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Hana Kiyabu is a young woman (20) who is forced into an arranged marriage with Chikashi hosoki (22) who is the son of the second wealthiest family in the country, the hosoki family. Both families agreed to group their eldest children to help the kiyabu family pay for their financial difficulties. Hana, on the other hand, has feelings for another man in her life...who will she choose between helping her family's financial predicament and the man she likes? What could possibly stand in their way, especially when drama follows her around?.

web_user_author_ · Urban
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27 Chs


While in my hotel room I pack what I need and so on while messaging my friend from california in between packing. I take a glance at the eiffel tower thinking how different it could have been if none of this nonsense had ever occurred, specifically the fake arrangement, lies, and drama in paris, I mean what's next?

"A disaster" I say to myself

As I pack my last item a knock on my door catches me off guard. Thinking about what I said, I should have not spoken to soon or at all for that matter. Before answering the door I take a deep breath and clear my thoughts for once.


My breath was cut short as I looked up at nathan standing before me with his hair ruffled. I struggle to put the right words out there at a time.

"Don't say anything, just listen."

Nathan walks passed me without an invitation and sits on my bed. I close my door then stand in front of him with my hands in a knot.

"I don't want you to leave anywhere without free will. I personally am angry at the fact that you digged your way into my personal life but at least give me an explanation to why you chose me?"

For once, he looked generally hurt, what to say? I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I swore my heart was pounding out of my chest because I was cornered.

"The least you can do is give me an explanation. I'm being generous as of now."

I put words together in my head and rehearse them over and over with the little time I have.

" Nathan, I-I'm sorry. I'm an adult yet here I am acting like a child while your handling this like a literal adult. The reason I did this job was for money. I needed the money and thought how easy it would be to dig into someone's past and leave but that just wasn't the case. I never meant to hurt you." I said

Nathan looks at me long and hard for what seemed like the longest stare in a lifetime. I pinch my skin to stop myself from letting a flood let loose from my eyes. After awhile he breaks the silence.

"Somehow I expected a better reason from you."

I nod grabbing my suitcase that was next to nathan on the bed.

"I know it was a bad decision but I'm sorry. I'll be taking my leave now."

As I turn to leave I feel a tug on my fabric, surprised I turn around and see that nathan is now standing closer than ever.

"Don't go."

He looked as if it were his fault , his eyes were deep dark brown, oh how could I say no when he's finally not being a snob. I owe him anyways for what I've done.

"I'm sorry- Are you still mad at me or-"

With that a smack on the head- he chuckles and pulls me in for a hug

"You kind of remind me of my sister if she was older. You meant for me to get hurt just not finding out it would be you.. but at the same time you did a solid for me. I decided to visit my mother often as weird as it sounds."

I smile and embrace the moment as he helps me unpack.

" Your costing me my beauty sleep y'know. Might as well stay over since it's midnight." I say

Something about him just lights up, nothing I've seen before. It was sorta creepy and cute at the same time.

"I suppose"

He goes to the closet for some blankets and pillows then sets them on the floor once he's found them. I help him spread the blankets and lay on my side from my bed.

"So are we friends now or- I don't want to jump to conclusions because you actually are a real nice person" I say a little to fast for his speed

He just chuckles and nods which makes me relax. I can pretty much say that neither of us ended up getting sleep because we were to busy getting to know each other over night. The next morning I do the usual routine on my good days by getting dressed and making a coffee.

"Hey, I know this is sort of sudden but I really think you should consider going back to japan to talk to your lovers. You have a good choice between a sweet man and a dumbass who actually may have feelings for you. Why would you want to run away from that?" he says trying to give advice

I look down at my cup of coffee and see a faded reflection of myself.

"Will you come with me?" I look back up at him

He looks astounded

"Me?! Go to japan!?! I couldn't. Listen if you want to go back with all means do that, hell if I actually had feelings for you the first time meeting you I'd tell you in a heartbeat."

I frown placing my mug down on the counter. I hear what he was getting at but at the same time I couldn't just barge in saying that I could possibly have feelings for someone and to try giving me some sort of attention just for the means of it, I mean come on if it was that easy I would have done that after he saved my life!

" I wouldn't be asking you to come with me if I had the courage to tell him myself but that just isn't the case for me. Please, I'm asking as a friend and from my eyes a brother if you'd let it be?" I crack a smile with both my thumbs up

He glares at me " Tell him right away otherwise I'm off to my flight immediately." I clasp my hands together and give him a hug without warning.

"Thank you!"

I can't see his face but for some reason I get that feeling that he is smiling which makes me happier than ever..

Nearly six hours ago I had made a few calls to my boss to let her know that I am leaving home without the money and accompanied by Nathan. We had both brought our suitcases for a week when at japan. And that brings us here..

" Lovely japan" I say in a sarcastic tone

Nathan shrugs and walks on ahead blinded

"Do you even know where your going?" I say catching up with him

"No, but if your gonna talk to your self I might as well check out japan myself" He says looking around while I roll my eyes leading the way. The walk is pretty long from where the airport is but after all the turbulence we both needed comfort from the ground. But as we get closer to my parents house I stop and rethink my decisions luckily I didn't regret bringing Nathan since he encouraged me to go ahead.

I knock once, then twice before the door opens

" Hana? Oh hana, dear hana came home!" My mother hugs me with the free arm she has as she holds my brother in the other. My mother pulls me and Nathan inside without questions.

"Well if it isn't my only daughter. How was your flight back? Who is this?" My father says curiously

Smiling I wrap my arms around Nathan's arm

"This is Nathan! He is my friend and came for a week because I asked him too if you want specifics" I smile at my father which he returns back

"Well the more the merrier, Chikashi and his family was coming over for dinner to celebrate his turn in business." My father says

"Wait he's in charge of his-" Before I say anymore a heavy thud it seems comes from outside our doorstep.

I open the door immediately making eye contact with Chikashi, the eye contact is long and silent well until Nathan breaks it.

"Nathan, I'm a friend of hana's." Nathan says extending his hand out

Chikashi nods shaking his hand then turning back to me

"Your back.."

I force a quick smile and turn for the stairs but with a tug I'm right back to making eye contact with..him. My heart aches wanting to be in his embrace, In my eyes for a moment it was just the two of us in the room.

"Hana, chikashi? Hellooo?? Lady with a baby here.." I turn my attention to aiko who has her bump already showing even though it's only been two months.

" Aiko...you've already..Nathan, would you like to visit the bar I go too?" Nathan seems to feel the air in the room and nods.

"It was nice to meet all, excuse us." Nathan places his hand on my back walking out.

"See I couldn't have possibly said anything! I mean she's pregnant! My god what is wrong with me!!" I turn to realize that I was talking to myself when I notice Nathan had wondered on the other side of the bar talking to some randsom girl.

" Sounds like you need a better drink than what ya got." A random middle aged man says holding a weird container with who knows what in it.

"Yeahhh no thanks." I sip my drink when all of a sudden I feel a hand on my waist which in a instant I stand up and use my palm to strike the guys chin as hard as I could. Feeling overwelmed with the past accident I cover my mouth as tears run down my face than run out hearing distant calls from Nathan's voice.

Rubbing my eyes I text nathan the directions to my parents home and a way to get there while sitting outside of the house.

"Hana.. I can't do this anymore..after this baby comes I don't want he or she to think that chikashi is their father." Aiko says standing next to me " I realize how bad all this is hurting you and honestly I can't blame you. Me and chikashi aren't together, we're friends..he wanted to use me so that you wouldn't try to get any closer to him while he was figuring out his own feelings for you. I have a husband and a baby on the way hana, go talk to him, tell him how you feel so that he understands his own." I stare at aiko dumbfounded
