
Strife of the Gods

Marchosias, a race of canine Asuras. Said to have been the smartest of their kind, smart enough to pose a threat to the King of the asuras. After a long war, one which resulted in one mass of land splitting into the two, the Indrarth stood victorious. Now the remnant of an once proud godly beings stay in a realm of their own. And I am their representative, their champion. I have been taken to their homeland of Losvillion to be trained in their ways. Alas not before a rift was created in our family. After revealing our unique situation to them, Mom and Da-no Alice and Reynolds both showed multiple reactions to this revelation. Not a single one of them pleasant. Finally not being able to take it anymore I ran away. Well not run per se, but I might as well have. Perhaps its better this way, I will be able to focus more on getting stronger. For even if we aren't a family anymore, I will still protect them until my dying breath.

Erebus512 · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

The Kings Right Hand

Arthur greeted the other two Lances, talking about something which I couldn't hear. 

It sucks that sound can't enter this dimension.

Ah well, can't do anything about that. All I can do is observe and piss some people off.

Someone else entered the room, and Arthur immediately perked up, exclaiming their name, which I was able to make out, "Mica!"

The Dwarven Lance stuck her chest out and walked up to him, who promptly pulled her into a hug.

Sheesh, what is with him and hugging people today? 

Glad I wasn't 'attending' the dinner.

Virion was telling Arthur something involving Mica, Olfred, and Vritra. Judging from the smile he had on his face, it's safe to assume she's innocent.

I found myself growing extremely bored, not being able to hear anything they were talking about. So, to pass the time I resorted to pondering about my last dream-vision.

[He said that the Marchosias are hiding something from you.]

That doesn't exactly narrow it down, they haven't told me about a lot of things.

[He also said it's something you have the right to know.]

That makes it easier. If I remember correctly, even Agrona said something similar to me.

[What he said about the 'true atrocities of Kezess.' You don't necessarily have the right to know something like that.]

Something more personal then… maybe another side effect of the Key.

[No, the key has no other side effects.]

How do you know that for sure?

[I would have noticed if there were any effects on your body.]

Then what else could it be…

Maybe about being the successor?

He could have given us some hints, I grumbled mentally.

[He didn't have any obligation to do that, he told you that to see the Marchosias panic, what makes you think he won't want to mess with us as well?]

That's a good point actually.

I sighed heavily, I'll get to know about this sooner or later anyway. 

I glanced up and noticed everybody sitting at the long table. Crap, I got too carried away.

I walked towards the table, just in time to see Buhnd shout "Hell yeah!" and a stampede of servants walking up to the table, trays of food in their arms.

Time to get started.

The servants began unloading bowls of soup on the table, as I walked up to a certain Lance, smirking deviously.

As the bowl landed in front of Bairon, it dropped into its own shadow making it seem like it went through the table.

Bairon had a shocked look on his face, staring wide eyed at where his soup used to be. 

Before he could respond, I snatched his spoon away too, which disappeared in a similar fashion.

And while the servants began panicking, Bairon fuming with his face red, I took a spoonful of the soup.

"This is a pretty good soup." I admitted out loud, my voice echoing in the empty dimension.

[Even I know that, and I can't even taste it.]

… Can you read my emotions and thoughts too?

[And memories.]

So you're telling me that you've been living in my head with full access to my memories and all my thoughts?



Pay up!



Not much later Ellie asked Arthur something, pointing to his glass of alcohol.

Arthur paused for a second, before agreeing to it.

Why's he giving her alcohol?

[He wants to teach her a lesson, your observation skills need work.]

Excuse me if I don't observe what my brother's intentions are when he's at dinner.


… Good.

Ellie took a big gulp from the glass, and immediately spat it out. Thankfully it was absorbed in a vacuum created by Arthur.

Taking this opportunity, I messed around with his air vacuum, puncturing a hole on his side of the sphere. The liquid spurted out, drenching his face and collar, as I cackled like a madman.

Servants offered him a towel to dry himself off, but Arthur declined, depending on his wind magic to do the deed as he glanced around suspiciously, lingering a while on where I was standing.


[You should get out of here before you're noticed.]

I probably should.

And so, after a few more minutes of harassing the occupants of the room, I left. 


I roamed the empty hallways of the castle, casually conversing with my bond.

'I can see why you wanted to do that," he said, suppressing snickers.

'Yep, it's fun isn't it?'

'I have to agree there.'

[If you two are done discussing your endeavors, you need to head to your brother's room.]

What do you mea-?

'Oh shit.'

[Oh shit indeed my furry companion.]


'Why do I sense Agrona from Arthur's room!' I internally panicked, flying up the stairs.

[How the hell am I supposed to know? Just go and check it yourself dumbass.]

A growl of annoyance escaped my throat, and I dropped all pretense of subtlety and entered my acquire phase.

"Wait," I heard Arthur call out as I emerged in his room, "why are you so interested in our origin?"

Sylvie, now possessed by Agrona judging from the red eyes, smirked, glancing at me, "Let's say I've enjoyed talking with an old friend of yours, King Grey."

With that, he released his hold on her and Sylvie began falling to the ground. 

I Void Stepped behind her, grabbing her before her body impacted the ground.

"There are more…" Arthur whispered, staring at the wall, a hollow expression on his face.

"Yeah." I nodded solemnly, knowing all too well who Agrona could be referring to.

Nico and Cecilia.

"Arthur," I called out, placing an arm over his shoulder, "It'll be okay, it's different this time. We're not as powerless as before." 

He grabbed my hand, grief etched on his face as he reminisced about our previous lives.

"If one of them confronts you, we'll face it together. You can trust me on that." I reassured him.

And if required, I'll give up my life if required.

After all, that's what a King's right-hand does.


"Die!" the Alacryan soldier cried out, diving towards me, sword in hand.

My hand blurred, and his severed torso fell to the ground. I swung my sword in an arc, lightning leaking from the blade and frying the soldiers in close proximity to me.

Raising my sword I sent a massive influx of wind mana into the air, as an ear-splitting noise spread out from around me.

Ears bled and screams tore open multiple throats, as I raised my arm towards them, a glower etched on my face, and let out hundreds, if not thousands of icicle spikes their way.

Disoriented as they were, they stood no chance of evading this. Blood sprouted from their bodies like water from a tap and covered the entire area in red. The remainder of the army began retreating in panic.

I scoffed, these fools really think they can escape.

[Fear often prevails over rationality.]

I raised an arm to the sky as storm clouds began gathering over me. The roar of thunder filled the atmosphere, and the smell of ozone terrified many enemy mages.

The lightning took the form of a massive bird, a thunderbird from the mythology of my old world, and it roared. 

"Fall," I ordered, and the bird dived forward.

A few of the mages glanced back and widened their eyes at the massive creature following them. They never had the chance to scream, as the spell vaporized them, leaving nothing but smoke.

The mana signatures finally fell to zero, and I turned backward, Zeke coming out from my shadow and grew to riding size as I mounted him.

"Let's go," I whispered, and with his newly formed wings of nacht, we took to the skies.


As we neared the wall I forced my face to its usual state, the confident and snarky face of the Fayden Leywin my companions knew.

I rarely returned to the castle nowadays, staying at the wall let me be more combat ready, and there was never a scarcity of Alacryans to kill.

A stray bolt of fire headed our way, and was easily countered by Zeke's own black fireball.

I glanced at the beast, the one who attacked me, and noticed its features. A flarehawk squealed at me, it's usually beige beak now a pitch plack along with the rest of its body, bar the grey feathers.

Waving my arm towards it, I sent a blade of wind so fast that it broke the sound barrier and cut right through the beast.

I didn't spare it another glance as its severed halves fell into the forest below.

Landing on the wall I dismounted from Zeke, who jumped into my shadow.

Mana beasts were still trying to get through the wall, even though they were usually killed pretty quick.

'Any normal beast would have given up by now.'

But these aren't normal beasts are they? They're mutated, courtesy of Agrona and his lackeys.

I was about to join in when the sound of a horn gained my attention.

The horn had sounded from behind a large metal gate about 20 feet in height.

Not much later another horn sounded, and several uniformed workers marched to the gates.

Curious, I walked to the part of the wall with the gate, and looked below.

A familiar face caught my eye.

He's here too huh.

A crowd had formed around the gate as carriages pulled by mana beasts began filling in, mages and warriors walking beside them with their weapons unsheathed.

Their exhaustion was evident in their postures and expressions, but the workers took over and started slowly unloading crates from the carriages.

And I froze when I caught sight of my father helping my mother out of the carriage.

[Looks like the entire family's here.]

Yeah, no shit.

Even the Twin Horns were there, Jasmine, Durden, Helen, Angela, and Adam.

It was a relief to see them alive and well.

"Close the gates!" a soldier roared, and the massive metal gate was lowered.

A soldier carrying a notebook began talking to the driver of the lead carriage, and I enhanced my ears with mana to better hear their conversation.

"We ran into a small team of Alacryan mages just a mile north of the southern border," the driver said, taking off his dented and scraped helmet. "Lost two of my carriages to those bastards." 

The guard looked behind the wiry driver, studying the carriages, and then let out a sharp breath. "After the carriages are unloaded and your men accounted for, come to the main tent. You'll need to do a full debrief." 

The driver didn't wait, already beginning to shed his layers of battered armor, which he dropped unceremoniously to the ground before walking back to his carriage.

'Is it just me or did he seem too casual about being attacked?'

[Seems like this is a common occurrence.]

This is… troublesome.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in as I straightened myself.

A family reunion, it is then.

Opening my eyes, I saw mother hugging Arthur and father watching them.

I smirked deviously, and slipped into my shadow.

"Boo!" I exclaimed, coming out of Arthur's shadow, and making my Father jump in fright.

Glancing at the spear tip aimed at me, I raised an eyebrow at a clearly spooked Adam, who put his spear down as soon as he recognized me. Durden thumped his head for this.

"Fayden. Come here son." Dad pulled me in a hug after recovering from his fright.

"Good to see you too, old man," chuckling, I patted his back.

After he released me, I turned towards my mother, "Hey mom."

It didn't take long for her to wrap me in her embrace.

"I'm glad you're doing well," she whispered.

I didn't reply, instead melting in her hug and the feeling of safety that came with it. I had missed this for the last 3 years…


Authors Note :-

We got a new cover people.

The clean version :

And with this, we've officially entered book 7, where things get sadder.

If you know me, you know that I'll make it even sadder than it is, or I could make it happier. Who knows?

I'll see you next chapter, til then, ciao.