
Strawhats In MHA

Strawhats crossed into MHA world

lottagameplay · Anime & Comics
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Invited to UA

" Are you the one who defeated this villain young boy?" Our hero, All Might asked to Luffy. " Yes! he is so weak, Shishishishi" Answered Luffy. " Thank you for your help young boy, but do you have a hero license?" Asked All Might again. " No! I'm a pirate not a hero, and I'm gonna be the king of the pirate!!" Luffy told to All Might. " So, you don't have a license and you're a pirate huh? Please come with me young boy for further inspection" All Might said since Luffy beat up a villain without a license. At that time Luffy crewmates and Trafalgar Law arrived at the scene. " Luffy how are you so fast suddenly! this place is confusing!" Usopp told while wheezing. The crowd noticed the crewmates and stared at them as they come to Luffy. " Oh! guys, this spiky hair told me to follow him for further expectation!" said Luffy. " Young boy! it's inspection" All Might corrected him and asked " who are you people?" to Luffy and the rest. " we are sailing and we fell into a whirlpool and we ended up here" Nami, as the representive explained. All Might seem a bit shocked and ordered them to follow him to the U.A for any other action. The strawhats agreed and followed. After the strawhats was gone, one of the people in the crowds said to his friend " h-hey is there a walking skeleton just walking just beside u-us? ". " now that you mention it, th-there is a walking skeleton beside us just now! " said his friend to him. The crowds then started talking about Brook and some other crews, thus giving born to a great rumor that shall be talked about for generation 'The Crews'.

Now at U.A:

"Hey where are we going spiky hair?" Luffy asked All Might. "we are going to principal office young boy. and my name is All Might, do remember that" All Might said while they were walking through the corridor. As they arrived in front of the principal room, of course, they entered it. In there was a mouse sitting while sipping chair." Cool! there's an animal sipping tea! Usopp, Chopper look at that!" Luffy admired principal Nezu. " Yeah, Cool!" Usopp and Chopper said in amusement. " You guys, please enter and make yourself comfortable" Principal Nezu asked them. some of the strawhats(Traffy too) sat and some stand as there's not enough space. Luffy being the person he is sat next to Nezu. " So, what animal are you, huh?" asked Luffy in a contained excitement.

" We'll leave that matter as it's not important shall we. Now, I want to know how did you guys get here and who are you guys?" Nezu said to all of them. " I'm Luffy, he's Zoro, he's Sanji and he's Franky, and that is Usopp and that is Chopper and the big guy is Jimbei , the bones is Brook and that orange girl is Nami and that's Robin Lastly that guy is Traffy". Luffy being the captain introduced all of them to Nezu. " Hey! I'm not Traffy! My name is Trafalgar Law!" Law said as he's mad at Luffy.

"Okay, okay, and how did you guys get here?"

said principal Nezu. " Um, we are hit by a whirpool while we're sailing" said Nami explaining it in a simple way. "Is that so, it means you guys are stranded here right? "

Principal Nezu asked again. "Maybe, but I'm sure that this is not where we are from, rather the world we are from" Explained Nami. " If that's the case, I guess you guys can't get back to your own world for now" Principal Nezu said. " For now, yeah" Nami said. " How about you guys stay here for the time being" Principal Nezu said to them. " Then, we take up on your offer!" Luffy said as he wants to explore this place. " Then it's settled, and do how old are all of you because maybe we can enroll you here or have you teach this school"

" No, I don't want to go to school, it seems boring" Luffy whimpered. " but how old are you?" principal Nezu asked. "I'm 19" Luffy answered. " then, you don't have to go to school" principal Nezu answered. " Now, follow All Might to the lodging please" principal Nezu ordered.

" Okay.." The strawhats answered. " Okay! Follow me young people " All Might said to them. as they were walking eventually they arrived. " This here! Is your lodging for now!!"

All Might said. "Wo-Woooooah!!!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper alike scream in excitement looking at the lodging place.