
second story.....

( ...i..lied...and..now..im..dead)

It was the year 2016 , October 14, ... Hello my Isiah vo Gonzalez

I'm 14 .. but I won't be turning 15 ..... next year since we'll.... let's begin the story..

It was the next morning a day that I though was normal but.... when I went down stares and saw , my mom was sitting by the counter drinking a cup of coffee and, she looked sad while she was looking at our photos we had tooken a couple years back in 2010... I had said good morning to my mother as she didn't reply ....

I went to tap her on the shoulder only to find my hand going through her body ... I stared blankly at my hand and at my mother thinking to my self am I dreaming this feels way to real to be a dream I started shouting mother can you see or hear me then she let out a sighn and said only if Isiah were still here....

I cried out saying mom, mom, mom ! I am here can't you see me ?

Please tell me your joking..... please....!

Am I dead I don't wanna be dead I don't wanna be a ghost trapped in this ghostly body ..... I wanna be with you I don't wanna go away I want ... to live!!

what could i have done to upset the god ?

Am I not enough ...

How did

I die ....

Yesterday was fine but ,how... ,how could I have died

T-t-this has to be joke I cried out I thought of memories that would've happened if I were there ...

Why ... why am I dead how am I a ghost .... this had to be a dream.....

I walked out side and screamed ..... can anyone see me?

After 10 minutes waiting , I heard someone walking and I turned around and saw a 13 year old kid standing behind me... I asked .. can y.y..you s..see ...m..me?

The kid replied your a ghost to huh?

I replied yes.. I Think.... the kid replied ...

Did you lie?

I said yes about something dumb why...

The kid replied with a saying " the truth can not cost you anything but a lie can cost you everything....

I asked is there a way I can fix this?

Kid replied" unfortunately no there's no cure... you'll live like this till your old....

I cried and screamed... I'm sorry ! Please! Please.... help...

I can't live like this forever....

Any last words the kid asked.. I replied what do you mean..?

Say your last words and you be at peace..

I hesitated for a minute and said I want my family to know I love them and care so much... and that I'm sorry I lied ..... about************

( comment and male up a lie ! Anything you want and make a character he lied to about something dumb! Thank you for reading

this story is about a boy named Isiah he is 14 and was a great student but the next day he woke up he was not visible to his parents he thought it was a prank at first untill he realized....

elfy_2018LxAcreators' thoughts