
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

First Fire seed

In a cave in the endless forest Flare sat in a lotus position healing his an arrow wound on his shoulder, after he was attacked by Yuki a few hours ago, he woke up in this cave with a blanket covering his body.

The spiritual energy inside the cave was atleast three times denser than outside.His body felt extremely comfortable all over as he absorded the dense spiritual energy from the surroundings.

This is the cave of the two headed ancient Lizard, bones of monsters and humans littered the floor making the cave seem more like a burial ground, "No wonder this thwo headed ancient Lizard chose this cave, the fire spirit energy is so dense, cultivating here will be way more beneficial"

In a corner of the cave Yuki looked at him coldly, while her earlobes were crimson red, quite a contrast with her cold appearance, she was still embarrassed from the earlier incident.

"You know I didn't want to be naked the explosion destroyed my armor " Flare said bitterly while treating his wound on his shoulder

" If I wanted you dead do you think you could survive, who told you to be so shameless" Yuki snorted barely hiding her embarrassment.

"I should've freezed you to death stinky pervert, Yuki is way too nice to you stinky dragon boy"

"You're no different from real dragons, those lecherous bastards "

"I will let you off this once since you helped me get revenge on that stinky lizard "

Black lines covered Flare's forehead as he listened to the little Phoenix speak about him. 'Do you think I'm a exhibitionist 'Flare cursed in his mind

"Can't you call me by my name"

"humphh, this queen doesn't think you are worthy"


Flare decided to not pay attention them anymore, he went deeper inside the cave where the heat was even more intense.

Finding the area where the spiritual energy is concentrated he sat down and closed his eyes, he recalled the information about the incomplete Flaming Battle Body method as red mist was absorbed by his body.

The Flaming Battle Body is divided into nine sections , each section requiring you to form a fire seed in your body, Flare only has the first three sections of the technique called the blazing battle array. After forming three fire seed in your body, an array will form in your body, in battle, you can summon this array around you, if your enemy is close enough you can trap him Or her in the array.

Although this is a body cultivation method, practicing this not only helps you to cultivate an overbearing body, it also helps to make your body a perfect storage container for Flames.

Every major cultivation realm you need to form a fire seed in your body, If you can not form a fire seed, you can never have breakthough in cultivation unless you change your cultivation art.

Since Flare was already spirit concentration realm, he can already form two fire seed, but he wasn't in any rush, in the information he was warned continously that it will be painful, not only for your enemies who have to fight against your Flames but also for you.

Everytime you form a fire seed you need a stronger outlet of Flames or higher quality source of fire spirit energy, if not careful,the Flames will burn you to ashes when you practice or the fire spirit energy will burn your organs and meridians.

"If I can successfully cultivate this, in the same rank I will not have alot of opponents"

Throughout his six day journey in the forest he realized the importance of a strong Physical body, hence he was really eager to to start cultivating.

Following the meridian pathway from the method, red mist from the cave started moving towards Flare's body, this red mist is fire spirit energy, because the density of fire spirit energy is so high it became visible to the naked eye.

At first flare only felt his meridian becoming slightly warm, however as time passed the heat became so unbearable he trembled, he shouted,as the pain was too unbearable.

The heat moved from his meridians to his organs , making him feel as if he's being cooked alive.

Hours passed like this, many times Flare felt as if he was going to faint but he held on because once he lost consciousness he would fail to form the fire seed.

His hard efforts were not in vain, all the fire spirit energy circling his body moved to his chest and slowly condensed into a diamond shaped seed

tattoo that dazzled the eyes as it glowed red.

* YUKI Pov *

"Why is that pervert shouting, did his sins finally catch up on him"

"Good He's finally getting retribution for his shameless Ness"

Following the shout they saw Flare sitting in a lotus position while red mist swirled around him, his skin glowed red as his face grimaced in pain.Although the cave was extremely hot, as they walked toward Flare's direction, they realised the place got cooler and cooler making them puzzled, seeing Flare now they realised, he was like a vacuum absorbing all the heat in the surroundings

"should we help the pervert Yuki?"


Flare finally opened his eyes with some difficulty, the intense pain he felt before now subsided, like the sturdiest steel tempered by the strongest flame, he could feel amazing power coursing through his body.

Throwing a punch in the air, it caused the air to vibrate.

With just a casual punch, it had the strength of over 2000Kg, already stronger than most spirit concentration realm awakeners, "if I don't meet someone with physical talents,I have no equal in terms of physical strength"

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit concentration early stage

Burning Points (BP) : 68

Talent : Dragon Flames C rank (B rank 0/500 BP)

Innate Skills :Level 1 Dragon Flame armor (0/200 BP) ( Cooldown 2 hour)

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique mastery stage ( 0/300 BP)

"Wait why isn't Flaming Battle Body there in martial arts?"

"It seems like the system only show stuff it can level up. Only with hard effort, will I be able to form fire seeds"

Thinking about his future he swallowed saliva

" I have to cook myself eight more times, each time with stronger Flames, which mad person created this technique"

Seeing only 68 burning points it should be because he Massacred those snake families.

"That damn lizard self exploded I didn't even get any burning points"

"Are you guys going to continue peeping ?" Flare said aloud

"Who wants to see you pervert "Little white Phoenix said with distain.

" If you weren't screaming like a pig who would care about you"

" I want to exchange the Yin seed out of the yin yang flower with you, it isn't useful to you"

"It's okay you can have it..." before he could finish Yuki flung 5 golden bills infront Flare.

" You can exchange these bills into 500,000 gold coins at any bank,I'll pay afor the Yin seed, you're only Early stage spirit concentration realm, that is too low for the entrance test, you should try to atleast make it to Mid level spirit concentration realm, with your combat power it should be barely enough"

Hearing Yuki speak he was shocked, he thought he was cultivating really fast, but she's talking as if he's cultivating slowly, he then realized he never really inspected Yuki's cultivation.

Name : Yuki Snow

Cultivation : Late stage spirit concentration realm

Talent : Summoning (Phoenix Blessing)

Innate Skills : ??

Flare almost dropped to the floor, " was your cultivation this high when fighting the Lizard?"

"No I brokethrough one hour ago" Yuki said

"Can you compare our cultivation speed with a shameless guys like you " little MI said arrogantly

"Although your attack power and abilities are powerful, your cultivation is too lacking, I guess it is because you're growth type talent isn't yet S class "