
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Flare vs Monster Horde, Part 1

With thousands of monsters appearing, Flare had the perfect opportunity to gather alot of burning points.In the end everyone from the Blue planet formed a team leaving only Flare and Yuki. They invited Flare but he refused, he still didn't know if he could burning points if someone assisted him with the kill.

" Time is up, the monster horde is currently only 10 km to the east of the camp, your wristband will display your score and your placement, if you want to forfeit the exam you can come back to the camp".

"Also the top 10 on the placements will get a special reward from the sect "

"You have 1 minute to leave the camp!!!


Leaving the camp Flare and hundreds of youths hurried in the eastern with clear purpose in their eyes. This exam not only will we have fight for survival in the Monster horde, we are also in a race to see who can kill more monsters.

After traveling around 5 km, terrifying monster roars shock the forbidden forest scaring Flare and the rest of the participants.As Flare and the other's traveled closer to the sounds, the earth started to shake causing the nearby trees lose alot of leaves.

Flare looked in the distant sky and what he saw scared him to his core, a dark cloud was approaching at fast speed giving the surroundings a dark and gloomy feeling.When the dark clouds was close enough Flare realized is wasn't clouds, it was actually several hundred large flying monsters approaching his direction like a tide.

The participants looked into the sky with mouths wide open, most of them were just like Flare, they had never even glimpsed a monster horde despite being born in the New world.

"They call this only a low level beast horde, then wtf is a large scale beast horde " Flare cursed in his mind

Not only Flare, other participants became very vocal with their curses

"aren't they just sending us to our death"

"You guys can die here I won't be buried with you here" a participant said as he rushed back to the camp.

Just like that the examinees in Flare's surroundings reduced by atleast half.

"Humph... They warned us multiple times and you didn't listen you can only curse your stupidity" another participant snorted in distain

Flare stood there still in a daze when a sudden thought appeared in his mind , up till now he only saw the large flying monsters the distance, what about the monsters on the land.....

It was at this time he heard explosions coming from the distance, at the sametime he saw participants names start to rapidly climb the rankings on his wristband.

He finally awoken from his stupor "I'm still too inexperience "

He rushed towards the incoming monster wave, Flare saw an endless wave of monsters of different sizes approaching at a fast speed, large flying monsters occasionally swoop down attacked the participants forcing them to keep their guards up.

A large brown bear with ferocious eyes suddenly attcked Flare from his side, Flames appeared on his fist as he met the incoming bear claw with a fist. Bone crackled as the bear hands decame deformed, the Flames still burned on his body causing the bear to growl in pain.

With another Flaming fist he blasted the bears head

[You have burnt a Tier 1 monster, 1 burning points gained]

Flare was shocked by his bodys strength"with my current bodys strength he could almost disregard any monster under tier 2 attack's.

"The Flaming Battle Body really didn't disappoint"

As he was appreciating his Flaming Battle Body, the ground under his feet suddenly split open, a huge rat with a unicorn's horn on it's forehead attacked him and aimed straight for Flare's forbidden balls between his legs.

He didn't have time to dodge so he had grab the rat's unicorn horn barely escaping the tragedy." you damned rat what do think you're doing, do you want me to become impotent" Flare cursed as he looked into the rat's purple eyes.

"I would have turned you into rat stew for that, but I don't have time right now " Flare said as he burned the rat to ashes

[You have burnt a Tier 1 monster, 1 burning points gained]

Above him a large golden eagle was swooping down with a sharp claw, summoning his heavy sword, Flare waited until the eagle was close enough and performed the basic sword move. With one sword he severed the eagle's claw.

Seeing that the eagle was trying to fly away, he condensed flaming swords that spiraled around him, he aimed them towards the escaping, injured Golden eagle causing it to stumble in the sky. The condesened Flaming swords didn't do much physical damage, however the flames continued to burn the golden eagle's body. Soon a roasted giant golden eagle fell from the sky.

[You have burnt an early stage Tier 2 monster , 5 burning points gained]

He didn't pay any attention to the messages from his system, he wanted to see how many points he would receive for that, on his wristband he was placed 1008 with 12 points.

First place had 102 points, 10th place had 95 points, while 500th place only had 50 . "shit I have to step up the pace"

Flare gripped his heavy sword tightly, he covered his hands and his swords in Flames and rushed into the wave of monsters.

Everywhere he passed, only a trail of broken bones and burning monsters were left

[You have burnt a Tier 1 monster, 1 burning points gained]

[You have burnt an early stage Tier 2 monster , 5 burning points gained]

[You have burnt an early stage Tier 2 monster , 5 burning points gained]

[You have burnt....]

Messages continuously rang out in his mind but he only payed attention to the numbers on his wristband.He realized he wasn't the only crazy person as the people leading the standings , points were not slowing down in the slighest, but continued to surge with Flare's.

He encountered Rhinoceros, large two headed crocodiles, red striped pigs and all different types of monsters, however only trail of ashes were left and a few blood stains on his clothes.

Flare's wild behavior caused great shock among the nearby examinees, they even gave him the nickname "flame trail".

After fighting for nearly an hour he finally entered the top 100, all the people in top 100 names were displayed for everyone to see

99. Flare Hitoshi - 250 Points.

Flare sat comfortably in 99 place, he only had to do a bit

more and he could still place in the top 500. Although he didn't really care about the top 10 places, he wouldn't have another opportunity like this to gain alot of burning points.

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit concentration Mid stage

Burning Points (BP) : 308

Talent : Dragon Flames C rank (B rank 0/500 BP)

Innate Skills :Level 1 Dragon Flame armor (0/200 BP) ( Cooldown 2 hours )

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique mastery stage ( 0/300 BP)

"Not bad my burning points is at a whopping 308, should I upgrade my innate skill or basic sword technique to Completion? "

"Let's do my martial arts, I will choose a new martial art when I enter battle god Palace, I don't want to still have this to be upgrade "

In the midst of battling the two horned goats, Flare felt a new and more profound understanding of the basic sword move appering in his mind, it was called " stab", performing two quick stabs with his heavy, he pierced the horned goats head.

He also learned the name of his other two basic sword moves with his comprehension of the basic sword moves advancing, the first move is called 'slash' and the second'Block'.

Name :Flare Hitoshi


Burning Points (BP) : 24


Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique completion stage (0/1200 BP)


"darn it , I knew it would increase alot for it to advance to perfection but not by so much" Flare said as he dodged a spike that came from a porcupines body in the distance.

Flare continuously dodged and blocked spikes until he was close enough, with a simple slash, he split the porcupine in two.

[You have burnt a Mid stage Tier 2 monster , 10 burning points gained]

Flare browsed the other placements and to his surprise he saw Yuki's name

03.Yuki Snow - 402 Points

" humpphh.... If I don't enter the top 10 I. Won't hear the end of it from that vicious mouth phoenix.