wasn't so useful I would have gotten rid of her already , I just need to wait until she completely join my side, after that heh heh" ouyang Li siad to himself

"The tiger general is 200 meters ahead get ready, there is also one half step monster general tiger and four tier 2 peak monster tigers " Mariana shouted urgently

A loud tiger roar resounded through the battlefield,it was the tiger general issuing it's orders to his subordinates around him, the tigers around separated in all directions like well trained troops heading towards ouyang Li team.


"You old man you must have known about that kid's abilities and wanted to trick me in betting my jade Palace, you really haven't change "Elder Rosa said with a snort

" Did I tell you to keep on underestimating him" Elder siad with a smile

"Is that one of his innate skill , his strength skyrocketed out of nowhere, even in the Palace it can be called top notch innate skill. " Elder sung said with praise

"His comprehension ability is also pretty good he already reached completion for his basic sword technique, maybe he can really comprehend sword intent " Elder Lei siad

"Is he your bastard son why are you so confident in him "Rosa said with interest

" You...you.. He only got the official version of the basic sword technique a few days ago, now he is already at completion stage, if that's not impressive I don't know what is. "

" Heh heh, looks like I'll have to do my own investigation"Elder Rosa said provocatively


"His body method looks really familiar I can't remember where I saw it.... " Elder Sung said in contemplation.