
Stranger Things: Journey into the Twisted Mind

Some people exist with pride, others fight with pride, some compete with pride, and others fail with pride, but few can resign with pride. When you finish reading this paragraph, congratulations! You have imagined how this last case would be. Jonathan was a proud surgeon who believed that in each of his surgical interventions with patients on the brink of death, he had a battle with death that he had never lost. Challenging death was something that filled him internally with excitement, but it all ended when he died at the hands of someone determined to heal. Death could be accepted, but thanks to unknown individuals, he had another chance, one where, although it would be very different, there was a freshness that would lead him down another path. But as he spent his days as a high school student, something changed within him, and with his new abilities, he discovered that things could be much more interesting if he bet his life in another way. ... The world of strange things is integrated into the series in chapter 35 onwards, the pragmatist will reach that world through a wormhole

SrCuervo · Movies
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43 Chs

Curiosity Is Never a Good Thing

Special moments can be different from completely different points of view. While Jonathan was struggling with many students his age to get the best food, Yina went out alone to get something in the cafeteria.

Yina had never shared her time with anyone else. She didn't remember having friends, let alone talking to anyone other than herself. To pass the time, she spent it playing video games on her cell phone, believing it was the only way to forget her pain—the pain of having been born and becoming the curse of her family.

At least this way, she could stop thinking that her father hated her for her mother's death. If she hadn't been born, maybe things would be different now.

"There shouldn't be anyone here..." Yina sneaked up to the stairs at the side of the first building.

'Even though it's the first day and new students are exploring the school, there's no one here. The teachers are right! This is a secret place that no one should know about.' Yina opened the emergency stairwell door and sat on the first step.

Alone once again...

Now that Yina was alone, she stared at the snacks she had managed to get with great difficulty. She opened the first one and slowly took a bite of her sandwich.

"The tuna doesn't taste so bad."

Very different from how she acts in front of others, Yina seems like a happier girl when she's completely alone and with no one watching her.

Her glasses, as she had said before, prevented her from frequently reading the thoughts of others. Her blindness was severe, but she could still see a little without her glasses, so when she was alone, she took them off.

'This place is far from the cafeteria and public areas. Maybe once they explain what to do in case of an emergency, this place will be full of couples with too much free time,' Yina sighed deeply.

'I hope not. I hate eating in the bathroom, and even more so when spending time in the classroom. All those fake classmates would start talking behind my back again.'

'Besides, I hate it when I hear dirty, stupid, or creepy thoughts. Everyone is so fake; I hate this.' Yina, who had her head covering most of her face, started laughing strangely, as if she were suffering. But then she realized she had already eaten everything she had bought.

'This is a problem. I don't remember if phones are prohibited here or not. I'll have to wait for the basic instructions. So I'll just stare into space. It's still better than listening to all those fools wanting to make friends.'

'How should I categorize the new students at this high school? For the new school year and being in different classrooms with different students, I think the class president is funny—a very hypocritical girl but certainly funny. Much better than the thoughts of students who spend their time creating sexual fantasies or jealous girls who criticize their best friend the most.'

Yina thought as she secretly started playing with her cell phone. She rarely read people's thoughts and had never had a good outcome from it, so it was very rare when she did.

Upon returning to the classroom, she saw that the boy in front of her seemed angry.

"That idiot, I'm going to kill him."

Yina felt curious and took off her glasses to clean them, even though her desire was to know what he was thinking.

'This idiot! I waited there for thirty minutes, expecting him! And when I came back here, that idiot ignored me completely, as if he hadn't promised me lunch! I swear I'll give him the beating of his life later, damn it.'

Nick's thoughts crossed with Yina's. This made her uncomfortable; she never thought Nick could be so malicious.

'So there are still bullies here, huh? I thought this school was strict about that. The main bullies and delinquents from last year were expelled. Well, maybe they were expelled. I don't know; they disappeared suddenly, and I didn't care back then.'

"I have a lot; do you want candy? You can call me Jon; I hope we become friends." Jonathan smiled at Yina, who seemed friendless, just like someone who hadn't realized they also had no friends, wanting to socialize with the socially withdrawn.

"Oh..." Yina didn't know how to respond, but fortunately, the teacher returned at that moment, and the class continued. Like any exhausted teacher, he continued with a PowerPoint presentation.

"So, here are the rules..."

"I think it's obvious that bringing any weapons to school is prohibited."

"Girls, your skirt must be this long."

"In times of emergency, this is the route to safely exit. Remember it well; it will depend on whether you live or die. By the way, you will only use this access in emergency situations, understand? Since there are no cameras in that place due to maintenance, we have found couples engaging in inappropriate activities, and they are now expelled from the school."

'Yes, couples should be extinct. Only then would no one bother me in that place.' Yina was excited, but her face remained expressionless, as if nothing around her mattered. She hadn't even touched the candies Jonathan had kindly given her.

Yina wasn't a bad person; she deeply believed that Jonathan seemed to pity her or was just like her, which wouldn't benefit her at all. She'd rather be alone a thousand times than poorly accompanied.

'Those candies are cherry...' Yina stared at the candies, then secretly took and stored them without looking at Jonathan, who was either falling asleep or pretending to be.

While Yina thought to herself, Jonathan's senses were drifting further away, soon going beyond the school grounds. From what he could see, his deskmate had supernatural abilities. Her eyes had shone, something he easily noticed. It seemed that every time she took off her glasses, she could read others' thoughts.

Was this only related to weak minds?

Jonathan intuited that she didn't seem to be able to smell all his thoughts. Maybe that's why Yina didn't trust him and didn't want to talk about the video games he also used to keep his mind busy.

'I'll investigate her later; I'm in no hurry...' Jonathan didn't have much to do. He was excited but felt disappointed when he discovered Yina's abilities seemed limited to mind-reading.

Yina was about to try a candy when she noticed Nick's intense gaze on Jonathan, who was asleep.

There was no need to read Nick's thoughts to know he was furious and wanted to hit Jonathan, but obviously, he wouldn't do anything like that, right?

"Just this once..." Yina took off her glasses again without anyone noticing and directed her gaze at Nick.

'If that idiot apologizes and promises to buy me lunch, I'll forgive him tomorrow.'

Yina put her glasses back on and thought, 'It seems I was thinking too much. At least everything will be resolved. Wait, how do I assume Jonathan will apologize, especially to a bully?'

Yina's thoughts lasted until the first half of the second study period, and it was time for many to take a break to eat a snack.

Nick then stood up, walked in front of Jonathan, and said, "Hey, idiot with huge dark circles, I won't hit you if you buy me something from the vending machine. I've been hungry since you didn't buy me anything."

"Of course, I'll buy you something." Jonathan nodded and stood up.

"I'll keep my eyes on you!" Then Nick sat back down at his desk.

Yina, who had never been so interested in other people's affairs, seemed excited to know the outcome of this story.

'Why doesn't Jonathan just get some food for that idiot? It would save him a lot of trouble.'

Just as she was thinking that, she saw that Jonathan never returned until the teacher entered the classroom for the last study session of the day.

Yina, who was aware of this story, saw how Nick was even angrier when he saw Jonathan drinking a soda.

"I got you this strawberry cake. I thought you might like it."

"No..." Yina froze. He shouldn't have bought it for her, but for Nick, who seemed to be trying to bully Jonathan unsuccessfully at every turn.

Welcome to my new novel, tomorrow I expect your power stones and only good ones are accepted or else the crows will eat you.

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