
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Trading blows

The Tiger General was really fast, it side stepped Flare's incoming flaming sword that was aiming towards it's head with ease.

Name : Hiko

Cultivation : Early stage Tier 3 Monster General

Race : Sky Thunder Tiger

Skills :

Lightning bolt - A lightning bolt summoned from the roar of the tiger

Thunder claw - materialized claw made from purely thunder spiritual energy

Information about the Tiger general popped up into his mind without even trying to inspect it . The continuous roaring from the Tiger attracted more monster to the area, in no time Flare and Yuki were surrounded by two half step monster generals. With their help the tiger General and the Eagle General could finally get a break and heal their wounds.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Loud sounds were heard as a giant, eight meter tall, half-step monster general, Mammoth, rushed towards Flare, trampling all the trees in it's path,the Mammoth lifted it's large trunk and smashed towards him.

Name :???

Cultivation :Half-step monster general

Race: Barbarian Mammoth

Skills: Smash - control the trunk like a whip to smash the enemy.

The air whistled as the Barbarian Mammoth's huge trunk smashed towards him, Flare dropped his sword, using his bare hands, he caught the huge trunk of the Mammoth, he saw the perfect opportunity to test out the limits of his body's strength, so he took it.

To the spectators around, the the sight looked really funny, as Barbarian Mammoth's trunk looked big, compared to Flare's small figure, Flare's muscles ached, the force from the trunk was too much, even with his strong physical strength he could only temporarily hold the mammoth's trunk.

"Ahhhhhh!!! "

With a a loud shout, he mustered up all his strength to push the heavy trunk aside, Flare's hands dropped limply by side, aching in pain.

"Damn it, Fighting a monster who specializes in physical strength, with my current level of Flaming Battle Body is really looking for death" Flare said to himself

Flare didn't delay any longer, the Tiger General was still eyeing him viciously, picking back up his heavy sword, he performed the basic sword move and slashed at one of the Barbarian Mammoth's knee, his sword forced it's way through the Barbarian Mammoth's thick skin and severed it leg making it unbalanced.

Bang! Bang! Crash! Crash!

Loud noise was heard as the Barbarian Mammoth fell on it's side and crashed into the nearby trees. Few moments later when the commotion settled, all the spectators saw were large rivers of blood coming from a sword wound on it's neck, flames swiftly spread across the body of the Barbarian Mammoth,slowly burning it and spreading a nice aroma in the surroundings.


"Damn it, who is that boy interfering with my plan " Ouyang Li said angrily to himself

"Isn't that the boy who killed the earth dragon by himself earlier, he should be the youth in 4th place Flare Hitoshi" a youth who Witnessed Flare's battle said

"Damn it he wasn't so strong when he killed the Earth Dragon, how can he improve so quickly " no one saw who said that but the bitterness was evident in his voice.

"How can his body be so strong, is that also one of his talents"

" Young master Ouyang it's the kid Catherina was talking about earlier"

"He killed that Large Mammoth so easily, does he have a dual talent?"


The Golden eagle in the sky, flapped it's wings vigorously, forming multiple wind blades that attacked Yuki and the little Phoenix who were still very close to the ground, at the same time, the large blue snake that appeared earlier, spat out multiple water bullets out of it's mouth

Name :???

Cultivation :Half-step monster general

Race: Blue river Snake

Skills: Water Bullet -condensed water spiritual energy like bullets that attacks the enemy at a fast speed

Camouflage-able to blend in with nature

"Damn it, that stinky eagle already healed " miora protested as she dodged the wind blades and water bullets. With a few arrows, the Blue river snake that attacked them was nailed to the ground. However to Yuki and Miora's surprise, from another direction close by, they sensed a huge disturbance in spiritual energy. Yuki chanelled spiritual energy into her eyes, making her eyesight became 10 times better , after focusing in the direction she sensed the disturbance, she saw that in the shadow of a tall tree, there was actually another Blue River Snake that camouflaged itself perfectly with the shadows of the tree,the Blue River Snake already had condensed water bullets in it's huge jaws, ready to attack. Because she were too close, she knew they couldn't dodge in time so she quickly relayed her thoughts to Miora preparing for a counter attack, this all took place within a split second

As Miora was about to prepare her ice blast, the space beside the Blue River Snake rippled, a cute loli with eyeglasses appeared like a ghost in broad daylight,she had two curved short blades in her hands that was about to sever the Blue River Snake's head, taking a closer look, it was actually Catherina, the Blue River Snake had zero resistance as it was still confused about what was happening.

Yuki looked at Catherina coldly " It seems like we didn't teach your team a good lesson the last time, you're stil trying to steal our points

" I was always against.....Well that doesn't matter now.."

" You.... You...I won't be helping them anymore, I'm no longer apart of that team" Catherina said with embarrassment.

"I only helped you because.... Ummmm... Well.... You will find out about it later... "

"just know I was never apart of it" Catherina said with clear disgust in her tone.

"Humphh, I always knew you people were bad guys" said miora

"We can talk about that later, the golden eagle is about to attack you " Catherina said as she disappeared

"Little Mi, give me some time to prepare the falling moon arrow to finish off this eagle"


[You have skipped ranked and burnt a half step tier 3

Monster General 45 BP gained.]

Flare heard the notifications in his mind but he had no time to look,the commotion in Yuki's fight didn't go unnoticed but right now he was under attack. Flare performed his basic sword move, second move to block an incoming claw from the Tiger general, Flare felt a tingling feeling in his body as some of the lightning spiritual energy escaped into his body, with no time to rest, he saw thunder spiritual around the Tiger general taking the shape of a claw, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

He knew that this sense he developed some time back, has never let him down before, so he mustered up all the strength in his body, readying to his strongest move.

Flames danced along his sword as he poured more spirituall energy into them.

Zhi zhi zhi zhi

Lightning rippled as the thunder claw finally formed in mid-air, not waiting for the tiger General to attack him, Flare took the initiative to attack.

Boom! Boom!

A loud explosion occurred when Flare's sword met the thunder claw, thunder and flames intertwined causing destruction everywhere 10 meters around them,the Dragon Flame Armor blocked most of the explosion,but the armor around his hands was destroyed, causing charred flesh wounds to appear as the exploded thunder spiritual energy came into contact with his skin.

The injuries didn't stop his momentum in the slightest, after destroying the thunder claw, his sword was already a few inches away from the Tiger General's head, ready to split it into two.

Sensing it's imminent death, the Sky Thunder Tiger General swung it claws desperately towards Flare, if flare didn't retreat he would be attacked by the Tiger General's most likely seriously injured, however Flare knew he might not get another clear opportunity to finish off the Tiger General.In a split second he calculated the tragectory of the claw and he saw that it would only pierce his shoulder, to him, the death of tiger general was more important than a shoulder wound, especially now close to the end of the exam.

A few moments later the Tiger General's claw pierced his shoulder exposing his white bones, intense pain spread across across his body,but that didn't stop the momentum of his sword.


Drip...Drip...Splash... Splash

Tiger's blood dropped from Flare's heavy sword which resonated with the minds of the spectators making them feel chilly.

Infront Flare, the Sky Thunder Tiger General's body burnt intensely

[You have skipped ranked and burnt a tier 3

Monster General 150 BP gained.]

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Concentration Realm late stage

Burning Points (BP) : 840

Talent : Dragon Flames C rank (B rank 0/500 BP)

Innate Skills :Level 1 Dragon Flame armor (0/200 BP) ( Cooldown 2 hours )

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique completion stage ( 0/1200 BP)