
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Monster Horde, Entrance examination

Flare, Yuki and the others listened intently to what was being said. Although the Blue planet has been safe in the recent years , the legend of Monster hordes never lessened, It signallled calamity humans.

At this time a scout appeared" captain Jack it's not as bad as we thought, it's only a low level monster horde with only a few thousand tier 1 and tier 2 monsters , we only sensed a couple tier 3 monster generals .

"A treasure appeared in the forbidden forest,it caused tens of thousands of low level monsters to gather,, they fought for a few days, causing that ground in that region to become completely blood red, this low level monster horde should have formed then.

" There are some more low level monster hordes going in other directions away from our camp "

"Captain Jack should we dispatch a team to quickly clean them up? "

"good job as always Lewis, Elder Lei what do you think" Captain Jack asked

"only low level.... Here I thought I could stretch my old bones...."

"Don't do anything yet, let me contact some other elders from the sacred ground, this year's entrance exam is about to get really interesting" Elder Lei smiled as he looked at Flare and the others

Flare and the other didn't know why but they felt a cold chill run down their spines.


"My name is Lewis, I'm one of the scouts of this Camp, although I'm not apart of the Battle god Palace, because my awakened talent is unique, I got a place in this camps as a scout " Lewis said the last part with a bit of pride

"I was told you guys are not from the New world you were recruited front the home planet to take part in their entrance exam"

"you are really lucky, every year hundreds of thousands of youths your age desire to join the battle god Palace, in the end only a few of them can even take part in the entrance exam" Senior Lewis said with melancholia

"where we are now is one of the many camps of the Battle God Palace, each camp protects a spacial dimension that Leads to the blue planet, if any camp is destroyed monsters can force their way back to the Blue planet through the spacial dimension, resulting in a calamity to the human race over in the Blue planet "

Our camp can be considered a relatively safe camp, we are only in outer regions of the forbidden forest so we don't usually get attack by strong monsters , some camps are in some the deepest regions of the forbidden forest where the horror is unimaginable ".

" If you have any questions you can ask me now"

" Senior Lewis we were told that they are even more cities and humans here in the New world, are they also in the forbidden forest?" the fat guy asked putting away his chips

"after humans entered the new world, they were met with a endless forest,filled with unknown dangers, they named it the forbidden forest.

As the years past we cleared up some regions in the forbidden forest where they built cities and kingdoms, which were safe for normal humans to live" senior Lewis said, hearing him speak Flare and the others knew he was just reiterating something exactly as if he was reading a book infront of him

"humpph... I'm not a history instructor so you have to gather anymore information you want by yourselves "

The camp wasn't big, only a few large size buildings and hundreds of tents could be seen across the camp. The the camp was only big enough for the soldiers of the camp to live, Flare could see warriors training all sort of weapons around the camp, preparing themselves for when they will need to fight on the frontlines.

On a tall wall around 50 meters high that surrounded the camp, Flare and others looked at the endless forbidden forest that stretched further than the eye could see, occasional roars could be heard that sent fear to the depths of their soul.

In the past hour or so, multiple flying ships was seen,and on them hundreds of youths about Flare's age or a little older arrived,he knew it should be related to the entrance exam. Flare could even sense danger from a few of them making him very wary.


In one of the buildings Elder Lei sat, across from him an old man and a middle aged woman could be heard arguing.

"Elder Lei you really are getting crazier and crazier as the years go by,these youths are promising, we can't send them into monster horde just for our entrance examination "

"humphh... the death rate among our students in the Palace is getting higher and higher in the recent years, we need make our recruitment much harder to only pick the elite amongst elite "

"That doesn't mean you have to send these kids to their deaths"

"what is their to be scared of, they are only a few tier 3 monster generals, if they can't even survive that, no matter how high their talents, they are not suitable for our Battle god Palace, they should leave and join another sacred ground"

"The palace master also agreed"

When they heard Palace master already agreed, they could only shake their heads, arguing with Elder Lei won't change anything at this point.

"You should also remember the ancient battlefield will appear soon, these kids will most likely be the ones to enter "

"We usually only accept 250 students how much do you think we accept this time " the middle aged female elder asked

"I think we should accept 500 students this time around to cope with in the surge of talents recently"


A few hours passed, now over three thousand youths stood around the camp

Elder Lei appeared in the sky" this year's entrance exam will be alot simpler, however the difficulty is not lower in the slightest "

20 km away from this camp a monster horde is rapidly approaching, it will arrive here in a few hours, your exam is to stop this monster horde.

We will only be accepting the top five hundred students from this exam.

You will receive points for the Monsters you eliminate,1 point for tier1 monsters, 10- 20 points for a tier 2 monsters and finally 100 points for a tier 3 montser.

As you heard, there are a few tier 3 monster generals in the monster horde, you can withdraw from the examination right now no one will force you, we will bring you to the nearest city "

After hearing Elder Lei many students stood there seriously thinking about their future

" No wonder it is rumored that the death rate in the battle god Palace is high compared to other sacred grounds"

"they want us to take an exam with monster generals,

we won't even know how we died "

"With my talent I can get into another sacred if not I can just join a Platinum rank organization, I won't risk my life here".

The youths whispered amongst them self, several hundreds of them decided to return to the nearest city. Only two thousand youths remained

Elder Lei and the other elders could hear the youths clearly although they tried to whisper but they didn't care.

"Good so many of you still remain, this wristband will be given to all of you, it will record all the monsters you kill, and if you team up to kill a monster, your team will get a share of the points"

You cannot attack other participants, the lightest punishment for that would be disqualification and the highest is death.

The wristband will only share points with 4 persons randomly in a team, so if you have more people in your team, you run the risk of not getting any points.

We will limit the teams to 10 people, you can also remain solo if you want. You have 10 minutes to form your team.

Flare watched as the youths around him slowly formed their teams, many youths tried to get Yuki in their team but was shut down by the vicious mouth phoenix.

When these youths were thinking about teams,only thing flare could think about was gathering burning points.

"I might not get another opportunity like this for awhile, I need to collect as much burning points as possible, I might be able to upgrade my talent and martial skills again soon"