
9. Skater Jack (Lumax)

A/N: Hello! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner but I've been SO busy writing, you guys! NOTE: I'M PRESSING PAUSE ON YOUR PROMPT REQUESTS! I love how enthusiastic you are, but I AM drowning in prompts lmao. So, until further notice (I'll tell you guys here when you can request again), no requests please! I'm focusing on the prompts you guys have been giving me already :D. This is for 'Abi117' who wanted jealous Lucas, age 16-17. Enjoy and be ready for new updates!

Prompt: Jealous Lucas.

Lucas tried not to look angry as Max walked towards him, smiling and clutching the strap of her backpack, turning back to wave at the shaggy haired boy still standing by her locker.

He knew he was being a bit obvious in his annoyance, knowing his face was betraying his feelings, and he shifted against the wall as his girlfriend finally approached him.

"Hey," she poked his middle. "I'm ready."

"Great." He answered, pulling away from her touch and taking her hand in his.

He started walking fast, pulling her behind him through the parking lot, towards his car.

"Everything okay?" Max asked him wearily.

"Why wouldn't it be?" He asked neutrally; or at least that's what he was going for, but instead his tone sounded sarcastic.

"Okay," she stopped in the middle of the parking lot, making him stop, too, because of her hold on him. "What's wrong?" Her blue eyes searched his face.

"Nothing." He lied, not looking at her.

"Lucas," she looked concerned. "What's wrong?" She repeated, walking closer to him and squeezing his hand for attention.

He sighed, closing his eyes against his will. He didn't want to make a scene, and he knew he was starting something that made little sense, but he was still annoyed and jealous and they weren't the type of couple to keep things from each other.

"You looked awfully happy just now." He said, looking down at her with cautious eyes.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, her mouth parting, and then her face pinched in bewilderment. "What, with Jack?"

"Yes, with Jack." He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

She scoffed. "Lucas, you got to be kidding me." Her hand unclutched his to cross her arms under her breasts. "Are you jealous?"

"I—" His head rolled against his shoulders, closing his eyes, and exhaling. "Yes, I am."

Her bark of laughter made him snap his eyes open, glaring down at her. How dare she mock his feelings now? "This is not funny!"

"Yes, it is!" She grabbed his arm, still laughing. "Lucas, oh my god, how can you be jealous of Jack?"

"You laugh with him all the time! You don't like a lot of people, and you aren't even in the same classes to make him your classmate." He explained frustrated.

"Okay, yes, I don't like most people," she conceded, nodding her head and still clutching his arm. "But Jack is the most idiotic dude I've ever met! And I've met Dustin." He snorted involuntarily at that.

"But you know he likes you." He raised his eyebrows pointedly.

"So? I don't like him; I like you." She purred, squeezing his arm and pressing her nose against his chest.

"I know, and I trust you, but he's taking your friendliness as something else." He breathed her in, closing his eyes to bask in her sent. As much as Max liked to avoid being a girl, she always smelled like cinnamon and a splash of vanilla, and that drove him nuts.

"Listen, he's funny and he's pretty good with the skateboard, but he also smells like weed all the time, and he never takes off that awful beanie," he laughed as she began to rant. "What I'm trying to say is that even though I do like his company, I wouldn't ever look at him as boyfriend material. Not even as crush material! So, don't worry, I'm not about to leave you for skater Jack." She laughed against his chest.

"Sorry, carrot." He mumbled against her head after a few minutes, a little embarrassed by his outburst.

"Hey, it's okay," she leaned up to kiss his cheek. "It's natural to get jealous when you've got a girlfriend as hot as me."

He laughed out loud, shaking his head and smiling until his eyes creased. "I love you."

She smiled happily and leaned in to kiss his pouty lips, humming contentedly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he placed his on her hips.

"I love you, too, stalker." She grinned, still fond of the old nickname. "Now, take me to your house."

"Yes, sir." He teased, throwing an arm around her shoulders and pressing a loving kiss to her head, resuming their walk to his car.