
Strife of the Gods

Marchosias, a race of canine Asuras. Said to have been the smartest of their kind, smart enough to pose a threat to the King of the asuras. After a long war, one which resulted in one mass of land splitting into the two, the Indrarth stood victorious. Now the remnant of an once proud godly beings stay in a realm of their own. And I am their representative, their champion. I have been taken to their homeland of Losvillion to be trained in their ways. Alas not before a rift was created in our family. After revealing our unique situation to them, Mom and Da-no Alice and Reynolds both showed multiple reactions to this revelation. Not a single one of them pleasant. Finally not being able to take it anymore I ran away. Well not run per se, but I might as well have. Perhaps its better this way, I will be able to focus more on getting stronger. For even if we aren't a family anymore, I will still protect them until my dying breath.

Erebus512 · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Barbed Words

We were greeted by the rest of the twin horns, and by greeted I mean crushed in hugs. After exchanging pleasantries we headed to a nearby inn. Soon, we found a large decrepit house that had a sign that boasted itself as the most popular inn for miles.

Because the inn served as a restaurant and bar as well, it was packed with workers and soldiers looking for a drink or a hot meal while getting away from the biting cold, which only got worse as night fell.

It's… it's a L-Lance, in the flesh! Here at my inn! Oh my." The owner of the inn almost fainted when he saw Arthur, squirming like a puppy as he tried to shake his hand, get our forms signed, and call a waiter for a table all at the same time.

'He seems excited.'


"I'm just looking for a quiet dinner and a room for my family and friends," Arthur smiled at him.

"Of course, General Arthur! Jives, clear the patio seats upstairs! Hurry!" the old man barked at a surprised waiter.

"Looks like there are some benefits in knowing you after all," Helen chimed in, nudging Arthur with her elbow.

Durden looked back at the crowd of people currently waiting for a seat. "We probably would've had to wait for a while otherwise."

"He's like a walking talking VIP pass." I commented, successfully making them chuckle.

We were led up a flight of spiraling stairs to a balcony that faced away from the Wall. Even on this side, the small city-like camp was enclosed by curtain walls, obscuring the view of the outside world. Still, I enjoyed being able to see the busy flurry of people down below

There was a fire crackling in a metal furnace just beside our table for warmth and a plate of warm bread and some broth for us to start our meal with.

"How have you two been?" my mother asked after we settled around the table.

"We've been doing okay." I answered. Yeah right, almost killed ourselves multiple times and faced multiple retainers and a scythe. Oh did I mention the part where the enemy leader contacted us?

My mother had aged significantly since the last time we met. After the comfortable life, she had led in Xyrus, being out on the road with the possible threat of death looming around every corner was clearly taking its toll on her. My father still cropped his hair short, but now also sported a full beard that covered most of his face. There were dark bags under his eyes, but he still had a lively expression.

"I can't even feel your cores anymore," my father added. "How strong have you gotten?"

"We've both hit the White core stage a while ago." Arthur answered for us.

Helen let out a whistle and Jasmine nodded in approval. My father smirked openly, looking from me to his friends. "My boys."

As the food came and we continued to talk, some of the weariness and fatigue fell away. My mother smiled more, playfully reprimanding my father when he made a crude joke—just like old times.

The easier times…

Turns out they still kept in touch with Ellie, although not as often as they wanted but every time they got back to Blackbend City, they'd go out of their way to send a transmission to the castle.

"Really?" Arthur said, biting into his grilled fish. "She never told us about it."

"Your sister is in her rebellious stage," my father grumbled, shoving a hunk of broth-soaked bread in his mouth.

Ah, the much dreaded rebellious teenage phase.

"She just replies with 'I'm okay' or 'I'm alive' most of the time," my mother added, her voice laced with worry. "She's okay, right? She's eating well? She's making friends?"

Arthur put down his fork, "If you're so concerned, why don't you go visit the castle? I'm sure that's what Ellie wants."

"Security into the castle has tightened recently. Only heads and above have access to the teleportation gates there, and even they can only go on official business," Helen explained, wiping her mouth with a cloth.

"I can take you myself. Sylvie's not with me to fly us directly, but we can go to Blackbend together and make the jump to the castle," He replied hoping they would agree.

They are not the kind of people who would agree to this Arthur.

Mom and Dad glanced at each other, before Mom spoke, "A new mode of transportation is going to be built underground. Once that's made, we'll be able to visit you and Ellie much more often."

"That's good and all, but I've heard reports that the journey from Blackbend is getting more and more dangerous. Ellie worries about you. I worry about you!"

…I'm not getting into this discussion, it's clear they aren't going to listen.

My mother nodded. "I know, and I don't blame you for your worries, or your frustration, but we have our duties here—people that need our help."

"It's not only your burden. There are other soldiers that can take your place." Arthur shot back harshly, glancing at me for aid.

They won't listen, Arthur, let;s not worsen our relationship even more. I transmitted to him.

We have to try! Help me here, please.

I sighed, Fine.

Angela suddenly sprang up. "Oh, dear. Helen, we never took our belongings out of the carriage!"

'I'll be leaving you to yourself as well, please don't mess it up.'

'I make no promises.'

Helen's expression flowed from confusion to realization, and finally to surprised worry. "Yeah, of course. Let's get them before they get stolen. Come on, you two."

Helen and Angela ushered a confused Durden and irritated Jasmine away with them. Angela glanced back meaningfully before disappearing.

Well, now we have some privacy.

"Arthur," my mother said, breaking the silence. "Our responsibilities here may not be on the scale of what you do as a Lance, but we are still doing our part to win this war and send everyone home that much faster."

"We just don't want you to put yourselves in danger," I said calmly.

"Everyone is in danger while Dicathen is at war," my mother replied. "Even you, two."

"We realize that, but even if something happens to us, our chances of surviving are much higher, not to mention that we've gone through it once already, that dampens the fear of death," I whispered at the end so that no one else could hear.

My father slapped down his utensils on the table. "Do you realize how hypocritical you're being?" he said, scolding me like a child. "So you're saying it's fine for you to put yourself in danger, as long as Ellie, Alice, and I are locked away someplace safe? Abandoning our responsibilities to our kingdom?"

"Exactly!" I shot back with as much intensity, erecting a curtain of sound magic to keep our conversation-if it could be called that, in, "I won't deny my hypocritical words. As long as you guys are safe, I don't give a troll's ass about my own life. That's how I've always been, in this life and the one before."

"We're fighting this war to protect you, but we can't be next to you all the time. What if something were to happen to you or Mom while we're on a mission? Even Ellie… the whole reason she's been so engrossed in training is because she wants to join you! What if she dies, too—like so many others out there!" Arthur all but shouted at them.

"Enough!" my father snapped. He got up from his seat and stared at me fiercely. "Keeping my family safe is my priority, but I also want my family to live happily. That's why we're doing this. Dicathen may not have been your only home, but it's the only home that we know, and if that means dying so that Ellie can live in a better future, then so be it." My father stormed off and my mother followed. She looked back at me solemnly but didn't say anything.

"We may have lived another life before this, but that does not mean we do not care for anything in this life, why do you think I didn't just take all of you to Losvillion and waited this war out?" I delivered another jab before they could leave.

Father didn't respond, other than a sudden sharp intake of breath, and walked away.

With a sigh I let the sound barrier fall. "Damn it."

I glanced at Arthur, sitting silently, unmoving.

"I'll give you some time to yourself," I muttered before heading out of the inn.


Outside I caught the eye of Jasmine, who was advancing towards me.

I shook my head, halting her in her tracks, and pointed towards the inn where Arthur was.

She hesitated, glancing between me and Arthur who flew off the window.

I decided to make the choice easier for her, conjuring my nacht wings and shooting off from the ground at breakneck speeds.

I flew to the wall, landing on one of its ledges and crouching down on it, resting my back on the massive wall, basking in the silence of the area.

That silence, however, didn't last long.

"Hey, kid," Adam panted out, "Look I'm not any good at consoling people, but all I can say is Rey cares a lot about you two, Rey and Alice both. He keeps boasting about how one of his sons is a Lance and how the other son stood up against the whole council."

I chuckled at that memory, we really did scare the shit out of the council.

Adam continued after a few seconds of silence, "You know how Alice was traumatized by the incident with Lensa right? Yet she still fights in the war, why? It's as much for herself as it is for you guys. They're trying to overcome their past mistakes and fears to be better parents for you."

I sighed, "I know, trust me I do. I just...don't want something to happen to them."

Adam patted my shoulder, "That's what they want too, to fight for the continent and keep their children safe."

None of us spoke for a few seconds as silence encompassed the area.

"So" Adam broke the silence, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't let there be another falling out between you guys."

I took a deep breath in, patting Adam's hand on my shoulder, "Thanks for the pep talk Adam."

"Don't mention it." He grinned at me, "I did good right?"

I sighed, "Yeah, you did fine."

"Yes!" He cheered silently.

I shook my head and flew off from the ledge.

"Hey! How am I supposed to get back down!" He shouted after me.

"The same way you got there." I replied, chuckling in amusement.

"But I climbed up here, I can't go back the same way!"

I shrugged midair, somehow, "Find a way then." And flew out of earshot, ignoring his protests.