
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Strongest Flame System

As soon as Yuki placed her hands on the the crystal Ball a Blinding Golden light appeared infront of everyone, the surrounding temperature dropped dramatically, everyone within 50 meters of the stage felt as if they were placed in an Ice cellar, A Phoenix cry could be heard by almost the whole Sky city, everyone simultaneously looked to the sky, A flash of white light could be seen approaching like a shooting star descending from the heavens to wreck havoc on the mortal world.

The shooting star appeared above Yuki's head in the blink of an eye, A bird resembling a Phoenix from the mythological legends came into everyone's view , having a wingspan of about 50 meters it looked down on everyone like the emperor of the world sending a chill down everyone's spine even the instructor's felt a bit of fear.

The large Phoenix quickly shrinked to a size no larger than someone's palm and swirled around Yuki's head leaving the whole crowd dumbstrucked, until it dissappeared between Yuki's eyebrows.

Lines lit up under Yuki's feet which finally formed some words

S rank talent - Summoning (Phoenix Blessing)

A few seconds passed as everyone stared at the words in disbelief, no one expected they would actually see an S rank talent .

Only a few S rank talents would appear in the sky city every year, and those S rank talents are usually people from rich background so they awaken privately not in front of everyone

For these students this is a one in a lifetime event.


"From today I'll call you the snow goddess"


"GODDESS CAN YOU MARRY M... " before that student could finish he felt multiple kicks and punches landing on him


Calming his shock Flare took a few steps away from Issac, flare said " I think you should take the beaten Yuki gave you in middle school, it was your fault anyway"

Swallowing hard ISAAC nodded, puffing his chest Isaac said " I'm a magnanimous man I won't hold a grudge for so many years, I will just forget about it "

Flare eyebrows couldn't help but twitch " I also think that is for the best"

Back to the stage, a middle aged man appeared without anyone noticing, the two instructors bowed and said loudly "" Dean Lu" the students chattering also died Down. The Dean of the Sky martial school is a legendary figure standing even above the city lord of the Sky city, to see such a legendary figure in person caused them great shock.Even the instructors only saw the Dean once, over 50 years ago.

"did this little girl just cause the commotion? " dean lu said" Yes she awakened S rank talent Summoning " the instructors said without waiting.

" Little girl can I see your summon" Dean Lu said in anticipation.

A Little white bird quickly appeared infront everyone causing stir again

"Just as I thought it's a legendary Phoenix" said Dean Lu

"Tomorrow when the colleges from New World come to recruit students you can give our Sky martial high School some face"

"Dean is it a different recruitment than normal?" Yuki said with raised Eyebrows

" Let me explain to everyone here as you will all soon learn about the New World.Not because our Blue Planet seem safe for thousands of years doesn't mean no dangers exist, in fact the dangers are even worse than before. Over 4000 years ago after humans repeled the invading Monsters and mutated beasts from the Blue star, Humans started to look at the source of all problem the spacial dimensions. "

After humans entered the different Spacial dimensions they realized it lead to a new world. This world is Atleast thousands of times larger than the blue star and the monsters are even more fearsome. Humans had to form camps around the different spacial dimensions in the New World to stop any monsters from passing through. So although it has been safe for people of the Blue star, it is at the cost of awakened individuals from the New world. However although the New world is extremely dangerous opportunities that you will never find on the Blue Star can be found there.As the years passed New World became the true holyland for awakened cultivators. "

" That is the brief explanation I will give you"

After pausing Dean Lu said " every 10 years different universities and organizations will come to the Blue Star to recruit talented individuals, that will be tomorrow"

"Only C talent and higher can take part in the Examinations"

After saying that Dean Lu disappeared without a trace


Flare looked at the nearby students blank faces as they they heard the Dean speak, he felt emotional this is the cruel truth of the world if you don't have strenght or talent you can only remain an insignificant dust that blows away with a bit of strong wind

"Next Francesca Fiore "The instructors broke the heavy atmosphere

A rank talent - Wind element

Everyone looked at Amy with jealousy no one was in mood to cheer after Dean Lu speech.

" Next Isaac Flores" Flare nudged Isaac. Isaac entered the stage and quickly placed his hands on crystal ball blinding purple light could be seen, some words then appeared infront everyone

A rank Dual talent - advanced Speed and Strong Arms

Everyone looked at Isaac in disbelief although not an S rank talent , putting his two talents together under S rank talents it would be hard for him to find an equal.

Puffing his chest Isaac stepped down in pride " Hey Flare I told you the God of luck favors me"

Flare eyebrows couldn't help but twitch he also couldn't refute Isaac. Although Flare is better in academics and basics martial arts, comparing luck to Isaac he really has bad luck...shaking his head Flare said "I don't need luck I only need hard work"

"Next Flare Hitoshi"

Hearing his name Flare's heartbeat sped up, for an orphan like him this is a life changing moment , calming down his nervousness Flare went to the stage, taking a deep breathe Flare placed his hand on the Crystal ball. As soon as Flare touched the crystal ball, it glowed Gold then purple it soon glowed all seven talent colors red, orange, yellow Green, blue, purple and gold, like a spectrum of light blinding everyone. The temperature around Flare was continuously rising making the nearby students feel as if they were standing next to a volcano.

Flames appeared under Flare's feet until it covered Flare's entire body making him look like a burning man,, The flames gradually formed a dragon phantom almost 20 meters high. With a loud Roar that only Flare could hear. A stramge voice was heard in Flare's head

Ding! Strongest Flame system Merging ... 1%

Ding! Strongest Flame system merging... 58%

Ding !!! Strongest Flame system merge complete

Introduction : The Blazing dragon king almost died when going through his tribulation, however he was unwilling as he did not leave behind any legacy, With his last whisp of consciousness he separated his Dragon flame and added it to an inheritance system so that his Dragon Flames can burn for eternity.

Name :Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Awakening Late stage

Burning Points (BP) : 0

Talent : Dragon Flames D rank (C rank 0/100 BP)

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique mastery stage

[ Sytem AI Help: Burn your enemies, ignite the world to get Burning Points (BP). ]

Looking at all the information that appeared in his head Flare was shocked " Isn't this the Artificial intelligence that was being developed before the spacial dimensions descent" Flare said in his heart. When he saw talent Rank being D Rank but can be upgraded upgraded to C rank he was really happy. Even with D rank talent he would be satisfied but since it can be upgraded he won't let the dragon king down.

"It seems my martial arts can also be upgraded with Burning points, I Can't wait to test it out"

Back on the stage the giant dragon shadow above Flare's head disappeared. Lines under Flare's feet lit up which eventually formed some words.

D Rank Talent( Growth type) - Dragon Flames

This is my first time writing this please leave your thoughts, and if you see any errors please can you notify me ❤️

Romawecreators' thoughts