
Strawhats In MHA

Strawhats crossed into MHA world

lottagameplay · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Strawhats(Traffy too) in MHA

One day, while the strawhats was sailing, "Sanji! I'm hungry!" yelled Luffy. " Yeah, I got it Luffy" said Sanji. " Oi! Guys! There's a whirlpool in front of us!" yelled Usopp that is on the lookout and suddenly a heavy rain fell down, all the crews went to their position and get ready to avoid the whirlpool."Jimbei!! Can you get away from this whirlpool!" Luffy yelled to his helmsman. " Of course captain, I'm not a fishman for nothing!!" Jimbei said determinedly. Then, the whirlpool started becoming bigger and bigger to the point that even Jimbei can't do anything and so the strawhats fell into the whirlpool hole... But not yet! Franky used Coup De Burst to fly up again and used Chicken Voyage to fly back out of the whirpool. All the crew members of strawhats was relieved just to fall into another hole which is another whirlpool.

"Where are we?" Robin said while looking at many tall metal building while sitting at the beach while waking up from the shock of falling into the whirlpool. She saw her friends fainted so she woke up all the others that still faints. All the other strawhats asked the same question as Robin when they woke up "Where are we?". " I don't know" Robin answered. " Anyway, don't you guys think that this place is AWESOME!!!" Luffy said in excitement seeing a tall metal building. " Luffy, this is not the time to think about that! We need to figure out where we are!" Nami scolded Luffy. " This place does seems stunning! it blinded my eyes! not like I eyes anyways! YOHOHOHOHOHO" Brook said his usual bone jokes to the crew members.

After a while, all of the strawhats agreed to ask anyone that comes here first. " But, who should be asking that someone?" Chopper asked the crews. " We should let someone that's the most normal and not grumpy like Zoro, pervy like Sanji and definitely a human. Which left us with just one choice, Trafalgar Law!" Nami suggested to the crews. " Why the hell the you choose me! I'm not even a part of your crews!" Law yelled. and then someone comes to their location " Traffy, go ask that person " Luffy told Law and Trafalgar Law just went along and goes to that person and asked " Where is this? I'm not from around here ". That person answered enthusiastically " Oh!! you're not from here!! This is Japan and the place where the Number 1 hero belongs, All Might!!". " I see, thank you" said Law while going back to the strawhats crew. Law explain it to them, and then they heard a loud noise from the place they thought was a forest of metal.

All the strawhats rushed there especially Luffy to see what it was. Turns out it was a giant man rampaging and stomping the ground. without hesitation, Luffy went to that guy and beat him using only Gomu-Gomu No Pistol. and then all the people gathered there was shocked to see it happen and slowly cheered for Luffy before comes the real hero, All Might.