
Average Tuesday

The roiling skies started to turn a blood red and a downpour started, it was not rain but blood the guardsman sitting in there trenches confused opened there hands in unison and this legion of human cusps blood red liquid in there hands and as they looked at it confused a lightning bolt rung out and the men grabbed there lasguns and held at attention

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD , SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE " Cried out an inhuman voice which carried such killing intent it sundered the mind

At those very word men started to run and as they did a bolt gun fired cleaving a guardman in half


A woman draped in red and black said with vicious zealously and as they did the guardsman all lined up on there trenches ready.

A mountain was in the distance and that mountain started to turn red but as time went past it was not a colouration but a army, the rapturous charge of a army could be heard over the downpour and the snarling of blood-starved beasts could be heard.

3 Bolt gunshots resounding felling another 3 guardsman and banging of the same came from around the trenched echoing through it

Scared and shivering the guardsman sured up and started a barrage of red beams as they impotently plinked of the brass armour in this barrage of untouchable shots ,it did not stop them and as they closed the blood-starved Warband were raising a rapturous noise


An army of red hulking beasts ferociously charged with renewed vigor closing on the trench which stretched nigh endlessly, they were a legion of monsters, covered by brass and red , cutting swathes of guardsman apart as they charged and flanked by guns raining shells which ruptured the bodies of the men it hit with deathly precision


Challenging one of these beasts in this slaughter one looked at her , the helmet it wore snarled and as it twitched to her like a starving beast it charged and faster than she could pull the trigger,

the beast closed and a revving axe started to carve into her lifting her up , with one last breath she pulled the bolt gun up and fired , light fading from eyes and blood oozing out like a cascading river she looked straight at the beast the face still held aloft on a axe which chugged on her innerds,the helmet was blown apart and the very bone was bare and she saw the eyes of the beast ,it was glowing with a great rage ,the beast wretched the axe out of her throwing her to the side .5 Bloody hounds jumped on her dying carcass and ripped her apart and only fleshy scraps remained

The beasts continued with there revving axes disimbolwing enemies as there great cremation chains chunked on the viscera of the guardsman it did not stop there advance and they continued there slaughter

As the fights continued the echoes of battle rung out, screams of the dying and prayers to there corpse emperor, the snarling god wrought being bringing bloody slaughter and the laughing of dark gods echoed through the battlefield


A man draped in navy blue with trimmed gold was sitting upon his desk looking at the runiation brought upon the world with eyes like daggers watching as the skies he stared at it turning red ,if this world is not for the emperor no one shall have it

"The world is lost"

Breaking in a serf walked in panting

"Casualty report "

"No vox commence sir from any commanders,sir "

"Exteriatus the world "

"But sir there are 7 Million guardsman down there"

"But sir! Dont but sir me ,send the orders to shoot the cyclonic torpedos torpedos,They should be honoured to die for the emperor "

"Report back when your done and bring me a drink "

Minutes passed and in the echo bead in his ear the man draped in navy blue trimmed with gold said

"I consine every soul on this world to the void ,may the emperor have mercy on his servant's souls, FIRE"

As those words ended the ship shuddered as torpedos went towards the planet like javelins and as they descended they struck true, the shockwave cracked the world and a great hellfire ravaged the surface sundering

As the world blackened a crack formed on the surface of the world and it shattered and as the admiral watched,

"Perpare for warp tranlastion, we are leaving"

"Acknowledged" chimed in a dead metallic voice

After a few minutes a husk of a boy not even 16 ,his body turned cybernetic and the very soul looked like it dimmed within it ,as it limped forward it put the glasses down, it was a slave ,a mind-wiped cybernetically modified slave, a servitor

"Thank you for bringing the drinks ,surf " a minor chuckle rung out of the admiral

The admiral kicked up his feet and smelled the amesek and drunk slowly staring at the servitor made from the serf who dared question him