
Stranger Things: Journey into the Twisted Mind

Some people exist with pride, others fight with pride, some compete with pride, and others fail with pride, but few can resign with pride. When you finish reading this paragraph, congratulations! You have imagined how this last case would be. Jonathan was a proud surgeon who believed that in each of his surgical interventions with patients on the brink of death, he had a battle with death that he had never lost. Challenging death was something that filled him internally with excitement, but it all ended when he died at the hands of someone determined to heal. Death could be accepted, but thanks to unknown individuals, he had another chance, one where, although it would be very different, there was a freshness that would lead him down another path. But as he spent his days as a high school student, something changed within him, and with his new abilities, he discovered that things could be much more interesting if he bet his life in another way. ... The world of strange things is integrated into the series in chapter 35 onwards, the pragmatist will reach that world through a wormhole

SrCuervo · Movies
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Thoughts and Assumptions

Yina watched Nick for a while. Even though she had already heard his thoughts, she wanted to be one hundred percent sure.

"What if he's simply changing his mind? After all, a person's mind is complicated."

When Yina saw that not only was Nick in no condition to attack, but he also didn't have any weapons with him, she stopped being alert.

Unaware that she was being overprotective with Jonathan, she nodded.

"Fine, I just want to be sure about something." After saying that, Yina sat down.

'What is this about?'

"I'm really eager to know what happened to those three."

The class's attention was still on them. While Nick was now paralyzed in front of Jonathan, the latter looked around and noticed that they were the center of attention, which he didn't like.

Jonathan sat down and said, without looking Nick in the eyes, "Let's continue this during the break."

Nick gritted his teeth out of fear and nodded.

"Alright…" Nick also sat down.

'Is that it?'

'What about the drama? This was getting intense!'

While the class got excited about this unexpected situation, Alicia stared at Jonathan and thought, 'What's his relationship with Yina? I was happy when I thought they were a couple, but it seems I was wrong.'

Then she looked at Nick and saw the concern on his face.

It looks like Mike still has feelings for Yina. I guess he's worried about why Yina was protecting Jonathan. Ha, ha, ha, I love this drama.'

Yina didn't hear her thoughts. Just like in a normal conversation, she couldn't understand two people narrating their extreme romance stories simultaneously. She could only concentrate on one. Currently, she was focusing on Nick's thoughts, wanting to know about this gang and their intentions.

Meanwhile, Jonathan was a bit surprised. 'Is Yina worried about me? Right, I didn't tell her that no matter what wound I have, I won't die unless they crush my head...'

He kept thinking until Professor Gerardo entered.

When it was time for roll call, he discovered that the "long-lost" student had returned.

"Nick Manawa…" Then he noticed Nick and his state. "What happened to you?"

"I had an accident, sir."

'Is he hiding it?' Yina also understood that this was because he wouldn't tell everyone that he almost died at the hands of the person he wanted to hit.

She still hadn't heard that he had withdrawn the case against Jonathan.

Just like Alicia let her thoughts flow, many students also thought. 'I thought he fought with Jonathan. But no way, Jonathan is a chess player compared to Nick, who does contact sports.'

'So it has nothing to do with Jonathan or Yina, uh... A bit strange.'

'What's going on now!? Is this idiot preparing to ruin my life!? What does this bastard want with my future puppy!?'

Even after reading Alicia's mind many times, Yina had to get used to what she was saying.

"Accident, huh… Well, be careful next time. Not that you missed much in my class, of course. Since you're still recovering, I'll go easy on you, and when you're well, that's when... Don't worry about me; I think the other teachers will be understanding too."

"Yes, sir, thank you." Nick nodded. 'What a good teacher...'

However, after that, Nick feared the moment of the morning break. As much as he feared, time passed, and the break began.

In the end, Yina felt sorry for Nick. She also didn't find any useful information, not even from Professor Gerardo, who thought more about his soccer matches than anything else.

When it was time for the break, Jonathan stood up. As expected, Nick followed him. However, what he didn't expect was for Yina to follow them, drawing the class's attention again.

Jonathan stopped and turned to Yina.

Nick immediately gave way to the two, as if he feared getting involved.

"I want to go too." Knowing what Jonathan wanted to ask, even though she couldn't hear his thoughts, Yina answered his doubt.

The three were already in the hallway. Even students from other classes saw them and were curious. Meanwhile, their classmates peeked and tried to secretly listen to what this love trio was saying.

Their curiosity was too strong, especially when it came to Nick, who looked beaten up as if he owed money, and the introverts, who had been drawing a lot of attention lately.

Jonathan couldn't say no.

'This is going to be very embarrassing... I just want to try to apologize to Nick for almost killing him and not finishing him off if he's interested in telling the authorities more things.'

Seeing the looks of their classmates, Jonathan had no choice but to say, "Alright."

Then he turned and continued walking. Jonathan didn't want to draw much more attention. Everything was becoming unnecessary drama; the students' minds were too close to romantic stories.

'Wait, why is Jonathan leading them?'

The class thought it was very strange that Jonathan, who wouldn't have been noticed if he didn't have good chemistry with Yina, was leading them.

Yina, who heard their thoughts, turned to them and stared. Just from this look, her classmates forgot to follow them.

Of course, Jonathan first went to the cafeteria to buy something to eat.

'He really has his own priorities, huh.' Yina smiled; however, when she looked at Nick, she felt sympathy again.

Unexpectedly, Jonathan also bought Yina her snacks like before.

Yina's heart raced a little as she took the snacks. Jonathan then looked at Nick and asked, "Aren't you going to buy anything?"

"No, but let me pay." Nick, who was sweating, shook his head like a rattle. 'How can he be so calm about this!? This psycho, you're torturing me!'

Yina secretly nodded when she read those thoughts, and she really felt sympathy.

At a table, Nick sat across from Jonathan, while Yina was beside him, eating her snacks like a squirrel.

Jonathan moved while hiding the fact that he found this scene very funny.

'Focus, Jonathan; leave future investments for another occasion.' Jonathan thought before looking at Nick. The latter was much calmer than he expected.

Nick wiped his sweat and thought, 'Good thing there's a lot of people. But I still have to be careful; I don't know what he's thinking.'

Yina, who had taken off her glasses to read everything as best as she could, thought, 'I don't know what he's thinking either, and I'm psychic.'

Nick wanted to say something, but he froze when Jonathan handed him his snacks.

"I apologize for what I did to you."

Surprising both Yina and Nick.

Yina then remembered that Jonathan mentioned apologizing once he saw Nick.

'So he listened to my advice.' Yina's ears twitched nervously.

'All that for a sandwich, juice, and cookies!?' Yina almost crushed what she was eating.

"Of course, I don't expect you to forgive me. After all…" Jonathan looked around to see if anyone was listening before leaning forward, scaring Nick even more, and whispering, "After all, I planned to kill you from the moment you talked to that detective; ha, ha, ha, you gave me big problems."

He had thought a lot about it, didn't believe this idiot would give him real problems, and never thought about him again until now. The truth is, he never considered this mosquito necessary to kill; he had withdrawn the charges, and upon discovering that there were no more cops around, he put the matter aside.

But now that he was back, the idea of killing him grew to save himself trouble.

Thank you for reading. You can read more than 20 chapters on my Patreon: SrCuervo

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