
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Entering the Monster Forest

The moon disappeared from the sky replaced by two suns, one in the east and one in the west, they lit the whole blue planet a blaze, plants danced happily in the wind and creatures roared happily as they survived another scary night but none of this mattered to Flare as he walked to his class for the important recruitment event , despite training all night Flare looked as rejuvenated as ever.

After training the whole night he could control Flames on his sword and even use Flames while doing the basic sword moves, he named this move, Basic flame sword move.


In an old fashioned classroom with beautiful martial art murals and racked weapons, , Flare and others stood silently.

Vice Dean Meng and two unknown individuals appeared in the class.

One was a beautiful woman with a colorful fan and the other was a skinny man with an owl on his shoulder.

"these are representatives of two Platinum rank holylands from the New world, Miss Louise and Mr.Yang,I know you want to know what is a Platinum force, In the New world they're thousands of families and Sects of different strengths, so to show sepreation powerful people divided them into ranks, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Dark Gold, Platinum and finally Sacred grounds , Bronze being the lowest rank organization while Sacred grounds were the pinnacle. "

Out of the thousands of organizations in the New world they're only a dozen or two Platinum organizations so you're all lucky"

"they already know your talents, if they're interested in your talent you can take part in their entrance test in the New world"

_ _ _

"Yuki Snow, the Beast Palace would like to invite you to join, you won't have to go through any test, you will directly become an outer disciple if you accept" Mr. Yang said

"Although you are a summoner, you also have a blessing to control ice, so the Beast Palace isn't your only option, the Myriad Dao Temple would like to invite you and Flare Hitoshi to join, you two will directly become an outer disciple if you accept" said Miss Louise

"You guys are so greedy, you people from the Myriad Dao temple want to even fight with us over a summoner?"

"Did I tell you guys to only accept students who can become beast masters?"

"Little girl if you join them, your ice talents would be buried, we have elders and techniques for everything, even beast masters ,although we aren't a beast school"

"Don't listen to this b*tch, we have other techniques aswell...."

_ _ _

*Yuki's POV*

"Little MI what do you think? "

"uhmmm I don't care you can decide on what to do " Miora said as she ate some sweets

"If you keep eating like that you will become a fat chicken " said Yuki

"No.... I" miora looked like she wanted to cry

"You should absorb beast cores instead of eating all the time, you can eat sweets after you absorb cores"

_ _ _

"Little brother come with me to the Myriad Dao Palace, I will take care of you" said the beautiful Miss Louis smilingly at Flare

Isaac beside Flare kept nudging him as if encouraging him ' if you want to sell yourself stop dragging me down' Flare cursed Isaac in his heart

Suddenly an one arm man walked in the room, his every step caused Flare and the others heart to shudder, Flare almost fell to the ground,Flare looked at the other students apart from him and Yuki everyone was on the floor.

Little MI appeared "stinky old man stop disturbing me...." Yuki quickly shut her up

With a smile said " The two of you aren't bad the Battle God Palace invites both of you to take part is the entrance exam"

The surrounding became really weird

Both the beautiful woman and the skinny man were surprised

"Even these maniacs came to the the Blue star, I guess even they are interested in the surge of talents on this backward planet , " Miss Louise said in her heart. She knew that there was no way she could compete with a sacred ground over recruits, especially these battle maniacs

" our school is different from other organizations our students fight continuously on the frontlines ,if you can survive you will be the true pinnacle of your generation."

Flare watched as Miss Louise and Mr. Yang and they seem to give up when they saw this one arm man, there could only be one reason. 'it is a Sacred ground'

" I would like to join "Flare said without hesitation

" I will also like to join " Yuki siad

" Good, my name is Elder Lei, one week from now we'll meet here, this is your temporary identification " saying Elder them a jade card and left


Flare went directly to the trading hall because he still hadn't picked the grade 2 enchanted weapon he was promised , he wanted to enter the mountain forest outside the city to hunt monsters, before that he needed a weapon or else he won't have tears to cry if his old sword broke when in a battle.

Stepping into school trading hall it was as if you stepped into a different world, from the streets bustling with students, to a tranquil environment that makes you immediately comfortable.

Weapons were on racks all around highlighting the magnificents of this building, only a beautiful receptionist was there waiting.

"Hello I'm Lucy, welcome to the trading hall, if you need any assistance you can tell me."

"Hello miss Lucy, I was awarded by the School, I can choose any rank 2 or lower enchanted weapon"

"OHh, I was already told, you should be Flare, the rank 2 enchanted weapons are to the right"

"Thank you "

On the rack of weapons, all different kinds of weapons were there, however what he was looking for was a heavy sword, since he ate the Blood fruit he realized that light swords will just waste his strength.

Flare could Only find three rank 2 enchanted sword, and only one heavy sword. Looking at the heavy sword, it had much larger compared to body of the other swords,it was more like a broadsword, with red vein like features stretching all over it , it looked very menacing.

As Flare picked up the sword although he strained a little he could wield it after a few tries.

"Miss Lucy I would like this weapon "

"OK no problem, drip a drop of your blood on the sword.

Following Lucy's instructions the sword dissappeared, although it dissappeared he could still feel a connection with the sword and anytime he wanted it he could summon it

" You can summon it anytime you want, remember you cannot have multiple enchanted weapons at once, so if you want another sword in the future you have to sever the connection with this sword."

_ _ _

On the border, where the Sky City meets the endless forest, Flare stood observing the towering trees, faint monster roars could be heard despite not even entering the forest.

" This will be dangerous however this is something I Must overcome, if I meet someone with strong martial arts like mine, the difference maker will be actual combat experience, something I don't have"

Flare planned on only entering the outer region of the forest because the deeper you go the stronger the monsters will become and he didn't have a death wish.

Entering the forest Flare felt fear, he knew that any mistake could end his life right here, he moved cautiously, "I'm so stupid I was so eager to test out my Flames and get burning points, I forgot to research some hunting knowledge."

As he said that to himself he felt cold sweat all over his body,Flare unconsciously shifted his body, however his blood blossomed in the air, his left arm had a deep cut exposing his bones.

Flare felt pain course through his body, looking at the cause it was large rabbit with a horn in the center of his his head, his eyes looked bloodshot like it wanted to rip Flare into shreds