
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Ancient Lizard, Hero saving the beauty

. "Calm down it's me!" Flare said hurriedly as he showed himself.

"Why are you here" Yuki asked not withdrawing her bow.

"I entered the forest a few days ago for experience, I came over here because of a loud bird cry, however that doesn't matter now, how are you going to deal with this beast"

"If you don't want to die you better leave, you're not it's match" Yuki coldly said

Puffing his chest " what kind of man will I be if I run..... "

At this time Flare saw the information on the two headed lizard.

Name : Abu

Rank : peak Tier 2 monster (Quasi tier 3 beast)

Race: Ancient two headed lizard

Skills :Flame cannon, flame bomb

Flare almost choked on his words as he saw the beast information, Flare cursed himself in his heart " who told me to want to become hero saving the beauty, I have to live to even get the beauty right " .

"This monster even has a name that means it gained intelligence and gave itself a name, shit didnt they say only earth rank monsters can gain intelligence this is clearly only a tier 2 beast that failed to breakthrough to tier 3 "

Swallowing hard flare watched as the giant lizard slowly approaching from the distance " how did you provoke this thing"

"Aren't you a man anymore why are you so scared now " Little white said with distain

"we discovered a cave fill with magma and inside it there was yin yang flower, it wasn't fully bloomed as yet so we decided to wait, that's when this Two headed lizard arrived, we could barely escape to here as both of us got injured," Yuki said as she coughed up blood

"Enough speaking you better escape while it's not late, bring Little MI with you, her wings were injured by the beast " she said as handed me the Yin yang flower

"Take this yin yang flower as payment, we can't let this beast have it's way"

"It's already too late for that, this beast has intelligence, it won't let us escape " Flare said shaking his head

"It's not even a tier 3 beast yet, how could it have intelligence .... " for the first time Yuki panicked

"Don't you realize it's not rushing to us but calmly walking over, which beast you know is that well controlled"

" well that doesn't matter now, here is a healing herb I found, eat this and heal your wounds, I'll try and delay until you heal"

"I wanted to test out my armor anyways" saying that his fighting spirit rose

Flare watched the two headed lizard coldly as it approached , this ancient two headed lizard can usually be found in a place where there is intense heat, If it wasn't provoked it wouldn't have left.

With it's huge 4 meter long body, every step it took caused the ground to shake, making it seem even more ferocious.

Controlling his Flames, Flare condensed multiple Flaming swords that spiraled around him, with unbelievable speed it attacked the Ancient lizard, at the same time Flare summoned his heavy sword and dashed towards it while it was distracted.

Flare already knew that his condensed flame swords could not hurt the lizard, he only used it as a distraction so he could approach the lizard without being attacked.

Flare strongest attribute is close range and now more than ever because of his Dragon flame armor. With one sword move, he slashed towards the distracted lizard causing a bit of blood splashed, but to his disappointment it only caused some minor injuries.

The lizard growled angrily and spat out two balls of fire that appeared where Flare stood, he sensed intense danger so he dodged, where he was a large explosion occurred ,causing a large 10 meter deep pit to appear.

Under his armor Flare's body shivered all over,

"No wonder even with a legendary Phoenix by her side she could only run, and she actually survived this long" he realized he got way too confident because of his double breakthrough in talent and cultivation" seems like S class talents are more scarier than I thought or is it her summoning talent that is too scary? "

While he was thinking a beam of light formed in the mouth of two headed lizard, it appeared infront of Flare in the blink of an eye, he knew he couldn't dodge so he could only raise his enchanted sword to block the beam of blazing light.

For a few seconds Flare held his sword, blocking the blazing beam of light.

Maybe because his talent is Flames, he could withstand most of the impact, however his armor covering his chest couldn't be saved. He spat out a mouthful of blood as the beam of blazing light receded.

" Shit! Why are all his skills so overpowered!!! "

" I don't think alot of people below spirit transformation realm could withstand that, if I didn't have growth type flame talent I would have been ashes by now "

Flare continuously retreated as he cursed but the ancient Lizard wouldn't let him, Flame bombs followed him everywhere he went causing dozens of 10 meter deep pits to appear everywhere , with one wrong step he would fall into one, which will definitely signify his doom.

"If I was at mid stage spirit concentration realm I might have been able fight more evenly with this beast"

"However even if you have a bit of intelligence a beast will always be a beast, I can already tell your weakness, you can't attack when I'm behind you "

With nimble movements he arrived behind the ancient lizard and slashed behind it's neck,each time the ancient lizard tried to face him, he would adjust his movement and appear behind the ancient lizard again.

Few minutes passed as Flare continously attacked it from behind ^_^, leaving multiple minor wounds on it's large body. At this time a bird cry could be heard as multiple ice feathers descended from the sky overwhelming the lizard and aggravating the wounds on it's body.

"stinky lizard this queen is ready to take revenge on you"

"Little Phoenix, don't attack it from infront, attack from behind!!!"

"Stinky dragon boy who are you calling little Phoenix, I'm queen to you "

Blacklines appeared on flare face as he listened to the arrogant Phoenix speak

"Miora it's not the time argue and play around "

"Yuki when it open it's mouth to condense the flame bomb, fire an arrow in it's mouth " Flare said as he slashed behind one of the Two headed lizards head.

Blood splashed as another wound appeared on the lizard scales causing the Two headed lizard to become mad, spotting Yuki in the the distance it decided to condense a flame bomb in one of it's mouth.

"Yuki now!!" Flare urged

At this moment an ice arrow tore across the sky, it directly struck the flame bomb inside one of the two headed lizards mouth.

A large explosion occurred as blood blossomed in the surroundings.When the explosion calmed down only a one head lizard could be seen struggling. It roared angrily to the sky as it's body started to swell, Flare that was behind the lizard felt the strongest danger instinct since he entered the forest, as he was about to run, the Two headed lizard body exploded.

As the explosion met his dragon flame armor, the armor dissappeared with little resistance.

When he thought he was going to die, he slipped into one of the 10 meter deep pits, burying himself alive.


Yuki retreated far away as she saw the Two headed lizard about to explode, everything happened so fast she couldn't even warn Flare.

When the explosion calm down Flare's body was no where to be seen.

"I've always heard of the horror of monsters self explosion, now I know why"

"Little MI let's leave, that explosion is going to attract more monsters" Yuki turned around ready to leave

"wait I can still sense that stinky dragon boy" Little MI said.


With one last dig Flare could finally feel heat on his hand.

"Finally I thought I was going to suffocate down there "

"Yuki why is your face so red "Flare asked as he walked towards Yuki

"You stinky pervert!!" Yuki said as she pulled her bow

Flare looked at her with a puzzled face, he then instinctively looked down, he was shocked, he was completely naked while his deflated dragon was exposed for the world to see, although it looked majestic and could cause any man to be jealous , now wasn't the time to be proud.

"f*ck I forgot I was naked under the armor" Flare curse himself

"it's not what you think....." he didn't get to finish his sentence as something hit him hard and he passed out.